"How about it, haven't you got it?"

Zhang Kui's voice came from behind. Zhou Jiang quickly looked at it. Those prosecutors gave up another way, and then Zhang Kui and Wang Hai walked towards Zhou Jiang.

"It's just right, come and help, that Abby Long is a heavenly king, and my Big Sting Bee cannot hold it!"


Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, the two walking slowly ran over and watched the sonic boom hitting Abby Long and the struggling Big Needle Bee, both of them took a breath at the same time.

"Go, Tyrannosaurus armored!"

"You also help, Boscordora!"

The two threw a poke ball at the same time, and then two big men appeared on the battlefield.

Abby Long glanced at the two elves, ignored them, and continued to blast towards the Big Needle Bee with punch after punch.


The armored tyrannosaurus and Bos Kedora roared, and then headed towards Abelong with their teeth and claws.

The unicorn drill on the top of the armored tyrannosaurus revolved quickly, and then it lowered its head and launched a charge towards Abby Long!

Boss Kedora also activated his skills, with a white light all over his body, and then suddenly leaped and slammed into Abby Long.


Abby Long stopped the attacking fist, took a look at them with a slight breath, then suddenly disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he had already reached the iron-clad tyrannosaurus running behind Boscodora!


At the moment when Abelong’s fist was thrown out, the Big Needle Bee also rushed, and once the needle passed, he picked Abelong’s fist, and Abelong flew out directly against the armored tyrannosaurus, and the fist was empty. The air pressure driven by the rear overturned several "pendent" elves not far away.

As the target disappeared, Bos Kedora slammed into the rock wall, and the whole cave shook in an instant, and pieces of gravel fell on top of her head from time to time. After watching Zhou Jiang, she couldn’t help but stared at Wang Hai. .

Wang Hai looked at Zhang Kui and Zhou Jiang who were glaring at him, and scratched his head with a wry smile.

Fortunately, it didn't collapse...

Let's all play together!

Of course, when the time comes, it depends on their respective abilities and whether they can survive smoothly.

On the other side, the Tyrannosaurus ironclad gratefully looked at the Stylus Bee, and then did not dare to rush forward again.

At that moment, it was really fast.

With the speed and body of the iron armored tyrannosaurus, Abby Lang suddenly fell down...

Double restraint, it is really fatal.

Fortunately, if there is no "origin", with the blessing of "origin", then the restraint relationship is really sharp.

Big Needle Bee nodded, and then rushed to continue fighting with Abby Long.

In it, it is estimated that it can only be dragged by the big needle bee. The other elves have the same strength as it, the size is large and the speed is slow, and the strength of the same size is weak...

But the most important thing is its "origin" blessing.

It's fine now. There are Tyrannosaurus and Boscordora. The two elves only need to fire their cannons nearby. Anyway, although the Big Needle Bee can't beat it, it still has no problem to entangle it.

But the fact is also true, the big needle bee is like a cowhide moss around Abelong.

However, every time Abby Long swings his fist, he is either picked up and blocked by Big Needle Bee with a needle, or he is avoided by an inexplicable body technique.

If you want to leave, although the Big Needle Bee's attack does not have the "origin", it will cause abnormal pain when hitting it, like a needle.

I can't go if I want to, I can't fight if I want to.

It's going crazy!

When Abelang was frantically facing the Big Needle Bee Euler Euler, all the quasi-king-level elves had been resolved.

Qingteng snakes have also joined the pendant team, no, they are not pendants, they are auxiliary!

The Qingteng Snake’s [knot knot grass rope] can trip Abby Long from time to time. Although Abby Long’s physical coordination is very strong, he won’t have that kind of bumping into the ground when he trips, but it can alleviate the problem. The pressure of the needle bee, and the high pressure [water gun] of Menus and is an effective means of attack.

This skill of Minas is almost equivalent to the power of a sniper rifle, right?

Bi Diao used a trick [Shun Feng] for Big Needle Bee, which was just replaced by Zhou Jiang.

Although I don't know the principle, it can increase the movement speed of the companion, which is very good.

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus and Boscordora also knew that they were not able to intervene in the battle on the opposite side, and they made the mistake of acting as a fort.

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus has 【Rock Blade】, and Boscodora has 【Grating Cannon】!

These two are their native skills, plus the bonus of "source", they are absolutely painful when hitting Abby Lang!

However, Abby Long is not stupid.

The only support that can affect it at the scene is Zhou Jiang's four elves and Zhang Kui Wang Hai's one each.

The trouble caused by Zhou Jiang's elves is nothing but trouble, but the two elves of Zhang Kui and Wang Hai can cause considerable damage to it.

So although it was still punching Big Needle Bee, some of its attention shifted to Tyrannosaurus and Boscordora.

Anyway, it can't hit Big Needle Bee, and Big Needle Bee can't hit it either, so it doesn't matter if it is distracted.

"Can't beat it..."

Seeing the raging battle~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhang Kui became a little impatient.

"By the way, the doctors are still there, or should we catch them and let Abby Lang throw the rat?"

"good idea!"

Looking at the two excited people, Zhou Jiangbai felt that they were the same.

"Don't think too much, this method won't work. If it's useful, you still need to talk about it? I'll do it directly."

"Um... those people were still there when we came, you haven't caught them... how did you know?"


Zhang Kui was a little unwilling and retorted, while Wang Hai nodded beside him.

Zhou Jiang looked at the two people who were singing and singing and couldn't help moving away from them.


Zhou Jiang turned his head and pointed at the big hole beside the researchers.

"See the big hole on the wall?"

"I see, what's the matter?"

"The big pit was created by Abby Lang. They fought and hit the other side, and the doctor was standing there, almost killed by Abby Lang's fist... If it weren't for him to hide fast, now 80% has become A tuft of mosaics..."

Zhang Kui swallowed, looked at the big pit, and nodded.

"By the way, the poke ball is retrieved directly from them and recovered..."

"See the debris on the ground over there."


The helpless two glanced at each other, and could only continue to look at Big Needle Bee. Now they can only pin their hopes on Big Needle Bee...

Zhou Jiang did not say.

In fact, he can try to see if Big Needle Bee can evolve Mega.

If Mega evolves, the attack power and speed of Big Needle Bee can increase a lot, it should be enough to fight with Abby Lang, and there are those auxiliary pendants next to it, it should not be difficult to defeat Abby Lang.

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