"Master Shui, welcome, welcome!"

After squeezing a few people around the water gently, Lao Jiang stretched out his hand to look at the water gently.

Shui gently lowered his head and glanced at Zhou Jia who was holding his arm. Knowing that this was Zhou Jia's father, he smiled and nodded, then stretched out his hand and shook it.

Jiang Shui and the others sighed in disappointment when they saw that the adults were all around, and they retreated and sat back in their seats.

Haven't spoken yet...

"Master Shui, thank you so much, I have to take time out of my busy schedule to attend Jiajia's birthday party!"

Lao Jiang was a little excited, and shook Shui's soft hand vigorously.

Shui smiled awkwardly softly.

If she didn't know that he had no evil intentions and that he was the father of her apprentice, she would have wanted to leave.

Mother Zhou, who was standing by, saw Shui's gentle embarrassment, and quietly stretched out her hand to pinch the tender meat on Lao Jiang's waist.

"Okay, Master Shui is still standing here, please come in!"

Lao Jiang is accustomed to pinching the tender meat on his waist. When he says something wrong or did something wrong outside, his wife will always remind herself silently, and pinching the tender meat is the way.

Feeling the slight pain in the waist and listening to Zhou's mother, Lao Jiang let go of his hand and nodded calmly: "Yes, I'm so excited, I forgot.

Come, come, please come, teacher Shui! "

Zhou Jiang, who was sitting not far away, looked at Lao Jiang and couldn't help being disappointed.

Being a future champion and even the leader, Lao Jiang didn't come to please him, and he often embarrassed himself, and he really got heartbroken.

Even if I am a son, I can't bear it!

I definitely want to show him the color after I post it.

Hmm...Whether blue looks good or green looks good, this is a question...

To be honest, there is only a king of heaven, although it has an official position, it is only a king of heaven.

It wasn't that Zhou Jiang looked down upon Shui Gentle, but that he really didn't think much of the "king of heaven" level.

As a traverser and still carrying a system, can you not be able to climb into the position of "master", can you be worthy of the trust of the masses?

However, Zhou Jiang would not despise the gentleness of the water and pull hatred.

I am now a maggot novice trainer...

Although his strength is much better than that of the elite, it is estimated that he can beat the quasi-tianwang, but the low-key is still to be low-key.

And Shui Qingrou is from Zhou Jiang, a member of the "order camp".

Unless the brain is pumped, who will offend...

"It's really the King of Water, really beautiful! The first time I saw a real person, this is really worth coming back!"

Hearing Zhou Nan's emotion, Zhou Jiang gave him a glance.

"It's like you didn't come before. Which Zhou Jia's birthday did you not come here?"

Zhou Nan smiled wryly and said nothing.

In the past, Zhou Jia would also hold a birthday party for her birthday, but because the two seldom make friends, and Zhou Nan’s parents do not come, there are only five people in total...

Zhou Jiang's family plus Zhou Nan...

It's really pitiful...

Shui softly sat down, and Zhou Jia followed her and sat beside her.

Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Jia who was holding her arm, slightly jealous...

The girls sat back in their seats, but the discussion afterwards revolved around Shui Gentle. Let's discuss and take a look at her.

And Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan are similar, they glance at the water softly from time to time, and they are absent-minded.

Zhou Jiang looked helplessly with Xu Feng.

Xu Feng shrugged and looked helpless.

Fortunately, the birthday party has begun.

They said that everyone is here now. Shui Gentle must have taken time out of his busy schedule to participate. In order not to delay Shui Gentle's time, let's hold it early.

Asked Zhou Jia, and Zhou Jia agreed.

So the birthday party officially began.

After several people gave gifts to Zhou Jia and sent blessings, the birthday cake with lit candles was sent in by the waiter.

After turning off the lights and singing the birthday song, Zhou Jia blew out the candles.

At this point, the birthday party officially begins!

The birthday party started, and the few people stopped chanting Shui Gentle, otherwise the atmosphere would be too stiff.

The children went to another private room. Shui Qingrou was supposed to be with Lao Jiang and the others, but Lao Jiang wanted Zhou Jia to go with Zhou Jiang and the others.

They asked Zhou Jiang to call friends to make Zhou Jia make some friends.

After all, Zhou Jiang has already started to make friends. He didn't only know Zhou Nan as before, and Zhou Jia didn't even have a friend. Even if they were traveling companions, she wouldn't have called it if they hadn't asked for it...

And Zhou Jia said that she wants to be with Shui Qingrou...

Seeing Zhou Jia who was reading the water softly, Lao Jiang was both happy and a headache.

Fortunately, Shui Qingrou also knew the situation of her disciple, so she actively asked herself to go to the other side.

Of course, everyone can't ask for the gentle request of water.

It is easier for children to succeed in making relationships more gentle and gentler than with others!

After all, although I and others can be said to be old fried dough sticks, the soft water will "prevent" and "distance" myself and others.

The kids are different.

Although everyone is considered to be an adult after their birthday, Shui Gentle will be more tolerant, or when facing them, they will always relax their vigilance~www.ltnovel.com~ For Shui Gentle to come to their private room, everyone It is unanimously welcome.

I thought Shui Qingrou would talk to the adults in another private room, and then left soon afterwards, but I didn't expect Shui Qingrou to come to their private room!

Finally able to talk to the goddess and get close contact!

As soon as Shui Gentle came in, everyone was surrounded, asking questions in a mixed manner.

Just as adults thought, Shui Qingrou was still very gentle when facing the children who were more than ten years younger, smiling and looking at the excited people.

They answered all their questions and curiosity one by one.

Seeing the gentle goddess, everyone was even more excited...

Although Chen Yongan and Zhou Nan were squeezed out by several girls, they were flushed and looked at the water softly.

The goddess actually smiled at them just now!

Well, two licking dogs are no doubt...

A smile made the two "hearts" restless.

Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng sat in their seats, looking at the lively side, they sighed helplessly at the same time.

Fortunately, everyone did not blindly block the water gently, and after asking for a while, they surrounded her and Zhou Jia and sat down.

When passing by Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng, Shui gently stopped to greet them with a smile.

Both of them responded.

After the water came gently, the few people were a little restrained at first, and they didn't dare to play too presumptuously, but when the water gently took the lead in applying the cream of the cake to Zhou Jia's face, they went crazy.

When it was eight o'clock, Shui Qingrou said that he had to leave first, and several people understood. Although Zhou Jia was a little bit unwilling, he did not discourage him.

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