"Being a wizard trainer in a parallel world (New Find the latest chapter!

"Hurry up and stop it! Don't let it over!"

Seeing Shanaido and the others escorting the hard vortex water blade with their thoughts, the Rocket Captain didn't know exactly what the power of this skill was, but there was an unknown premonition in his heart.

No matter what, stop it anyway!

Although the explosion of skills in the tunnel was very loud, and the wind and waves were blowing in waves, Zhou Jiang and the others could still hear the shouts of the Rocket Captain.

Hearing the sound, Zhou Jiang shouted at Shanaiduo: "Strengthen the output of thought power! We must protect it!"

It's really a last resort now.

If the hard vortex water blade erupts in the channel, then they will be over...

Let the waterspout erupt in this narrow passage, it will definitely collapse the passage, and if it is not good, the entire base begins to collapse, then it is over.

Among the elves, Xanadu knew what the consequences would be if they failed, and none of the other elves knew the power of the hard vortex water blade of Menus.

But although it is not clear, but Zhou Jiang, the captain, gave orders, then they will not be lazy.

In an instant, the elves increased the output of thought power.

Due to the command of the captain of the Rockets, all kinds of skills were blasted over, and they were also very powerful. Although all the elves of the super power system headed by Shanaido had tried their best, the mental power mask Still being beaten constantly rippled, as if it would be breached at any time.

The two sides wrestled over there, but in the end it was Zhou Jiang and the others. They succeeded in sending the Hard Vortex Water Blade to the opposite side.

--boom! ! !

Shanaido and the others withdrew their mind power together, and the extremely compressed water javelin poked a ring bear on the belly.


The powerful water tornado broke out, and the circle bear was directly cut and torn apart!

Although Menas has been debugged, the water tornado is only more than four meters high and can reach the ceiling, but its power has not diminished, and it is even stronger!

This hard vortex water blade issued with all its strength is amazing!


The sound of the current sweeping through the water continued to be heard, during which it was mixed with the horrified shouts of the Rockets and the various cries of the elves.

"Retreat, Menus, you go up again!" Zhou Jiang let Shane Duo, who were so exhausted, fell back, and let Menus go up and continue to attack with the hard vortex water blade.

The current waterspout has completely blocked the exit of the passage, and Zhou Jiang checked the system and found that seven of the Rockets’ elves had also been killed. The rest of the elves are estimated to have not lost their fighting ability, and most of them should also be killed. Wrapped in, continued to lose strength.

But this is not enough!

There are dozens of elves on the Rockets, and now it is estimated that only a little more than one-third of the elves are controlled by this waterspout, and the rest should all step back and get out of the range of the waterspout.

And not to mention the elves that were originally placed outside, the Rockets still have more elves in their hands that have not been released yet!

If you are satisfied with this, this waterspout will soon be broken by the elves of the Rockets.

Although the hard vortex water blade is indeed powerful, it cannot withstand the attacks of a bunch of elves!

And if they didn't do anything, and the opposite side broke the waterspout that burst out of the hard vortex water blade, then they would fall into a bitter battle again.

After being successfully attacked once, the Rockets on the opposite side will definitely not let Menus's hard vortex water blade be easily sent to them.

At that time, Zhou Jiang and the others could only consume them slowly.

Shanaido retired and rested on the side to regain strength, while Menas went out and gathered energy to prepare to use the hard vortex water blade!

Although there is a waterspout blocking the exit of the passage, the hard vortex water blade that has not yet exploded in the "Javelin" state is not vegetarian.

The strong penetration force makes it easy to penetrate the waterspout.

Although the stability of the "Javelin" form of the hard vortex water blade will become very low after passing through, and it will burst out at any time, but it has passed through, and it will be fine if it bursts or not.

The attacks have all flown to the opposite camp. What about its stability?

In other words, at that time, the lower the stability, the better?

Since the stability of the "Javelin" needs to be more reliable, so that it does not directly erupt inside the waterspout, it takes a little more time for Menus.

