"Being a wizard trainer in a parallel world (New Find the latest chapter!

Before they were far away, they didn’t think there was anything. Now they’re close. The airflow driven by the water spout directly took away the temperature, and from time to time, water droplets splashed out and fell on them. It really is. chilly!

"Hiss~" A drop of water accidentally fell on the back of Zhou Jiang's neck, and Zhou Jiang couldn't help shivering because of the momentary coldness.

But no one laughed at Zhou Jiang, because water droplets didn't just fall on Zhou Jiang.

The surrounding people's bare skin also got a little bit of water droplets on it. The cold water droplets instantly took away the temperature, making everyone **** in one after another...

"Go back a little bit, and we will come back when the waterspout is smaller." Zhou Jiang said to the players behind him.


"Good good!"

When Zhou Jiang said this, everyone nodded quickly and agreed.

Although the shivering was just because they didn't pay attention and were "sneak attack" by water droplets, they wouldn't be so embarrassed if they were prepared, but being able to resist it doesn't mean they won't feel cold!

If you can’t retreat, that’s fine, everyone can endure it, but now you can retreat, so why do you have to suffer and freeze here stupidly?

Everyone stepped back a bit, until the rain that kept being thrown away would not fall on them.

After retreating to a safe zone, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked them again: "Is there anyone who has confidence in his own elves and has reached the mid-level of elite strength?"

Although it feels that the question is a little bit endless, everyone naturally knows what Zhou Jiang is asking, so a few more confidently stood up.

"Captain, I have more confidence in my Geng Gui!"

"I also have confidence in my cursed doll!"

"My ghost..."

This time, a total of six people stood up.

However, since there are fewer elves of the pure ghost system, there are fewer who are good at abnormalities, and it is just a curse doll.

As for Geng Gui?

Although it is good at stealth and lurking, it is not pure ghost type, it also has poison type attributes.

However, there is no rule that only spirits of pure ghost system can be used.

However, cursed dolls are still rare in the Huaxia area after all, so among the six elves, there are five Geng ghosts and only one cursed doll.

Zhou Jiang is familiar with Geng Gui's words, although it doesn't have it, but it's a ghost!

Moreover, he had read Zhao Feng's notes, so he had a great understanding of Geng Gui.

Elves like Geng Gui are really good at lurking, but Cursed Doll seems not bad, right?

The elves of their ghost system were all placed outside. After they stood up and supported their own elves, the six elves also flew to their trainer, with their mouths open, and they were smiling. Looking at Zhou Jiang.

With the six elves in front of them, Zhou Jiang could naturally check their levels through the system. Although it was indeed convenient to check the specific levels directly, it was because of this that Zhou Jiang was even more embarrassed.

If you don’t know the level, if you look at them all according to the elite mid-level stage, then Zhou Jiang will make it easier to make a decision, but now that the level is clear at a glance, he has to take the gap between the levels into consideration. .

After all, according to normal circumstances, when the elves arrive at the back, there will be a big gap between each level of strength.

It's not that their strength will definitely be much worse, but the experience and the like are definitely much worse.

After all, like an elite mid-level, elves generally have to work hard for a month or so to get up to one level. During this period, as long as they are one level worse, whether it is the difference in combat experience or certain skills The gap will widen, not to mention that the six elves are much worse now.

Among the six elves, the cursed doll has the highest level, reaching level 48, which is about to reach the peak of the elite mid-level.

For the remaining five Geng ghosts, the strongest is only level 45, which is a level three!

The level does not represent the strength in actual combat. After all, it is not only the level that constitutes the fighting power of the elves, but also the various talents, the promotion of usual training and the wisdom of combat. In short, it is a very complicated matter. impossible things.

Stealth and lurking are not based on the level, but it is also related to the level!

Zhou Jiang didn't know exactly how good they were, so he could only guess how much exercise they had gone through by looking at their level.

Now that the six team members have stood up, it shows that they have done special training in stealth for their elves.

And when it’s not clear how the specific training is, the level of the level is basically the criterion for judging.

After all, many levels of elves are "stacked" by time!

The cursed doll has the highest level, so it can be considered as the longest training time.

Geng Gui is not as good as Cursed Dolls, but Sheng Zai Zhou Jiang is more familiar with them, and Zhou Jiang has a general understanding of what extent they can achieve.

But cursing the doll is not enough.

After all, the probability of this kind of genie playing is too small.

Zhou Jiang himself knew Geng Gui better than Cursed Baby, not to mention that he still had Gui Stone and read the training notes.

Regarding the curse doll, Zhou Jiang didn’t know anything about it. He knew that it was a ghost and could be invisible...

After thinking about it for a long time, it was difficult to make a choice, Zhou Jiang could only throw the problem to them.

Zhou Jiang pointed to the cursed doll, and then asked the trainer of the highest level Geng Gui.

"The level of the curse doll is higher than your Geng ghost. Do you have confidence in your Geng ghost?"

After finishing speaking, before he could answer, Zhou Jiang looked at the cursed doll's trainer again, "I don’t know much about cursed dolls. Your cursed dolls are stronger than these Geng ghosts. Then you treat your cursed dolls. Are you confident?"

After asking, Zhou Jiang said: "You have the right to choose, do you discuss it yourself?"

The two of them were a little dazed and looked at each other for a long time. They didn't know what they saw in each other's eyes during this period, or what py deal they had reached within a few breaths. In the end, the trainer who cursed the doll gave in.

"Well, then let Geng Gui go over and try!"

After making the decision, Zhou Jiang signaled the Geng Ghost to act quickly.

Now the water spout in the room opposite the passage is still continuing, and it can still cover it. If you wait any longer, the water spout will become smaller or even disappear.

And they don't have too much time and the Rockets to waste, the longer it is, the worse it will be for them!

