"Chenglong, blizzard!"

Zhou Jia held the railing tightly.

If this continues, everything is over!

The attack of Chenglong can't beat the opponent, and the physical strength of Menus is more than that of Dragonfoot, and Menas can also have a [liquid ring] to return blood!

Zhou Jia wanted to struggle a bit more, but when she couldn't do it, she resorted to the last trick...


After Chenglong made a soft cry, its small mouth opened slightly, and then a large amount of snow flakes with chill came out of its mouth.

"Manus, we also use the blizzard!"

Most of Menus's skills are exchanged from the system, and of course this [Blizzard] is also included, so there is no such thing as "greed and chew" in Menus.

After all, you will be proficient as soon as you learn.

There are not many skills in Dragon Riding on the opposite side, but they are all well-learned. However, the gap between the "special attacks" of the two elves causes the two elves to use completely different skills.

If Chenglong’s [Blizzard] is "Little Snow Fly", then Menus’s belongs to "Heavy Snow Fly" and is not at the same level at all.

The skills of the two sides collided at half-time, and then the [Blizzard] riding the dragon was swept toward itself by Menus's shrinkage.

All the snowflakes hit it. Fortunately, it has the attributes of ice and water. It has four times the restraint of ice skills, otherwise this is enough to give it a pot.

Seeing the skill that failed again, Zhou Jia felt tired.

This is too rascal...

And it's still the form of being crushed, it really sucks...

"Chenglong, thunder!"

Zhou Jia gritted her teeth, and a few words popped out of her mouth.

Chenglong stared at the blizzard, transporting energy.

"Dragon Wave!"



Although Chenglong can learn to [thunder], it is of water and ice properties. It takes a lot more effort to use the skills, and the preparation takes a while.

This is the last, it is a living target!

Menas’s [Dragon Wave] was not a joke, but three shots hit Chenglong’s body.

Fast speed and strong attack power.

It almost canceled the prepared skills as soon as it hit it.

Each shot of [Dragon Wave] will knock Chenglong away and throw it away, and Chenglong can only gather energy as quickly as possible.

When the third shot [Dragon Wave] just hit it, Chenglong opened his glasses instantly and looked at Menus.

The thick golden lightning headed towards Menus.

"Light wall!"



A huge, translucent glass block was erected in front of Menus, and the moment the [Light Wall] was completed, the dragon-riding [Thunder] was also worthy of coming to Menus.

The sturdy electric current rages, but a small [light wall] completely blocks the electric current outside.

The Menas behind [Light Wall] was not affected by any attack at all!

In front of the [Light Wall], thunder light raged, and the ice on the field was also split and broken by the aftermath of the stiff thunder and lightning on the [Light Wall]!

After Chenglong persisted for six seconds, the [Light Wall] finally shattered, but at this time it was also weak in its successor, unable to continue output, and [Thunder] was cut off.

Zhou Jia gave a tut, then signaled Chenglong to take a break and rush over!

The other party canceled the attack, then it's our turn!

Zhou Jiang saw the timing, and the moment [Light Wall] just broke, he asked Menus to make a move.

"Menus, destroy the dead light!"


Zhou Jia was taken aback, and by this time Menus’s [Destroying Death Light] was half gone!

Chenglong struggled to swim towards the side...


[Destroy the Death Light] and [Hard Vortex Water Blade] This kind of ultimatum can exert the true power of Menast Attack.

[Destroying Death Light] did not hit Chenglong, Chenglong did avoid it, but Menas' attack was too strong.

The energy burst out at the moment of touching the ground, and Meinas, who had not yet traveled far, was instantly swept in!

[Destruction of the dead light] The energy wave caused by instantly evaporated a lot of water, not only that, but also a big hole, the ice swimming pool seemed to be empty in an instant, and the water level dropped rapidly.

Chenglong was also lifted out, and only stopped after flying four or five meters away. When it got up, it was already covered in cuts and bruises.

At the moment it flew out, some small stones, small crushed ice and so on, all hit it.

"Chenglong, rush over!"

Too late to feel distressed, Zhou Jia could only order.

Taking advantage of Menus's stiffness due to [Destruction of Death Light], her plan may still be successful, and it would be difficult to do it if it becomes more stiff.

Chenglong endured the pain, and quickly rowed towards Menus, while rowing, Chenglong was still humming a strange ballad.

Chenglong's singing is still very good, even if the song is a little strange, but with its sound, it also has a different taste.

Zhou Jiang's eyes condensed.

He saw Chenglong's face suddenly darkened when swimming towards Menus.

Coupled with its strange and inexplicable ballad, Zhou Jiang had a bad premonition in his heart.

[Song of Destruction]!

Although Zhou Jia didn't call her name, Zhou Jiang was 80% sure that this was [Song of Destruction~www.ltnovel.com~] Otherwise, why did she let Chenglongyou come over? The 8th achievement was to prevent Menas from taking it back after seeing through.

The way to stop it is probably to let Chenglong use his body to block the recovery beam...

But she is still too sweet, even if it can come over, what can it be.

[Song of Destruction] Before the time to activate, Zhou Jiang could guarantee that Chenglong would fall first.

As long as it falls, can't I take back Menus?

"Dragon Wave Full Power!"

The full-powered [Dragon Wave] is no joke.

Menas began to accumulate strength after retreating from freezing, and Chenglong also arrived not far from Menus at this time.

"Tarzan is on top!"

At this time, its singing has stopped, and the death on its face is more obvious than before.

Zhou Jiang is not worried about whether Menus will be overthrown, but he regrets that Menus can't be a string of three...

Imperfect appearance show...


Different from the past, the energy of this [Dragon Wave] is abnormally sufficient!

The dragon flying in the air that was about to reach the top of Menas was instantly blasted away by energy, and the dragon flying to the soft part under the body instantly wailed and flew out.

"The final destruction and death!"

Chenglong has reached its limit.

This is because the quality of Chenglong is silver, and its physical strength is much stronger than those of green and white elves, otherwise it would have fallen.

However, being able to persist until now is considered great, and Zhou Jiang has also seen the abnormalities of high-quality elves.

It's so durable, it's really extraordinary!


The energy quickly gathered in Menus's mouth, and it didn't take long for a golden beam of light that was much thinner than before and flew towards Chenglong.




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