I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 306.

As such, Carlos decided to give them even more benefits, and tied all of these kingdoms onto the chariot of the United States of Darkness.

Carlos proposed to establish an alliance of kingdoms in the West Sea, with the United States of Night as an ally, the rest of the kingdoms Wei members, we interoperate and share benefits, with the West Sea as the base camp, towards the expansion of other waters, in a word, follow the United States of Night to eat and drink spicy, will not starve them!

The kings of the West Sea expressed great interest in getting help from the most influential United States of Darkness in the West Sea, and with them, their power would surely increase!

The kings weren't very worried about whether or not the United States of Night would annex them, the world government wouldn't allow the United States of Night to dominate in the Western Sea, the Union was ultimately looser and far less unified than the One West Sea.

Secondly, the United States of Night wanted to annex them, it was really hard for them to resist, because the power of the United States of Night was too strong to transfer back to the New World, and since the United States of Night hadn't been doing that, it meant that others had been looking at the New World and didn't look down on their land at all.

It was a bit humiliating to look down on them, but it was better than being exterminated, and that was a good thing for them.

The matter of the alliance, after the world meeting was over, everyone would then agree to discuss it properly, as the world meeting had officially begun.

Except for the relevant people, all the others left, the kings of various countries sat in gorgeous and exquisite chairs with serious faces, the meeting was presided over by a senior official of the world government, and the world meeting officially began.

It was worth mentioning that the World Government also had a seat at the World Conference, in fact no one was missing them, they were here to represent the major Triton families, except for the Alabastan royal family that hadn't moved into Marijoa, a total of nineteen Triton representatives were present.

The length of the World Conference is different every time, mainly depends on the number of topics, sometimes the topics are few, and there are not too many tattling and shouting, then it will be over soon; the topics are many, all tattling and shouting, and it is not surprising that the conference is in session for half a month!

Carlos is largely uninterested in those topics, even the ones that are of immediate national interest.

So what if they don't pass, so what if they do?

Carlos' mentality is that if it's favorable to the United States of Darkness then he'll acknowledge it and abide by it, and if it's unfavorable then he'll ignore it and pretend it didn't pass.

You can disobey and go to the world government and complain, but still I'll do what I want, strong enough to destroy me!

It's a world where the strong are the ones who can do whatever they want!

It is impossible to deal with a strong country for the sake of justice for a weak one, or at most to make peace with it, or to be beaten for being backward.

It's an immutable law. Does it count if your brother beats up your brother? Internal family conflicts, external family conflicts toughing it out was more like it.

So Carlos stayed at the world meeting and closed his eyes, closed his mind, wandered off, passed the time anyway, didn't speak, didn't give advice, didn't support, didn't oppose, and waited quietly for what he wanted to come.

After the morning meeting, a sumptuous and luxurious dinner, and a half-hour break, the world meeting continued.

Carlos found a book of interest to bring into the meeting room and passed the time with a book of his own to read.

To be honest, this was not in line with the rules, but the world government and the kings were fine with it, they were happy for Carlos to stay in the World Conference, it was best if he didn't ask.

If they do, they might have to make some moths, which will always damage the interests of some people, so it's best not to open their mouths, because they will be the ones to distribute the benefits, isn't that what they want?

Little did he know that Carlos didn't give a damn about those issues, playing double standard, favorable to comply, unfavorable to ignore, Carlos felt like he was getting to do as he pleased!

After developing the Straight Death Demon Eye, Carlos felt that his fruit abilities had touched the edge of awakening, and he was honestly looking forward to the awakening of his abilities, what would the special Superman line of fruit he had eaten look like after awakening?

Undoubtedly, it will definitely become stronger, as no demonic fruit has ever become weaker upon awakening, but just how much stronger will it be?

Will the awakening develop those mythical metaphysical eyes of terror?

More and more strength, more and more cards makes Carlos strong enough to face both the world government, and the pirates, including the Revolutionary Army, and the bottom line is enough to play Double Standard!

Just like the United States of Liberty, I'm strong enough to play double standard. What can you do to me?

At the end of the day it's all about strength, so except for the topics Carlos cares about, there's no point in listening to them, just double mark up and be done with it!

Chapter 340 - King of the Seven Wondrous Seas

A small topic was instantly discussed, statutes were set, time passed, and the first day passed quickly as the kings dispersed to dine and rest.

Carlos made another diligent trip in the evening, carefully reinforcing the hypnotic intensity of the targeted kings.

