I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 301.

After arriving at the bustling night market, the two of them picked a hotel with a brisk business and had dinner together in a simple but elegant room with a table full of delicious food and a nice bottle of wine.

Talking about their respective insights, telling jokes, discussing current events, and sometimes also commenting on the current situation, the atmosphere is getting more and more warm, both of them quite happy.

The two of them have a lot of time and money to spend on their own business, and they have to take the initiative in order to do so.

But neither of them said through, Carlos one because he felt the time was not right, and two because he was not short of women, not reduced to the lower half of the body to think, so hazy feeling is also quite good.

Anyway, he is still young, the peach rabbit is not too old, there is still a lot of time, not to mention the world has prolonged life treasures, such as his most wanted pure gold, as long as the pure gold, immortality is not a dream, so Carlos is not anxious, intend to give the peach rabbit to a day to day love.

He has never been in love before he came to this world, and he has experienced many women, but he has no intention of getting married, and the peach rabbit is perhaps the most hopeful person to marry him, but due to the identity of the two, this kind of thing cannot be rushed.

With his power and strength nowadays he was also qualified to enjoy the taste of love, so Carlos was in no hurry, take his time, meet, know, love, and keep each other one step at a time, just like brewing wine, the more brewed it is, the more mellow it will be!

As for the possibility of being cut off, Carlos wasn't too worried, he kept an eye on the fact that the intelligence apparatus established by his Stacy was stealthily expanding outward, and the Navy was one of the key targets.

Anyone who dared to intercept him would be taken out!

To consummate a marriage, that's impossible. He's not that noble of a man, Carlos!

Peach Hare understands what Carlos thinks of her, but is willing to continue to deal with Carlos, in addition to the orders of the navy's top brass, but also because she does not hate Carlos, this is a different person, quite funny, and not those evil people, why not deal with each other?

Women would like to be liked and chased by a man, whether he accepts it or not, but women certainly like it, or at least their hearts steal joy, because it proves their charm!

Being seen by a top strong man like Carlos, a big man who had some influence in the world, Peach Rabbit was actually quite happy inside.

After a pleasant dinner, the two left the hotel to go to the night market, instantly eating some street food, both of them were strong, and had strong control over their bodies, and could definitely eat something over painful!

To say dirt, Carlos is interested in the peach rabbit, untouched by the peach rabbit is the strongest reason, the great swordsman's physical qualities naturally needless to say, find such a woman as a partner, he can enjoy hehehehehe

Ordinary women can't be whipped, but men can't be whipped, but they can't be happy enough to be whipped!

The two of them returned to their residence only after strolling until late at night, Carlos' place had already been arranged, and it was the same villa as the last time he came, and not long after that, the lights of the villa went out.

In fact, the bedroom of the villa was already empty, and when he returned to the villa, Carlos sensed that someone was watching him, which couldn't be blamed on the Navy.

In fact, Carlos came to the naval headquarters in addition to see the peach rabbit, but also really want to do something, the main thing Carlos can not forget, the genius of the Beiga Punk genius scientist is the object of Carlos to do something.

Scientists who are not a genius but Bega Punk is the genius of geniuses, the scientist's no. 1, the value is huge!

The last time Beiga Punk was in the Navy's experimental base, this time Carlos was not in a position to ask such sensitive questions, Beiga Punk's whereabouts were a secret in the Navy and in the world government, his identity rashly asking questions really aroused suspicion, last time it was okay, after all, there was a legitimate reason to endorse!

Carlos is going to visit the dolphin research lab tonight!

Leave the rest area without a sound, cross the space directly to the last seen naval research experimental base outside the gate, then use the space ability to sneak in without a sound to carry out, looking for the trace of Beiga Punk.

Carlos prayed that Beiga Punk was in the Naval Research Experimental Base, or else it would be a bit of trouble to find Beiga Punk, after all, there were quite a few Beiga Punk experimental bases.

However this time Lady Luck didn't look for the entire naval research base as Carlos lifted up his skirt and searched, and even Carlos hypnotized the researchers with no sign of Beiga Punk.

The other researchers didn't know which base Beiga Punk had gone to, and only a handful of people knew the route of Beiga Punk's whereabouts.

Carlos had to memorize some of the sub-base locations he had gotten from the researchers and go back to them when he was done with the World Conference.

That wasn't really enough, going to look for it was just taking a chance, no one knew exactly how many research bases there were in Beiga Punk, even the world government only knew the detailed location of the research experimental bases they had built for Beiga Punk.