Five seconds later, Minas was ready, and then the javelin that was compressed to the limit flew out.

Except for the necessary elves to guard outside and the elves of the super power system to rest and restore physical strength, the rest of the elves were taken back by them.

And in the channel, only Zhou Jiang's Minas is outputting to his heart's content.

Due to the huge momentum of the waterspout, and the Rockets were blocked, they were unable to send their skills, so the players poked their heads out of curiosity to watch.

Maybe Zhou Jiang didn't look very serious, or maybe they felt a little shocked when they saw the huge waterspout across the passage? So they all forgot Zhou Jiang's previous "brutal" behavior.

One of the team members asked Zhou Jiang excitedly: "Captain Captain, is the Hard Vortex Water Blade your own skill?"

After asking, he remembered that Zhou Jiang didn't seem to be a friendly person? And they are not familiar, so the whole person froze.

However, Zhou Jiang didn't notice anything wrong. He was talking to Xanadu, so after hearing what he said, he subconsciously answered: "Well, it was created by himself."

Seeing that Zhou Jiang was not angry or anything, the team member was relieved, but he didn't dare to ask anything more. He gave a perfunctory "Oh" as a response, and then turned around and got into the other team members...

Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked at the team members and they found that no one was watching, and he didn't know who asked just now, so he shook his head and stopped paying attention to them.

"How's it going, have you recovered a bit?" Zhou Jiang looked at Xanadu.

"Yeah." Shanaiduo nodded. Although she was still a little tired and her energy was not fully recovered, it wouldn't be a problem if she continued to fight.

"Then you help me see if the Rockets leave the room and go elsewhere."

The system mail is now quiet, and the waterspout on the opposite side of the passage does not seem to be attacked much, so Zhou Jiang suspects that the Rockets have retreated to the next area.

After all, they are just delaying time.

Although the waterspout disrupted their defense, it also blocked Zhou Jiang's vision.

They can indeed break the waterspout, after all, there are so many elves.

But if they didn't break the water spout and let the water spout stay there, then Zhou Jiang and the others would not dare to pass.

Because the waterspout cannot completely destroy the Rockets and them, Zhou Jiang and the Rockets know this, and the Rockets also know that Zhou Jiang and the Rockets know that the Rockets cannot be destroyed by a waterspout, but Zhou Jiang's vision will be blocked again. Lord, so I dare not pass by easily, then time will be easily passed by in this way!

Xanadu nodded, spreading the power of thought.

Since the waterspout was ruining everything in the room opposite the passage, Xanadu also needed to be careful to check, otherwise the waterspout would shatter her scattered mental energy.

But Naihe Shanaiduo's strength is too strong, so even if she is a little cautious, it will not take too much time.

After more than ten seconds passed, Xanadu opened his eyes, ‘the Rockets and the others exited the room over there and went to the passage to the left. ’

"Sure enough!" Zhou Jiang nodded, expressing his understanding, and then shouted to Menus: "Minus, you can stop."

After receiving Zhou Jiang's order, Menas dissipated the uncondensed energy in front of him, and then looked at Zhou Jiang from the passage that the players gave up panting.

"It's okay, you are doing well!" Zhou Jiang encouraged.

"Oh~" Menus let out a soft cry and narrowed his eyes.

Zhou Jiang stepped forward, touched its head, and said, "You should come back and rest first, you will need your help later!"

Meinas nodded, and Zhou Jiang took it back into the Elf Ball.

The team members looked at Zhou Jiang, waiting for Zhou Jiang to give a reminder, or directly gave orders.

Zhou Jiang glanced at them and said, "The Rockets have already exited the opposite room and went into the passage leading to the left. We will enter after the waterspout on the opposite side of the passage dissipates. But be careful, the Rockets The team members should ambush us in the passageway over the room, and there may also be some mechanisms in the room, so that the elves should pay attention, don't be overcast by accident."



