I'm a pirate

I'm a Big Brother of the Pirates Chapter 308.

This kind of thing Carlos left to the people below, he Carlos wouldn't deal with it himself, after all it had come to this point, Carlos's knees were too hard to kneel anymore.

As he was packing up his things, suddenly Noah entered the living room and whispered, "Your Majesty, there's a message coming in from outside that the Five Old Stars want to see you."

"Huh?" With his legs crossed, Carlos, who was nonchalantly tasting the good wine given to him by one of the kings last night, confirmed with a raised eyebrow at the words, somewhat disbelievingly, "The Five Old Stars wanted to see me?"

"Yes, that's what they say out there, making it quite official, here's the invitation."

Noah said and took out a hot gold invitation from his pocket and respectfully handed it to Carlos, his eyes filled with admiration, awe, the highest power center of the world government, he had never dreamed of doing it before!

Carlos took the invitation and opened it, it was an invitation to a party, reported by the Five Old Stars themselves, and the specifications were so high that all the world government officials and their families that Marijoa could afford to send were to attend.

What? A Triton? There is a celestial dragon people also report a fart party ah, this is not asking for trouble, celestial dragon people among the stupid but a lot, five old stars can not arrange celestial dragon people to come in, and conflict with Carlos, it will not be easy to clean up.

Putting down the invitation, Carlos was in his right hand, index finger middle finger open, Noah saw the situation immediately understand, even busy picking up the cigarette and lighter on the table to fix Carlos.

"Sit anywhere."

Carlos said holding his cigarette in his mouth, falling into thought, what the hell was the five old stars inviting him to some party? Is there some kind of conspiracy?

It's perfectly normal for Carlos to think this way, he just laid a hand on the world government and it's not like them to have the five old stars back in one piece.

But it's not like there's a conspiracy, what's the point of conspiring a whole party? And the specifications so high, so grand really want to fight, how many world government officials have to die ah.

I've been thinking about this for a long time, Carlos can't figure out what the five old stars are up to, there's no way, who called the five old stars suddenly modified, not according to common sense.

Carlos didn't have the ability to pinch and calculate.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the photos and make sure that you have a good idea of what you are looking for.

"You go out and reply that I'll be on time for the appointment, and that there's no need to pack for a while." Carlos took a deep drag on his cigarette, smoke billowing as he spoke.

"Yes." Noah replied respectfully, getting up and walking quickly away.

"I'd like to see what kind of drugs you have in your gourd."

After saying something to himself, Carlos put the matter aside for the time being, took out the phone worm to call each and every one of them, brought back the people sent out, discussed with the golden lion and the big mother about the timing of receiving the benefits, and then finally instructed Kelly to receive it well, train the pirates who had thrown themselves in, and never lose the face of the God's Eye Bandits.

After everything was done, Carlos called Noah and the others in to pass the time, and went to the recreation room to play Stud to pass the time, the party did not open until 8:00 p.m., it was still early.

After playing until seven o'clock and having a casual bite to fill a somewhat hungry stomach, they started to get ready for the party.

Out on time at 7:40, Carlos wore a slim black suit, the jacket of the suit densely decorated with blood-red veins, look closely at the dragon and nine heavenly figures, but the sky is black, clouds and dragons are blood, adding three points of evil to Carlos's temperament!

It's impossible to dump two hams on the way out, so there was naturally someone to pick them up, and at 7:55pm, they arrived at the party venue, which was a spacious, low-key luxury manor.

Carlos and his men entered the manor with the waiter, turned left and right in the manor, and then finally arrived at the main venue of the party, a wide square with fountains distributed in a staggered manner and all kinds of charming lights shining on it.

In addition to fountains and lights, the square was also filled with handsome men and women wearing all kinds of suits and dresses, gentlemen and noblewomen, buffet tables were distributed in an orderly manner, and men and women in fine clothes were shuttling in and out of it, which looked quite good.

Of course, Carlos is not a person who has never seen the world, will not lose his temper, the party is dozens of times more luxurious does not matter.

Carlos stepped into the plaza and instantly attracted the attention of the crowd, many noble girls and noblewomen looked at Carlos with eyes wide open, simply wanted to eat Carlos clean, it was terrible.

Carlos all these years for a long time in the top position, strength, influence is increasing, the body's temperament, the momentum is more and more obvious, all over the body exudes majestic confidence, calm and easy temperament, that is from the bones, a glance will understand that it is not pretending, today's dressing with the arc of the mouth outline to add three more points of evil, charm is very strong!

What's the phrase? That's right, men aren't bad, women aren't loving, and these square aristocratic girls, dames, and especially dames love that tone, they lack nothing in life but excitement!

