I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of Pirates Chapter 307.

The world government people were livid, and the king who didn't raise his hand was also full of displeasure at the king who raised his hand, but rules are rules, and if the world government meeting rules don't want it, then there is no need to hold it in the future, which is a kind of thing that shakes the foundation of the world government.

So no matter how upset or angry you get, you have to follow the rules, count the votes, and once more than half of them are passed, enforce them!

What Carlos wants is the passage of the World Government Conference, then it will be justifiable, no matter what the world government is playing to stop him, he is the nominal leader of the Seven Seas, and after subduing the Seven Seas, he will be able to mobilize them openly.

In fact, even without this proposal, Carlos could still go to conquer the Seven Seas under the King in private, and also be able to command them, but in the end, it's not as good as the name, and it won't be so easy to abolish the Seven Seas in the future.

With Carlos backing up and co-opting the World Government Conference, trying to get a majority of votes is not a dream, but it's certainly many, many times harder than the original!

In the end, after counting and confirming the votes, the number of votes could be more than half, two votes more than half, which meant that Carlos' proposal passed, from now on he was at least the ostensible king and the boss of the Seven Wookiee.

He can also be said to be the king of the Seven Seas, he is the king, there is nothing wrong with calling him the king of the Seven Seas.

At the end of this World Government Meeting, Carlos proudly left the meeting room with a group of kings of the West Sea, smiling so much that his folds were about to come out.

The five old stars who had been following the World Government Meeting for a long time almost didn't vomit blood when they heard the news, they had known that Carlos' action in Marychia must not have been a good plan.

The angriest thing was that they knew Carlos hadn't had a good idea to purposely sabotage the plot, and they thought the other side had quieted down and given up, but in the end the other side had come up with a desperate plan!

Chapter 341 - Putting Down the Rack

Carlos brought the king of the West Sea back to his castle to discuss the formation of an alliance of the West Sea kingdoms, the ally was naturally the United States of Darkness.

In order to the kingdoms of the West Sea tied to the death on their chariot, Carlos decided to give some more of these kingdoms some benefits, to pull this kingdom together, then he was in the world government meeting even if what means do not play, also has no small influence, hands naturally hold a number of votes.

Carlos and the king of the West Sea talked happily, but the five old stars were very annoyed, and were discussing how to deal with this extermination.

The top floor of the tallest building in Marijoa, the five old stars gathered in the luxurious and noble hall, or standing or sitting, words filled with annoyance at Carlos picking peaches!

"This damned thing has the audacity to pout about the rights belonging to the world government, and he must be shown the door!"

"We've really been spoiling him lately, backing down in every step, and we have to do it this time!" Dressed in a black suit, white curly hair, a white beard of Ponson, and a flat cap, Hirano Masato roared in anger.

"Calm down, things have happened, anger is no longer helpful, the most important thing is to think of a countermeasure." In a dark blue suit, with long straight white hair and a long beard, Kouki Masaya frowned.

"If you have a solution, just say it. "Kenichi Asuka, wearing a dark green suit, with a bald head and a two figure eight beard, glanced at Kouki Masutani.

"It's not entirely bad that I'm becoming this thing, it's true that a disorganized Shichibukai is difficult to bring out its maximum strength"

"Although this time let him plan successfully, no surprise when the Seven Wookiees are chosen, his power has increased greatly, but he has also become more closely connected with our world government."

"As you know the number of pirates has been increasing in recent years, and there are even more damned revolutionaries hiding in the shadows, sooner or later these dangerous factors will erupt, and if we can bring the other side into our camp completely, I think the pros outweigh the cons!"

"Don't look at the other party, who is making a name for himself in the New World, but his status, especially after becoming the leader of the Seven Wonders Sea, makes it even more impossible for him to gain the complete trust of those cunning and suspicious pirates."

"As long as we completely bring the other side in, the Seven Wookiee Sea might be able to exert a power under him that we never expected." Masaya Kanji's eyes were deep and he spoke slowly.

"There is some truth in what you say, but from what I've observed, that man of his is not someone who is willing to settle for anything less than the best, this man has ties to us as well as to the pirates, and may even have ties to the revolutionary army in the future."

"He should be hitting on the idea of becoming a faction of his own, trying to get all the major powers to gang up on him, but he always maintains his supremacy, wanting to completely gang up on him at God knows what price" wearing a crimson suit, blond hair, and a blond beard, Keiichi Noda grinded his chin and cocked his legs to slowly speak.