The people and the elves should be there.

Zhou Jiang nodded and said nothing.

Almost all that should be said, when it comes to fighting, he only feels that he can command them when it comes to fighting. Otherwise, it is better to let them do it by themselves.

After all, he is not familiar with them. Since he is not familiar with them, it is better to let them do it themselves.

There shouldn't be any idiots to be the prosecutor of the alliance.

Although the only and necessary condition for entering an alliance prosecutor is not having an affair with the Rockets, an innocent identity, and no criminal offences before, a very simple condition, but due to the "scarcity of jobs" and the benefits are also very good. Therefore, the position of prosecutor was forced to add more application conditions.

After all, they all want this position. Of course, the league will give priority to people with better abilities! Who will give up good abilities and choose poor ones? Of course, with the exception of related households, well, character aspects are not considered. After all, those with poor character cannot pass the first stage of the big screening, let alone the final choice.

The water spout in the room opposite the passage gradually became smaller, but because there were more than one water spout, the sound of water splashing did not diminish.

However, the exit was also vacant, so Zhou Jiang and the others could also pass.

Walking in the passage, Zhou Jiang said, "Which one of you ghost elves is entangled in hiding, try to see if you can get into the Rockets in the chaos?"

Although the Rockets also have super-power elves on their side, it is difficult for ghost-type elves to hide their faces, but taking advantage of several waterspouts in the room to make a loud noise and shake the surrounding air, so super powers The mind power of the elves should not be extended too much.

If they are lucky, they are even lazy?

Anyway, there is no loss. If it is discovered, it will be beaten at most. If they are behind it, it will not be killed. Once it is found that it will not be, it will provide long-range fire support.

However, after Zhou Jiang asked, no one spoke.

Zhou Jiang raised his eyebrows, did not stop, but turned around slightly and looked at them, "None of them have confidence?"

To be honest, if he hadn't had much training for Ghost Stone, he would do it himself, and then he would need to ask them.

The team members behind Zhou Jiang glanced at each other, and they all explained.

"My dream monster is good at hypnosis, not good at invisibility."

"Although my Geng ghost is good at stealth, but his level is not high, I think there should be a higher level than my Geng ghost, so I didn't speak."

"My Geng Ghost level is not high."

"me too……"


Zhou Jiang: "..."

After listening to them, Zhou Jiang was speechless.

Well, it turned out that I didn't know my teammates, so I felt that teammates should be more suitable than them, so I didn't stand up.

Although the ghosts of the ghost system will increase their scores if they succeed in lurking in the past, and after the Rocket base is destroyed, they will be able to allocate more points, but this is a very critical thing. If there is no penalty for failure, But if it succeeds, it will greatly improve their progress in the elimination of the Rockets, so they will not blindly grab power.

Although this behavior is worthy of recognition, it is more embarrassing at this time.

After all, most of the people in the team are unknown.

Although most of them had already participated in an operation before, there are still people here who were watching the post before, and they are not the same group of people, so this is a bit embarrassing.

In this regard, Zhou Jiang could only ask: "Is there anyone who is better at hiding, but is also an elite high-level strength?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Well, Zhou Jiang reacted, it was because he was stupid.

Elite high-level is already a good strength.

If there is any ~www.ltnovel.com~ then if he asked before, they will come forward.

Since no one has stood up before, it is basically the strength of the elite mid-level!

While speaking, Zhou Jiang and the others had already arrived at the exit of the passage.

The water spout on the exit of the passage has dissipated, but the several water spouts in the room are still constantly sweeping everything in the room.

It didn't feel much to be far away before, but now that they are close, Zhou Jiang and the others regret it.

It's so cold!

Although the air conditioner is on in this base, the temperature is not very high, it is at a normal level. After Zhou Jiang and the others came in, because a big hole was broken, the heating temperature was also passing quickly, and it is estimated that it has dropped to a level now. It's about zero degrees.

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