Under the world government's surveillance and house arrest, Bega Punk could only play around in the experimental research bases established by the world government, he himself established private research experimental bases others generally can't find, some of these bases were established as early as when Bega Punk was put under house arrest by the world government.

So it was only a matter of chance for Carlos to find some of the bases that the researchers were talking about.

Naturally, Carlos wasn't satisfied with this kind of luck, so he still needed to do more, clear his memory, leave the Naval Research Experimental Base, and finally find a remote place in Marin Vandor, take out the phone bug, and dial Stacy's side of the phone.

When the call came through, it was quite noisy there, and by the sound of the voice Stacy should be working the Pleasant Street, but after a while, it was quiet.

"BOSS, what can I do for you?" Stacy's soft voice rang out.

"I'm going to find a trace of Vegapunk." Carlos got right to the point.

"Bega Punk? The man is quite sensitive in the world government, and the time to find him will not be short, and it may be costly."

"Time doesn't matter, I can afford to wait, and as for the price as long as you don't get involved."

"I'm going to the world conference in a few days, and in the meantime I'll be doing some secret research."

"Understood, BOSS, then I'll arrange it immediately."


After saying that Carlos hung up the phone, while Stacy, who was located in the New World, took out a box of phone bugs in the specially constructed secret room, and under the protection of the anti-eavesdropping phone bugs, called one by one and set up tasks.

After giving his orders, Carlos returned to the villa to rest.

In the early morning Carlos woke up, and then ran to the peach rabbit's villa to ring the doorbell, ready to rub breakfast, so the unprepared peach rabbit can only prepare another breakfast, Carlos sat on the soft sofa like a grandfather waiting for breakfast.

The peach rabbit also doesn't mind Carlos as a grandpa, because she won't think Carlos can cook at all, since she can't, it's better not to help.

On the dining table, breakfast is still quite rich, bread, milk, omelette, pancakes, snacks, noodles, the two of them sat opposite each other, eating breakfast in silence, the atmosphere is a bit ambiguous.

After eating, Carlos, a rare diligent man, took the initiative to bag the task of washing up, making the peach rabbit's mood a lot more pleasant.

After breakfast, it was time to go out, but Carlos did not want to, so he wanted to stay in Peach Bunny's home, so he took out a pair of mahjong, four short of two, and asked Peach Bunny to call someone she was familiar with to rub the mahjong.

There were few women who were not interested in mah-jong in their leisure time, and Peach Hare was not among the exceptions!

Chapter 334 - The Rendezvous

Carlos stayed at Naval Headquarters for three days, and as the three days passed, there were more news reports about the World Conference, exploding substantially and suppressing basically all other news.

In order to ensure the smooth convening of the World Government Conference, the World Government began to draw down its forces, the top two warriors of the Naval Headquarters were drawn back, Kuzan and Polusalino were both drawn back, and of the three generals, only Sakaski was still sitting in the New World.

In addition to the top warriors of the Admiralty, a portion of the Admirals were also drawn back, these people and the World Government's Army, the World Government's spy agency formed an impenetrable but strong protective net, the Navy as the face of the World Government, responsible for the peripheral defense work.

Peach Hare was also one of the personnel deployed this time, the two of them temporarily parted, Peach Hare followed the naval forces to Marijoa, while Carlos left the naval headquarters to go to the United States of Darkness fleet, which was already not too far away from Marijoa.

After inquiring about the location through the phone bug, Carlos used the Divine Might to make his way and soon found the delegation representing the United States of Darkness at the World Conference, of course Carlos was the core of this delegation.

Today's weather was fine, the sky was high and the clouds were light, under the blue sky, the three ships flying the flag of the Black Night Underworld Moon were riding the wind and breaking the waves on the sea, like three arrows slicing through the sea.

Suddenly, the space on the middle ship was distorted, Carlos' figure stepped out from it, and the delegation of the United States of Darkness that had been waiting on the deck long ago endured the horror in their hearts and bowed incessantly, "Join Your Majesty!"

This was the first time the United States of Darkness participated in the World Conference, so it was very important, in addition to Carlos, the king of the highest position, the leader of the group was the deputy speaker of the council, Noah, and a former spokesman of the five mafia families, who was also a member of the council, the status of the rest of the people in the United States of Darkness was also well known.

"Rise and shine, have you brought the royal robes?" Carlos spoke faintly.

"You can't forget anything about the king's robe," Noah stepped forward with a pleasing smile.

"Well have someone take me to my dressing, Marijoa is not far away."


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