"What a pain in the ass, I also think it's best to take him out at all costs, cleanly and once and for all!" The bald-headed Kaiichi Sonobe, dressed in a white robe, spoke indifferently with his head down, his glasses reflecting the white light, making it impossible to see his exact expression!

"Being able to take him out would naturally be the best option, but from the strength he's shown, the forces under his command, and his influence, the consequences could be severe if he fails!"

"And I think failure is highly likely, and why I say that is because of a piece of information." Masutani Kouki's eyebrows were heavy.

The other four looked at Kouki Masaya, wanting to hear him continue, but he was the most powerful of the world's spy agencies and was himself under the control of Kouki Masaya, so he was the most well-informed.

"This man has been completely on my radar since he owned the King of the World Government franchise, and I've been sending people to learn more about him at all costs, starting with the place where he rose from the Western Sea, and I've finally decided on one thing."

"We know from previous battles that he seems to possess spatial abilities, but we don't know exactly how deep his attainments are."

"This man has shown few spatial abilities in front of outsiders, but with the spy agency's desperate efforts to figure out his spatial attainments from his subordinates who didn't keep up with him before."

"The spatial ability displayed in combat is strong, but privately hidden is even stronger, and from his former subordinates, we know that he is able to spatially shift and appear anywhere in the world at will."

"For example, where we live, there's no way to defend against him without spending a lot of money to block off space, and others can come and go as they please."

"If he really had such an ability, that would explain the Golden Lion's escape from the Wireless Hell back then for no reason at all."

"It can also be explained now that the Flying Air Bandits are so closely related to the God's Eye Bandits."

"With such great strength and ability, if we can't really kill him, his revenge will become our nightmare, the other okay is the assassination piece."

"Even if he doesn't assassinate us directly, picking on a few Sky Dragons would be too much for us to bear."

"This is something that the other side is hiding, as to whether or not the other side has any other cards up their sleeve for now is unknown."

"But judging from the other party's increasingly unscrupulous style of acting, that's clearly the reason why the bottom line is becoming more and more abundant, and the likelihood of having powerful cards is more than eighty percent."

"That's why I think taking out the other party is the next best thing, it's too risky, even if the other party doesn't have spatial abilities, that already realised ability is extremely difficult to deal with!"

"We should rally the other side, the means can be slow and moist, let him know that it is in his best interest to follow us!"

"As far as we know, he's not married, so that's where we'll start."

"Whether it works or not, I think we all need to show goodwill and be gentle, from the man's life experience, he's a pretty sentimental person, not a complete baron!"

"This is my idea, you guys really want to go ahead, forget I said it, but be prepared to be retaliated, the movement will certainly not be small is on it."

After saying that, Kouki Masaya sat on the sofa and picked up the tea on the coffee table to moisten her throat to go, the other four were in deep thought, their brains spinning fast thinking and weighing, and for a time the hall was completely quiet.

I don't know how long it was before Masato Hirano spoke up.

"Maybe we've been high and mighty for too long, can't let go of the shelf, think about the problem of habitual toughness, even if we compromise for now, we must definitely get back later"

"Let's give it a try this time, have an open heart and be sincere, even if we fail each other will increase our goodwill towards the world government, right?"

"If it works, hey, the benefits are countless, and it will do wonders to solidify the foundations of our world government's rule!"

"Guys, give it a try."

The remaining three of you looked at me, I looked at you, and finally nodded, putting their heads down and being honest, how many years had it been since they had done that?

I can't remember at all, my mind is full of intimidation, intrigue, political battles and calculations, darkness is countless, light is almost annihilated!

Suddenly coming to treat people with honesty for once, the five old stars were really looking forward to something!

The reason why the Five Old Stars made such an unconventional decision was because Carlos' strength made them scruple, the other party had become a giant, a heavyweight big shot, and they didn't want to completely tear their faces off unless they had to!

In exchange for ordinary pirates, ordinary forces, there was not enough weight to die and that was the end of it, so if you had the power to do whatever you wanted, the world government had all changed its usual style of doing things.

Chapter 342 - The Invitation of the Five Elder Stars

The next morning, after a beautiful breakfast, Carlos had his things packed and ready to leave Marijoa, there was nothing left to stay after the World Conference was over.

The officials of the world government had been brought together as well as those who could be brought together, deepening ties and bringing in more officials, this would take time and there was no hurry.

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