Zhou Jiang wiped the sweat from his forehead and opened the zipper on the tent.

After the cold wind blew Zhou Jiang's cheeks, Zhou Jiang was quite sober.

The moment Zhou Jiang came out, many elves who were waiting woke up and looked at him worriedly.

Zhou Jiang thought of a way. Although he didn't know if it was feasible, Zhou Jiang felt it was better to try than this.

The "identification" of the system does not care whether you are a champion or a beast, whether you are invisible or visible.

It can all be identified for you!

After knowing what kind of spirit it was, Zhou Jiang was able to take precautions.

The unknown is the most terrible!

Zhou Jiang scanned for a week and found that there were no elves!

Zhou Jiang frowned, thinking that things might be beyond his imagination.

Even champion-level elves can't use [Nightmare] in places that are too far away.

And it certainly didn't know that Zhou Jiang had a systematic identification, so it wouldn't run away when Zhou Jiang came out, it should stay where it was and wait not far.

However, Zhou Jiang did not find it!

Zhou Jiang thinks that there may be three situations.

The first one is not what the elves do, but the nightmare caused by the natural environment here or Zhou Jiang's own body.

In the second type, the elf ran away when Zhou Jiang came out.

The third is not just for pure champion-level elves...

The first possibility Zhou Jiang thinks is that it is unlikely, so let it go first.

Although the second possibility is also possible, the probability is not very high.

As for the third one!

The spirit of the beast level had a nightmare, Zhou Jiang immediately thought of that spirit!

Nightmare God, Darklay!

Darklay's characteristic is to make people or elves sleeping around have nightmares, and there is no need to be close to Zhoujiang. Its characteristics can radiate to Zhoujiang as long as it hides in a forest a little farther away from Zhoujiang.

And if it wanted to hide, it wouldn't be easy for Larulas and the others to find it.

Of course, Zhou Jiang suspected that the main reason for Darklay's work was the description of the mysterious elf in this forest.

The whole body is pitch black, hiding in the shadow, two blue eyes...

This is also one of Darklei's characteristics, but he only remembered it after he suspected that it was the work of the beast.

Is it really Darklay...

Zhou Jiang shook his head.

Anyway, Zhou Jiang will leave this forest early tomorrow. Whether it is a champion or a mythical beast, this is not something that Zhou Jiang can provoke now. They don't come to attack Zhou Jiang, just let him have a nightmare. He should be thankful Up.

But tomorrow's matter is decided, and Zhou Jiang will catch the chicken for the present matter.

Now it’s a little more than eight o’clock in the evening, how can we spend these ten hours to six o’clock tomorrow morning...

Watching a movie again?

If you watch and fall asleep again, then...

Any other way...

Forget it, let's watch a movie...

Zhou Jiang asked Bibi Bird and Big Needle Bee to rest. Don't watch the night. Tomorrow they will rely on their two elves to take turns to fly.

The two elves went back to the Elf Ball to rest, and Laluras watched the movie with Zhou Jiang.

Until the sun rose, Zhou Jiang rubbed the dark circles under his eyes and put down the phone.

Zhou Jiang was too lazy to make breakfast. After eating some biscuits, Zhou Jiang took out a rope and tied it around his waist, and then tied it to Bibi Niao’s paws, and let it hold the rope. This almost speaks. It is foolproof.

After everything was ready, Zhou Jiang let Bibi Bird take off.

Zhou Jiang really had enough of this ghost place.

Now he has dark circles under his eyes and is considered a national treasure...

It's like adding a lot of power to a bird, flying.

After flying with Zhou Jiang for more than an hour, Bibi was unable to do so and landed and replaced it with the Big Needle Bee.

The power of the needle bee is much more terrifying than the bird. After the gravity ring is closed, the needle bee took Zhou Jiang and flew directly to noon!

After feeding the two elves at lunch, Zhou Jiang set off without stopping.

Zhou Jiang was really sleepy to death, but he did not dare to sleep.

Especially when he was in the sky, Zhou Jiang opened his eyes and looked down.

Zhou Jiang was really scared, that nightmare, once scared once.

It is really helpless.

Finally, after flying in the boring for three hours, I finally saw the village!

Looking at the small village below, Zhou Jiang left tears of happiness... and finally could sleep!

This time it’s not the bed holding me, it’s me holding the bed! If anyone dares to separate me from the bed, I will be anxious!

Needless to say, Zhou Jiang put away the elves as soon as he landed and ran towards the village.

After meeting an uncle on the road, Zhou Jiang gave him some money and the two reached a deal. Zhou Jiang was able to spend the night at his home.

The uncle told Zhou Jiang that his son was also an elf trainer, three or four years older than Zhou Jiang, and he was about to graduate from university.

When talking about his son, the uncle looked proud, and he kept talking about his son's deeds along the way.

Zhou Jiang was so sleepy that he had to listen to the uncle's lullaby nagging all the way.