"Geng ghost, come on!"

After receiving encouragement from the trainer, Geng Gui put away his hippie smile, nodded solemnly, disappeared from his figure, and then stuck to the floor and kept close to the Rockets.

Geng Ghost was dispatched, so Zhou Jiang and the others would naturally also give it a raid.

After all, if Geng Ghost was discovered, he would definitely be set on fire by the other side.

Although it can't be lost all of a sudden, if Zhou Jiang and the others don't make a move, then Geng Gui will also be cold.

It’s okay if you just lose your fighting ability. If you belch directly, then Zhou Jiang will be embarrassed...

Although the water spout in the room is still wanton, but now is not the time to think about it, even if water splashes over, they have to pass!

Hmm... Let the elves pass, after all, the passage is so small, if they pass, the elves will not have enough space.

A few powerful elves were selected to plunder the formation for Geng Ghost, and then Zhou Jiang and the others waited in the passage.

"Da da da--"

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang heard chaotic running sounds behind them.

This is Kou Jiangbin and the others here?

Everyone turned around and looked behind them, and the elves also increased their vigilance.

Although it is likely to be Kou Jiangbin and the others, it is not impossible that they are the Rockets.

Zhou Jiang and the others don't care, after all, even if they are vigilant, and if the Rockets are coming, they can't do anything.

Fighting is the business of the elves!

If the elves don't pay attention, it won't make any difference even if they get serious.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, until they reached the corner, and Zhou Jiang and their hearts were also lifted.

Although it seems that they don't care, the sound of footsteps is getting closer, and the feeling of "enemy" is about to come out, it is really difficult to calm down.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang slapped his head.

Isn’t it enough to just ask Shanaido who is here?

Why is it necessary to be so nervous?

It's so stupid...

But as soon as his thoughts came up, the people who came had already ran to the corner.

After seeing the person, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their slightly tense muscles also relaxed.

Well, it was Kou Jiangbin and the others.

Kou Jiangbin and the others just came to the corner and were about to continue running. When they saw Zhou Jiang and the others, they were actually shocked, but they were relieved after seeing clearly that it was Zhou Jiang and the others.

Seeing Zhou Jiang and the others standing in front, Kou Jiangbin and the others speeded up and came in front of them. The other team members stayed behind. Kou Jiangbin's words went through the way the team members gave up and came to Zhou Jiang's side. .

Since there was no sound of fighting, Kou Jiangbin was a little curious about why Zhou Jiang and the others were waiting here, and there were also a bunch of elves guarding at the front exit.

In this regard, he directly asked Zhou Jiang his question, and Zhou Jiang answered him as concisely as possible.

"That's it." Kou Jiangbin nodded.

But as soon as Kou Jiangbin finished speaking, there was an explosion in front of him.


Everyone was shocked, and when they looked up, they found that the elves who were guarding the entrance of the cave and plundering Geng ghost had already begun to attack.

Was discovered?

This idea flashed in everyone's minds, but now is not the time to think about it. Now that it has been discovered, it is time to attack!

Kou Jiangbin and the others did not come back before. They were far from the Rockets in number, so they were scrupulous. Even if they were able to fight in a wide room, they didn't dare to go out hard, but chose to be conservative.

Now that Kou Jiangbin and the others are here, I am afraid of being a bird!

Although they are still insufficient in number, they are stronger!

And after they go out, there is a wide room, which can release more elves, and the Rockets can only release a few elves in a narrow passage. Are they afraid of not being beaten?

Well, but before that, they need to put out the water spout that is still raging in the room.

Otherwise, they will be given away.

Zhou Jiang looked at Xanadu, "Xanaido, please put out the water spout in the room."

Shanaido has recovered a lot of physical strength, and now there are only three faint waterspouts in the room, which is not a problem for Shanaido.

Not only Xanadu, but the strength of this waterspout, without the existence of the master, Menus, its power decreases linearly, and time has passed for so long, now it is possible to directly disperse them even if other elves attack. , Let alone Xanadu.

It's just that there are elves blocking the exit of the front passage, and they need to scavenge the Geng ghost who is discovered, so they can't move, and it is impossible to move the target to solve the waterspout.

So now I can only trouble a few super power elves.

When there were elves on his side, Zhou Jiang would basically not let other people's elves go out, so he could only trouble Xanadu.

Shane Duo looked at Zhou Jiang and was a little puzzled, but she didn't ask much, and honestly followed suit.

Bright purple light emerged from Shanaido.

The moment Xanadu exerted his power, a purple light film appeared on the raging waterspouts in the front room.

The speed of the spout plummeted.

However, the waterspout formed by the hard vortex water blade is formed by two tornadoes.

An inner tornado is continuously rotating to the left, while the one on the outside is rotating to the right.

Although they were two tornadoes with completely different turns, they were still fused together to form a new waterspout under Shenhuqishen's control.

Although it is difficult to reach this level, it would be difficult if it weren't for the exchange of system skills or even if Shanaid was asked to come, but the damage was not covered.

Although it is now declining, its power is very low compared to the beginning. If it is dispelled, even the elite mid-level elves can do it~www.ltnovel.com~ But want to stop it?

That's not what ordinary elves can do.


The water spout that had been reduced in speed was still exerting force, and the light film of thought power attached to the water spout was cracking, as if it would be torn at any time.

Seeing this, Xanadu's eyes were full of purple light, and the color of the energy light film on the waterspout became deeper and deeper.

In the end, under the compulsory control of Shanaido's thought power, the three waterspouts held on.

Although Shanaido was not in its heyday, and she didn't use her full strength, but her strength was even stronger than the high-ranking heavenly king!

This waterspout is so weak that Shanaido can send a wave of force to stop them. I have to say that the speed and lethality are really terrifying.

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