I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 154: Talk more if you can speak

The white mist dissipated, and the place covered by the white mist appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Chenglong was blown up like a tortoise, upside down there, and his head collapsed weakly there.

"Oh oh oh! Menus! Menus!"

"Meinas! Meinas!"


After seeing Zhou Jia's Chenglong fall down, the audience completely fell to Menus and cheered enthusiastically.

Zhou Jia's expression was a bit ugly, and she pursed her lips, and after taking the dragon back, she threw the third elf ball.


With a roar, the elves in white light appeared in front of everyone-the overlord of the waters, the Tyrannosaurus!

With the roar of the tyrannosaurus, Menus was slightly startled. It was frightened by the sudden roar, and its attack was reduced.

Not only Menus, but the audience sitting in front was also frightened by the angry roar, and even the cheers for Menus were reduced a lot.

After the Tyrannosaurus came out, it roared and glared at Menus with big eyes like copper bells.

Menus was not afraid, and stared back.

But compared to the ferocious appearance of the Gyrancopaurus, Menus's stare is much more lovely.


A burst of red light passed, and Menus turned into red energy and was taken back into the Elf Ball.

[Song of Destruction] It's coming soon, Zhou Jiang doesn't want to let Menus just hang up like this.

Even if you win, it is not allowed.

Zhou Jiang took a look at the information about the Tyrannosaurus, and was startled.

Good guy, level thirty!

Although the quality is not high, there are also blue ones.

This is already the strongest Zhou Jiang has ever seen in Tongling. Of course, this does not include himself.

After all, Zhou Jiang still wants to show his face. Even if others want to compare, he will count himself in...

After taking back Menus, the audience's enthusiasm dropped a lot, but fortunately there was no booing.

Zhou Jiang didn't even think about it, and threw out Big Needle Bee's Elf Ball.

Sure enough, the tyrannosaurus must be handed over to the big needle bee!

"Rapid Carp Dragon, Dragon Dance!"


The Tyrannosaurus roared, and then began a strange dance.

Zhou Jiang narrowed his eyes and shouted, "Big Needle Bee, Sword Dance!"

Do you add status? You, I will come too!

The Big Needle Bee can use skills much faster than the Glyptosaurus, but it can be used a little bit slower, but it is better than Glyptosaurus!

[Sword Dance] Although it does not accelerate, it adds two layers of attacks.

"Pointing to the gun!"

When Big Needle Bee was using the skill well, Zhou Jiang called out the command, and at the moment when he called out the command, Zhou Jiang also turned off the gravity ring on its body...


The tyrannosaurus's upright and magical "twitching" dance had just ended, and the big needle bee arrived in front of it.


The big needle bee came to the abdomen of the tyrannosaurus, and sent the spear forward!

The powerful impact directly pierced the scales of the Gyran Carp Dragon's abdomen, and instantly, the Gyran Carp Dragon flew out with a bow! At the moment of flying out, blood gushed out from the place where the waist was stabbed by the big needle bee spear.


The gigantic body of the Tyrannosaurus smashed directly on the edge of the venue, on the stone wall below the auditorium!

Although there was a protective cover, the audience sitting in the front row was almost scared to pee. This brutal and violent scene scared many audiences.

Zhou Jia swallowed, and turned around to look at the tyrannosaurus twitching under the protective cover. Not far away, he looked at the large squirrel bee that was smaller than the normal squirrel bee...

I have known that Big Needle Bee is very strong, but I didn’t expect it to be full force before...

"I abstain!"

Zhou Jia looked at the horror of the Tyrannosaurus and shouted helplessly.

They each took back the Tyrannosaurus and the Queen Needle Bee, and the two immediately left the scene after bowing to each other. The audience who watched was taken aback for a moment, it was obvious that they were still in the shock before they had not recovered.

"Help... Hold me up..."

The president of a university sitting in the audience suddenly covered his heart with his right hand, and put his left hand on the shoulder of the dean sitting on the left.

"Uh, principal! What's wrong with you! Don't scare us!"

Seeing the principal who looked pale, with dense sweat on his forehead, and the corners of his mouth twitching, the dean of teaching suddenly panicked.

"It's okay, it's okay...just so happy..."


"You are really the same, you haven't changed for so many years..."

The vice-principal sitting on his right sighed, took out an unlabeled white medicine bottle from his pocket, and skillfully opened it, shaking out a few pills and feeding him.

After taking the medicine, the principal's condition is obviously much better.

Holding his chest, leaning on the chair, his expression was excited and relieved.

"Actually... I won the championship..."

Compared with his excitement, the teacher group of Shuguang College turned dark.

The championship that I could win every time in previous years is gone.

Forget it if it's gone, I didn't even keep the second place!

And it was a certain college that was not well known!

Holding a competition, nothing was found, and the venue was repaired... The vice principal was about to vomit blood.

He had a foreboding that the number of freshmen in Dawn College next year would be much smaller.

When it was time for lunch, a bunch of people poured into the canteen. After meeting Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan, they walked towards the second floor of the canteen~www.ltnovel.com~ I didn’t know before, it turned out to be too many people. , In order to avoid the contestants queuing to eat for a long time and finally fail to catch up with the situation of no congestion, contestants also have a special dining place.

Of course, contestants can also bring friends there.

It's just that the contestants eat for free, and those who take it will have to pay.

During the meal, everything else was fine, but Zhou Nan stared at him with resentful eyes...

Zhou Jiang said Alexander.

Zhou Jiang understood what the few people meant, and could only helplessly talk to them.

"It's not that I don't want to say it, but you don't believe me when I say it... You don't even believe that Ugly Fish is very useful, let alone that Ugly Fish has evolved into such a beautiful Menus, think about it Look, will you believe me after I said it?"

Of course, this is just a crude excuse. Although Zhou Jiang has deleted the video on his mobile phone now, he met in V market before and the video was still there when Zhou Jiang bought the golden quality ugly fish.

But Zhou Jiang didn't know why he didn't want to tell them all.

Maybe it's afraid that they will expose Menus by themselves first...

Sure enough, I am a selfish person...

Zhou Jiang laughed mockingly...

Under Zhou Jiang’s hypocritical explanation, several people didn’t know if they really believed it or didn’t want to go into it. After that, they didn’t continue to pester Zhou Jiang to talk about Menas, but talked about the previous few people’s matches. Of heroism.

Although they are not only talking about Zhou Jiang, they are almost embarrassed about their sweet Zhou Jiang, and they are so embarrassed that they are so embarrassed that they want to shout "If you can talk, talk more!"...

There are still two games in the afternoon, and the contestants are still these four. They must first decide the third place before the first place.

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