The morning of the second day passed, and the various small topics were basically completely discussed, and as always after dinner and an hour's rest, the meeting resumed in the afternoon, and this time it was the main topic of the World Government meeting, the proposal for the establishment of the Seven Wonders under the King.

The representative of the world government took out the proposal and began to explain the proposal and the reason why it was born, breaking down and crumbling the proposal and explaining it to all the kings present.

Each king behaved differently when he heard the proposal, some with a smile, some with a blank expression, some with a furrowed brow, some with an indifferent face, but no matter what attitude he held towards the proposal, he must listen to the whole thing before he could speak, and the same was true for other small topic proposals, he must listen to the whole thing before he could speak, or else he would be in complete disarray.

In fact, it was a very good idea to consider all aspects of the proposal, which seemed to be perfect on the surface, but in reality, the problem was hidden very deep.

No matter what the proposal, the implementation of policies are implemented by people, people do not, no matter how good the proposal can not be done!

Are the world government people okay? There were definitely those that worked, but there were more that didn't work overall, the world government had been in existence for over eight hundred years, and it was inevitably rotten internally for such a long time, so the various proposals and policies, though well done, always changed flavor when implemented.

Carlos's thoughts reeled, quietly listening to the entire proposal, and then began to vote by a show of hands under the auspices of the people of the world government.

Carlos raised his hand in agreement without hesitation, the other kings also raised their hands one after another, and soon the number exceeded half, although there were those who opposed and those who abstained, but as long as the number exceeded half, the proposal of the King's Lower Seven Moons was passed.

This also shows the strength of the world government, the support of the king present for the world government is still very strong, the number of votes not only exceeded one-half, actually reached two-thirds.

The world government meeting should have ended here, but Carlos, the spoiler, finally waited for the right moment, and after two days of silence, he finally spoke up, and he wanted to pick peaches!

"Ahem," Carlos deliberately coughed loudly a few times, gathering everyone's attention.

"I have a bit of advice to add regarding this proposal of the King's Lower Seven Moons."

Saying that, Carlos ignored the ugly faces of the world government people and continued to speak.

"Snakes without heads will not work, people without heads will not work, according to the proposal in the future under the king seven armed sea will develop to a power that is enough to influence the situation of the sea, so important, so huge power without a leader is a piece of sand, they will not obey anyone, internal strife is also easy to predict things, will also work out!"

"According to the proposal on the meaning of the king's under seven armed sea need to obey the world government and the navy's conscription, usually the world government and the navy does not have jurisdiction over them."

"The pirates are untamed, if they usually have jurisdiction over them, then it is estimated that no pirates want to become the King's Lower Seven Moons, and the restraint is not strong enough words and can't exert their power, when the time does not backfire is a very good result."

"I think there should be a compromise, to tighten the restraints on the King's Lower Shichibukai, but not to tighten them too much."

"I, Carlos, as the King of the World Government Franchise, am obligated to do this, and with my strength and reputation on the seas I am one hundred percent sure that I can bind them so that they can exert their full power for the World Government!"

"So I propose that the king should add another chieftain's seat to bind and suppress them under the Seven Seas, and there's no one better to do that than me, is there?"

"After all, I am the king of the world government franchise, and counted as a legitimate pirate, by my appearance those people will not be so strong resistance, accepting the position of king under the Seven Wonders to their reputation damage is not small, with me as the leader to become their shield problem is not so great."

Carlos opened his mouth and just rambled, pulling a lot of kings dizzy, but no matter how it was pulled, the purpose was clear, everyone here understood Carlos's purpose, the smell of peach picking was strong.

Originally the world government drafted the king down to the Seven Moons only needed to notify the person directly, but now there was an extra layer of procedure, but Carlos was rambling, but some of what he said still made sense.

"Who's for and who's against my proposal?"

Carlos spit out the code, the kingdom of the West Sea, needless to say, definitely agreed, and received the code, the eyes of the king who had been hypnotized by Carlos for several nights non-stop, straight, quickly returned to normal, and then also all raised their hands.

One hand after another raised, soon raised a large, but did not raise a lot of people, Carlos did not hypnotize too many people, nor did he hypnotize the world government loyalists, but the number of people definitely more than half, for insurance Carlos deliberately hypnotized three more, just to avoid accidents.

The rules of the world government meeting, every king had the right to propose, as long as they could get more than half the support they could pass, and the king of Fishman Island could change the fate of Fishman Island if he got the support of half of the kings.

The main topic at the World Government meeting that was the right of the World Government, but the minor topics every king had the right to propose, and other kings proposed minor topics they wanted to pass at the World Government, but some passed and some didn't.

Carlos' proposal was legal and was fine.

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