I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 133: Cao Zhichang, against Yoo?

   Shui gently bid farewell to a few people, said hello to a few adults, and left.

After    Shui softly left, everyone was completely let go. The remaining reservedness was gone, even the elves were released...

   Butter fight, come!

   Everyone played around ten o'clock, and finally, after losing money, the adults returned to the hotel, and several students returned to school...

   Early the next morning, everyone woke up and came to the arena.

   Now there are 16 players who will play the quarterfinals.

   Zhou Jiang, Xu Heng, and Li Linghui waited in the lounge after being promoted, while Zhou Nan and the others cheered for several people in the auditorium after meeting with the adults.

   There were 8 people in the two lounges, and it happened that Zhou Jia and Zhou Jiang were in the same lounge.

   Although Zhou Jia started to play after arriving last night, it was a special situation last night. At most, after greeted Li Linghui, he sat alone in the corner...

   Zhou Jiang put down the outstretched hand, originally wanted to say hello...

   It hurts a bit, hello...

   sighed, Zhou Jiang and the three sat together waiting for the start of the game.

   Xu Feng looked at Zhou Jia in the distance curiously, and then at Zhou Jiang.

   He thought their brother and sister were weird a long time ago, but he didn't expect...

   But he didn't bother to care about it. This was their family affair, and an outsider himself had no right to interfere.

   A few people didn’t wait long before the game started!

   Now, the venue is not just an ordinary venue, it has also begun to change. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   However, the venues that are too complicated are too complicated for Sugon University, just a few simple venues.

  Water field, rock field, grass field and the original ordinary field.

   shows four venues on the big screen, and then the players will start the lottery after they play.

   The first round is a competition with people who don’t know each other, and they are all students from Dawning College...

   Shuguang University deserves to be a prestigious school, here, a total of seven students survived!

   This is almost half of it.

   Others, that is, a certain college where Zhou Jiang is located and another high-ranking school survived two people.

   Here, it can really be said to be the elite of the elite.

   Elves have evolved at least once, not only that, but they also have very good combat literacy. Elves also have the ability to judge independently.

   The venue is changeable, the number of elves that can be used has increased, and the elves can be recovered, the battle becomes more exciting.

   More than forty minutes passed, and the two finally decided the winner!

   The corresponding player in the lounge where Zhou Jiang and others were located was a miss and lost the game.

   The audience responded enthusiastically to the exciting battle, and fierce applause echoed in the venue for a long time.

   In the second game, it was Zhou Jiang's turn!

   Zhou Jiang got up, slapped Xu Feng and Li Linghui, and walked towards the venue.

   coming soon... coming soon!

   After confirming the information, Zhou Jiang walked out of the darker passage and entered the playing field!

   Zhou Jiang stood on the platform and looked around. However, there were too many audiences. Zhou Jiang did not find Zhou Nan and the others.

   But they should be cheering for themselves, right?


   After the two players were in place, the field draw began.

   In the end, the screen stopped on the "Caozhiyuan".

   The commentator exclaimed, as if something terrible, then the commentator crackled and talked about the advantages of "Caozhichang"...

   Zhou Jiang’s opponent is a young boy named You, who looks pretty handsome. He is a contestant from a small school. Among many schools, it ranks second to last...

   Their school is basically a cruise ship. Now there is a player who is against the sky, and he has reached the top 16. Now he has gone crazy.

   And he looks good, really can be said to be the prince among the poor.

   No, after he came out, the female voice in the audience suddenly became louder...

   "Brother You, Brother You..."

   Zhou Jiang was very upset.

   is not his name and his face that is a little more handsome than himself, nor is it attractive to female audiences.

   Anyway, there is no reason to be unhappy, do you need a reason to be unhappy?

   Zhou Jiang decided to teach him a little lesson and tell him the sinister society...

  Compared with Zhou Jiang, he still has the mood to think about all kinds of things, but Yu is not so relaxed.

   Once he knew that his opponent was Zhou Jiang, he was a little vacant. Now that he is out of luck, he is actually drawn to the grass field...

   The commentator was still wasting his tongue, introducing the two.

   To be honest, these two people still need your commentator to introduce you?

   The information of the two of them, which one was not picked up?

   Even Zhou Jiang’s previous match screens with Tian Zhengjie were picked up.

   played "no match" with the elf who led the teacher. Although he lost in the end, how many of the students were able to do it?

   Although some people took the rhythm at the end, saying that Tian Zhengjie's spirit level was not high, Zhou Jiang was still close to the number one Zhou Jia in the eyes of everyone.

   Of course, if you compare with Zhou Jia, everyone of course chooses Zhou Jia...

Is not this nonsensical.

   Although Zhou Jiangqiang is a little stronger, who is Zhou Jia?

   This is a real disciple of the king!

   The powerful attacking skill "Ice Missile" can teach elves to be "elves" with one shot.

   At the referee's reminder, the two threw the poke ball at the same time.

   "Appeared! Classmate Zhou Jiang's ace wizard, Qingteng Snake!"

   Seeing Zhou Jiang's elves, the narrator became excited, and he couldn't sit still in his chair, and he stood up directly!

   The leaders and guests next to them all lowered their heads in embarrassment...

I do not know him...

The   you fairy is a bibi bird~www.ltnovel.com~ flying type, just to restrain the ivy snake.

   But he dare not take it lightly.

   Zhou Jiang hadn't encountered Bibi Niao before, but he was still an elf.

   Yan return!

   As soon as the elf came out, Zhou Jiang didn't even give an order, so Yu gave the order.

   He guessed that Zhou Jiang used the Qingteng Snake. After all, it was a field of grass, and the grass elves could really play extremely well.

   In order to restrain the Qingteng snake from using [Big Sunny Day], Yuu directly gave the order.

   Zhou Jiang did not panic. In order to avoid the embarrassment from happening again, Zhou Jiang exchanged a long attack skill for it.

   "Ivy snake, tornado!"


   "What, it's a tornado!"

  The commentator is here again...

   Zhou Jiang thought he could report to the Shock Department.

   Now the battle is not like before. When fighting, you still have to wear a microphone to your ears. After all, a wonderful battle must be done by the audience.


   Ivy Snake screamed, and then began to exert force.

   Ivy Snake can also learn [Tornado] under normal circumstances, but this requires incubating eggs.

  The parents only need scallion duck, cunning tengu or tropical dragon.


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