Finally, after five minutes of walking, the man came to the uncle's house.

After refusing the uncle to let Zhou Jiang eat and other good intentions, Zhou Jiang came to the room and fell asleep directly on the bed.


Zhou Jiang slept very comfortably.

Although I only slept for more than three hours, it was really refreshing that Zhou Jiang had never had before!

Every pore is opened, and it's ecstatic!

Zhou Jiang was called by the uncle, and when Zhou Jiang walked out of the room, he smelled the scent of fragrance.

Zhou Jiang is boarding here, and the food is also in charge of the uncle. Of course, he is only in charge of Zhou Jiang's food. Zhou Jiang still needs to get the food for the elves himself.

The vegetables are very rich, two meats, one vegetarian and one soup, more than enough for two people.

Uncle’s dishes are very good, and they are much better than Zhou Jiang’s.

After the meal, the uncle wanted to go for a walk in the square and asked Zhou Jiang if he was going. Zhou Jiang shook his head and refused.

He hasn't slept enough yet...

Zhou Jiang returned to the room and just wanted to lie in bed to sleep, but unexpectedly found that the layout in this room was actually quite good.

Zhou Jiang, who was already less sleepy than before, suddenly looked at the room with a sudden curiosity.

The wooden floor looks pretty old, and the white walls are slightly mottled. There is very little furniture in the room, only a cabinet, a bed and a set of tables and chairs.

There is also a balcony next to him. Zhou Jiang opened the glass door and went out to take a look. There was nothing else on the balcony except for some potted plants, and he did not find any particularly good views from the balcony.

When Zhou Jiang retreated to the room, he found a picture frame on the table. After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang walked over and took a closer look.

The photo is a family portrait.

There are four people on it, a big man, an aunt, a little sister, and a young man who is quite tall.

It’s just that the uncle’s changes are a bit big... Do you do too much farm work?

Zhou Jiang put down the photo frame and glanced at the pile of textbooks next to him.

Zhou Jiang is very familiar with these courses this year, which is similar to their textbooks for the third year of high school.

Zhou Jiang curiously opened the textbook on the top. The first page was written with three beautiful characters "Lin Zhaoyang".

Zhou Jiang nodded, is the uncle's surname Lin...

Putting down the book and looking at the surrounding rooms again, Zhou Jiang lay on the bed after finding nothing novel.

Looking at the ceiling, Zhou Jiang recalled the uncle Lin’s nagging about him along the way. He kept his son in a few words, but unfortunately his son can only go home during the Spring Festival every year, and spend the rest of the time. Reading far away.

Tilting his head and looking at the tidy room, Zhou Jiang thought of his parents in his previous life as well as his parents.

My room at home was clean the last time I went back. Is it because they cleaned themselves every day?

Zhou Jiang, who was lying on the bed with his head resting on his hands, fell asleep slowly in his wild thoughts...


This time Zhou Jiang woke up because of Uncle Lin.

Uncle Lin bought some barbecue after he came back from shopping and asked Zhou Jiang if he could eat it.

Of course Zhou Jiang would not refuse.

Speaking of it, it was the first time Zhou Jiang had a barbecue in this world.

Zhou Jiang took the beer that Uncle Lin handed over, and the two started chatting together.

When Zhou Jiang asked his aunt and the little sister, Uncle Lin told him that they had gone to T City.

To be honest, when Uncle Lin spoke with grief and indignation, Zhou Jiang thought his wife ran away with his daughter...

Zhou Jiang asked again to find out ~www.ltnovel.com~ It turns out that Uncle Lin's house grows fruit trees.

Although these fruit trees are cheap, they are indispensable.

Although the production of energy cubes requires fruit with special effects, it also requires ordinary fruits such as apples.

And these fruits can also be eaten by humans, so many people in the countryside will plant some fruit trees to increase family income.

Uncle Lin told Zhou Jiang that since last week, they didn’t know what elves or people came to their orchard, and they were stealing the fruit at night. The problem is that it’s okay to steal the fruit and eat it, and still put a lot of it on the tree. The fruit is broken, and the branches of the fruit tree are broken!

This is quite excessive.

However, there was only one elf in their family, and the only elf was the Bibi bird where their son was staying at home.

Although they also asked Bibi to catch the murderer, when they checked the next day, they saw the still destroyed fruit forest and Bibi who had fainted on the ground.

No way, they went to the small elf center in the village to post tasks. However, this was originally a small village. Foreign elf trainers rarely stay here. There is no trainer in this village these days. No way, they Had to go to the big city T city next door for help.

Zhou Jiang nodded after listening to the uncle's words: "Uncle, if you don't mind, I'll help you see it. Don't look at me like this, my spirit is very strong!"

Listening to Zhou Jiang's words, Uncle Lin laughed and shook his head.

"Xiao Jiang, I took your uncle, but that elf is really strong. Don't take the risk. Tomorrow my wife will be back. Then the nasty guy will wait to be cleaned up! "

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