Carlos felt the gazes of the square, especially the gazes of the graceful looking noblewomen, but now he had no time to pay attention, the priority was to meet the Five Old Stars and figure out what they were up to, and then use his golden rod to take care of these noblewomen when he was free later, huh?

Evil, I knew you weren't human at first glance. Eat my stick!

Carlos's mental activity was quite rich, but not apparent on the surface, and he went straight across the square to meet the five old stars.

The location of the five old stars is very close to the square, in a small castle, the party five old stars is not intended to participate, just an excuse to see Carlos, and Carlos to establish good relations with the place.

Although it was actually five old not shy, but on the surface still manipulate the influence, secretly casual addiction.

This small castle seemed normal, but after entering, it was found to be unusually luxurious, three or four times more luxurious than the castle he lived in as a guest, not to mention the splendor, but also full of classical atmosphere, historical charm, many of the things inside are antiques, take out to sell value are not expensive.

After entering the castle, Noah and the others who followed him were left to rest in the living room on the first floor of the castle, while Carlos went to the top floor of the castle alone, the way was filled with people in black with powerful breaths, and there were even more powerful breaths hidden in the shadows, the most powerful breaths were not inferior to the generals, and there was more than one.

Carlos flicked out a cigarette in his mouth as he walked, lit it, smiled, and unscrupulously surveyed everything in the castle, and soon arrived at the top floor of the castle.

After a special briefing, Carlos stepped into the room, however the scene in the room was so different from what Carlos had imagined that Carlos cursed the beast!

Chapter 343 - A Meeting That Could Change the World

Carlos had expected the five old stars in the room to be sitting solemnly in their seats with powerful bodyguards standing behind them, but the powerful bodyguards were there, but there were five young and beautiful girls of varying temperaments sitting next to the five, and they were very intimate with each other

I'm sure you'll be able to find the best way to get rid of them, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to do that.

Carlos stepped into the room, everyone's eyes focused on Carlos, one by one, checking and scrutinizing over, causing Carlos to want to say, "Where are the mud horses?

"Mr. Carlos, please sit down." Kouki Masutani, dressed in a dark blue suit and with a long beard, was the first to speak.

Without a word, Carlos nodded calmly and sat down on a luxurious single sofa, crossing his legs.

"Introducing Mr. Carlos, these are the granddaughters or granddaughters of the five of us, they have heard a lot about Mr. Carlos, they admire him very much and want to become friends with him very much."

Masaya Kouki finished smiling, her eyes indicated, five youthful and beautiful girls with superb figures and different temperaments rose up gracefully and generously to introduce themselves.

Carlos didn't listen too well, he felt a little confused, so they were the granddaughters and granddaughters of the five old stars, he thought ahem, his own thoughts seemed a little too dirty.

But these five old guys don't look like any serious people, what is it like in private only they themselves know of course this is not a matter of any importance, what kind of people the five old stars are in private has nothing to do with Carlos, the important thing is that the five old stars seem to want to befriend him and pull him close.

Otherwise there's no need to introduce your granddaughters and granddaughters to yourself, although I don't know how many granddaughters and granddaughters the Five Old Stars have, but that's what it means, as if the Five Old Stars don't mean any harm?

It's not that it's not malicious, it's just that it's a little less naked, less obvious, and it looks like he's trying to use a beauty trick, but I'm not so easily tricked.

It's just as well, on the false accusation, extend your hand to not hit the smiling face, since the five old stars have no intention of seizing and changing their response strategy, then go ahead, take what's good for you, and selectively take what's bad, sugar-coated shells, sugar-coated stay, shells return or discard!

Carlos pondered a lot for a time, but the perception of the outside world is still there, there can be five experts here, the combined strength is not inferior to the generals, can not relax, from here can also see the depth of the world government, ruling more than 800 years is not a cover!

"My beautiful ladies, my name is Lucifer Carlos, first meeting, more intimacy in the future." Waiting for the five beautiful young ladies to finish introducing themselves, Carlos got up and gave a gentleman's salute and spoke with a smile.

"Yes, you young people should be more close."

"Mr. Carlos is the closest collaborator of our world government and is family with our world government." Masato Hirano chuckled, looking like a kind elder.


Geez worthy of an old politician, this lying without a draft and natural smoothness is amazing!

Then the people chatted in the room, the five old star was full of goodwill, intentionally or unintentionally pulling into the relationship not to mention, but also help him, such as the new world needs supplies, what type of talent is lacking ah and so on, although the lack of combat power can also go to the new world navy's G1 branch for help.

The five beautiful maidens were also helping the five old stars speak and pull in, their words and actions filled with admiration, adoration, and even a hint of admiration for Carlos.

Finally, even the cold, raw masters behind the mud horses joined in, praising Carlos for his strength and for being the top expert in the world.

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