I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 184: betray! (This time it’s true, not the title party o(′...

Zhou Jiang did not refute.

Unless he showed him his record, otherwise he wouldn't believe that he, a high school student, could solve the problem.

However, Zhou Jiang's face is still a bit thin, and he takes the initiative to tell others about his record...

However, Zhou Jiang speculates whether this uncle does not watch TV...

Although Menus is still scarce now, it is not as pitiful as before.

But not many people can own Menus.

Except for Zhou Jiang, the trainers who now own Minas are probably the super-rich or those officials.

Before Zhou Jiang fed the elves, he had released the elves in front of him, and Menas was on the list.

However, Uncle Lin was only surprised, and then there was no more. He didn't recognize Zhou Jiang as the champion of the "College League Dawn Cup"?

Zhou Jiang didn't talk about the orchard anymore, he just asked Uncle Lin about the location of the orchard "inadvertently".

This Uncle Lin was very kind to him. Zhou Jiang would be allowed to stay in his house with only a little money, and the food was also covered. Although Zhou Jiang is not bad enough, Zhou Jiang still has to bear the goodwill of the other party. .

Anyway, I slept quite full this afternoon, so I can just sneak out to help the uncle solve the problem at night.

For this small task, Zhou Jiang is still very confident, no, it should be said that he is sure of winning!

Zhou Jiang, who returned to the room after taking a shower, lay on the bed and looked at the phone. He waited until about nine o'clock when the room was completely silent.

Zhou Jiang secretly opened the door and took a look at Uncle Lin's room. The lights were already off. Zhou Jiang closed the door, took the pokeball and opened the balcony to release Bibi Bird and let it fly towards the orchard with itself.

All fell asleep so early?

Looking at the dark town below, Zhou Jiang was a little speechless.

Do people in small villages sleep so early?

He thought that only Uncle Lin went to bed early.

It's a bit bad this time. If there is some noise to wake everyone up, Zhou Jiang will definitely be hung up and beaten...

But the orchard is still not far from town...

Pulled by Bibi Niao, he quickly reached the location of the orchard described by Uncle Lin.

Zhou Jiang let Bibi Niao take him to the center of the orchard. After landing, Zhou Jiang saw that the orchard was as Uncle Lin said. The branches with fruits were broken off in large numbers, and there were many scattered on the ground. Slightly rotten fruit.

A breeze hit Zhou Jiang's nose with an unknown floral fragrance.

What flower, so fragrant...

Zhou Jiang sniffed twice and looked around, and found that there was nothing he hadn't seen that was very flowery. They were all fruit trees with a large number of broken branches.

Zhou Jiang squatted down and picked up the fruits and looked at them. They should have been maliciously picked from the fruit trees and then discarded. It has been on the ground for a long time.

Zhou Jiang directly released Big Needle Bee and Larulas.

"La Roulas, use your mind to see if there are any elves or humans destroying the orchard nearby."

Although Uncle Lin said it was destroyed by elves, Zhou Jiang felt that it was also possible for humans.

If the elves didn't have any particularly big hatred, they wouldn't deliberately destroy human settlements and other places. Even if they came to steal the fruit, they just stole it to eat. They would never destroy the fruit tree or even waste the fruit.

These fruits are their food. Whoever destroys the fruit trees will kill them.

La Lulas closed his eyes and felt for a while and shook his head at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang nodded, and then hugged La Luras and strolled around the orchard.

La Luras's current thought power was not enough to cover the entire orchard at once, so Zhou Jiang took her around slowly.

Just don't know if it was an illusion, Zhou Jiang suddenly felt a little sleepy?

Haven't you got enough sleep?

After rubbing his eyes, Zhou Jiang reluctantly regained his energy.

Zhou Jiang looked at these fruit trees and couldn't help but sigh.

I don’t know when he came to destroy it. Am I going to wait here for one night... and what if he rests tonight...

Zhou Jiang walked for a while and saw that there was no movement, and then asked Big Needle Bee and Bibi Niao to explore the distance, and Zhou Jiang was almost there with La Lulas.

Zhou Jiang found a tree and sat down against it.

Forget it blindly looking around, let the big needle bees look for it or wait for some movement to pass.

Holding a small pillow, Zhou Jiang leaned against the fruit tree, felt the gentle breeze, listened to the sound of insects, looked at the twinkling stars in the sky, and couldn't help but feel full of emotion.

Zhou Jiang has a problem. If he is idle, he always fantasizes.

In the previous life, he fantasised to travel to the world of vindictive magic Xiuxian and then made a big business, but now he has really crossed the world of the elves but always remembers.

Recalling the ordinary life of the past...

Ye Gong is a dragon?

Maybe not...




There was a rustling sound and the sound of breaking tree branches from not far away. Zhou Jiang was taken aback and looked over there quickly.

‘Master, there is a monkey destroying the fruit forest! ’

At this moment, La Lulas looked up at Zhou Jiang solemnly.

Zhou Jiang nodded.

"Is it finally here..."

But monkey...big brother?

Although Zhou Jiang wanted to ask what kind of monkey it was, La Lulas probably didn't even know it, so he rushed over and looked real.

"La Roulas, if the psychic link can connect to the big needle bees, connect and call them back."

Zhou Jiang ran towards that side while shouting at La Lulas in his arms.

La Luras nodded, and then purple light appeared in his eyes...



As the distance got closer, the "click" that Zhou Jiang could hear became louder and clearer.


Looking at the broken branches and fruit in one place, Zhou Jiang looked at the black shadow not far away and burst into anger.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's shout, Sombra paused, looked back at Zhou Jiang, and then screamed.

‘Master, they have been notified to the Big Needle Bee, they are on their way. ’

Laroulas' voice came in his mind, and Zhou Jiang nodded.

"La Roulas, please help me translate what it's saying..."

"Xiao Jiang!"



Zhou Jiang just wanted to get La Luras to translate, but suddenly a male voice came from behind him, almost not scaring Zhou Jiang to death!

Not only that, even the little Lalulas in Zhou Jiang's arms was shocked, his face pale for a while.

Zhou Jiang quickly turned around and found out that it was Uncle Lin who called him!

"Uncle Lin! Why are you here!"

Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the person coming.

It was really scared by the previous nightmare. He was a little afraid of ghosts and other things, but now he made him nervous. If it weren't for "repaying kindness", Zhou Jiang would not bother to bring the elves over.

"Oh, you, you, I am worried that your quilt is not properly covered. Go into your room and take a look. When no one thinks of you on your bed, I asked me where the orchard is before I knew you were here."

Looking at the worried Uncle Lin, Zhou Jiang smiled embarrassedly.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'm very strong, don't you think I have found the elf that destroyed your orchard!"

As he said, Zhou Jiang turned his head to the monkey who was standing on the branch and squeaking.

"La Roulas, Nianli!"


Laluras gently lifted his small hand and squeezed it violently. The monkey elves in the distance were wrapped in thought power, and then floated towards Zhou Jiang and the others.

It was only after entering Zhou Jiang that this "monkey elf" was actually a long-tailed strange hand!

The long-tailed monster's hands were controlled by the power of mind, and he couldn't move his whole body, and could only "squeak" strangely.

"La Roulas, can you look through what it says?"

Hearing the cries of the long-tailed strange hand, Zhou Jiang yelled Lulas again.

Zhou Jiang wanted to see what had caused it to destroy the fruit forest so much.

"Hey, Xiao Jiang, forget it, let it go, I think it's pretty pitiful, and the orchard hasn't suffered much damage."

Uncle Lin looked at the struggling long-tailed strange hand, sighed, and said to Zhou Jiang.

"That won't work, uncle, you don't know, if you don't solve this problem, if you let it go like this, it will come back in the future. With me here today, I will help you solve it, once and for all!"




A loud noise suddenly came from behind, shocking Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang quickly looked back at ~www.ltnovel.com~ I saw Uncle Lin was smiling grimly at him, and he was actually holding a smoking gun in his hand!

"Big... Uncle..."

"Damn, I underestimate you!"

"Uncle Lin" was no longer kind and looked at Zhou Jiang with a grim look. He slammed his pistol at Zhou Jiang, and then took out a black pokeball from his pocket.

"Go, Tyrannosaurus armored!"

"Lin...Uncle Lin...you!"

Zhou Jiang looked at Uncle Lin in disbelief, but he didn't expect that he would attack him with a gun!

"Haha! To blame, I can only blame you for your nostalgia. I wanted to use a combination of drugs to stun you, but I didn't expect you to ask this **** monkey! But now if you obediently hand over your spirit me It can spare your life, how about it."

Uncle Lin sneered, and his body quickly moved back.

"La Roulas!"

Zhou Jiang was really angry this time, and he actually deceived his feelings!


The armored tyrannosaurus roared and rushed up, the unicorn on the top of his head was spinning frantically, and Laluras waved his hands, and a huge shadow ball moved towards the armored tyrannosaurus!


The shadow ball bombarded the armored tyrannosaurus, and the armored tyrannosaurus flew out instantly!


The sneer on the face of "Uncle Lin" who had just ran out not far froze instantly, his eyes widened, and he stared blankly at the iron-clad tyrannosaurus lying in front of him!

"No... impossible... you! How could you!"


Zhou Jiang looked at the dumbfounded "Uncle Lin", snorted and then shouted.


With a mischievous voice, a cloud of purple smoke appeared in front of "Uncle Lin".

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