But Zhou Jiang didn't dare to show it...

One is not wanting to be exposed, and the other is not daring to expose...

The Galaxy Group is researching this thing, indicating that this thing may not be useful yet, but it is just out of the research stage, otherwise Zhou Jiang does not believe that an organization with the same name as an evil organization in a large area in the animation would not know it.

Although the current Galaxy group is not as strong as the Rockets, it is also a headache organization in Country E. They have not been wiped out. There must be some people in Country E. If you really know the Mega Evolution Stone Usefulness, will they still study here?

Just bring those important things back and study them.

This is China, the Rockets' territory, where they will feel safe.

Of course, this is only Zhou Jiang's guess, so Zhou Jiang will cover up the pendant hanging on his neck after the incident is over.

Let the system reprocess, and wrap a layer of things on the Mega Keystone so that the outside cannot see what is inside.

But it's okay now. If this goes on, it will definitely be Abelon who is exhausted first.

Although Big Needle Bee's physical strength is not very high, it is still possible to defend all the time, and Zhou Jiang has an invincible potion that can restore physical strength!

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

The fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce, and the Qingvine Snake and Lalulas also worked hard to assist the Sting Bee.

Zhou Jiang didn't bother to stand here and watch, anyway, he couldn't command Big Needle Bee.

Big Needle Bee and Abby Long, one runs faster than the other.

Zhou Jiang didn't see clearly, the two elves disappeared again...

In that case, it is better to go to the side to rest.

"Aren't you going to tie up those guys?"

Zhou Jiang asked the man standing next to him watching the big needle bees fighting.

You don’t need to command those elves. What are you doing while standing? Even if those little ones are defeated, you don’t want to catch them. What if they run away...

"Oh oh oh! Yes! Your lord!"

Zhou Jiang was taken aback as he looked down at a man who had seen his boss.

That guy, who is about 1.8 meters tall, but treats himself this way, sure enough, they...

Worship me too much? !

Seeing a bunch of members of the Yinhe Regiment over there, while secretly turning his head to look at his supervisory team members, Zhou Jiang also turned his head and smiled at them.

They didn't even dare to look at Zhou Jiang anymore, for fear of being fascinated by Zhou Jiang!

Zhou Jiang touched his handsome face and sighed embarrassedly.

"Hey, why am I so handsome... I can't get close to everyone anymore."

Zhou Jiang took his grievances to sit down and think about life.

Wardday May Tianli Visenmo Ramosai Shuai De Bu Yao Bu Yao De Made Zhen Ta Ma Shuai!

Zhou Jiang sat down against the rock wall and looked at the big needle bees who were still fighting over there. He couldn't help but wonder when it was the head...

Seeing Big Needle Bee panting and unable to carry it anymore, Zhou Jiang extracted the potion from the system backpack.

"Big Brother Zhang, let the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus block them first!"

Zhang Kui was taken aback, then looked at the serious expression on Zhou Jiang's face, then nodded, and after nodding with Wang Hai, he let the iron armored tyrannosaurus go up and fight.

Zhou Jiang then ordered Laluras to entangle Abby Lang with all his strength and recalled the Big Needle Bee. After taking out the medicine extracted from the system from the backpack, Zhou Jiang poured it down.

I don't know how the system's medicine was made, the effect is so powerful that it is abnormal!

After the big needle bee took a gulp, it recovered a lot of physical strength when it was out of breath. Although it may not be full, it is almost there.

The Big Needle Bee gave a long whistle, and then joined the battle again.

With the addition of Big Needle Bee, Tyrannosaurus and Boscodora, who had been beaten by sandbags, finally let out a sigh of relief and pushed them back to rest.

"My Cao!"

Zhang Kui let out a strange cry, and then rushed to Zhou Jiang, and stretched out the round-eyed national character face towards Zhou Jiang.

"Long neck monster? Me too!"

Zhou Jiang looked at Zhang Kui for a moment, then stood up, sticking his tongue out as hard as he could, then stretched his neck forward and kept still, and walked towards him from left to right.

"My Cao!!!"

Zhang Kui backed away in fright, hitting a rock with his heels and sitting on the ground.

The prosecutors and Wang Hai who looked at here not far away also looked at Zhou Jiang with complex expressions.

Scared? weird?

Zhou Jiang laughed and returned to normal, rubbing his neck with his hands and looking at Zhang Kui.

This trick was created by Zhou Jiang when he browsed Baidu in his previous life and turned to a funny little video. It looked scary, and Zhou Jiang remembered it.

I haven't used it before, but I tried it subconsciously for the first time now, and the result-unexpectedly good?

After pulling Zhang Kui up, Zhou Jiang sat back, and Zhang Kui didn't ask anything, and went back to Wang Hai griefly...

Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhang Kui left.

He knew that the guy came over and wanted to ask himself how Big Needle Bee recovered his strength~www.ltnovel.com~ Healed his wounds, and let his eyes ring in circles to wait for the elves to recover. But from panting to full of energy, It is fighting spirit.

This has never happened before! Unless it's those special elves skills, such as feeding in a big milk tank, laying eggs in auspicious eggs.

But these two kinds of elves are firmly controlled by the alliance.

The Joey family controls the auspicious egg group, while the big milk tank is exclusively made by the alliance as a dairy farm. There are few wild big milk tanks and auspicious eggs, and there are very few flowing out from the alliance, only those Only trainers who have obtained "great credit" and "great contribution" and those with good moral character can get it.

If Zhou Jiang's medicine flows out now, it will have a great impact, of course, it will only be great, and it won't be troublesome.

The Big Needle Bee is out of strength and can only choose one from Mega and Recovery.

After Mega evolved, Zhou Jiang was not sure if he could play it, and the risk was too great, Zhou Jiang did not dare to take the risk.

In contrast, drug use is too much for Zhou Jiang.

Abby Lang is about to lose his houd. The twelve quasi-king elves with Zhang Kui and Wang Hai's firepower have been harassing them with long-range skills. Abby Lang's physical strength is really rushing down. Drop it.

It is estimated that Zhou Jiang's second bottle of medicine is no longer needed.

Due to the loss of physical strength, the speed of his fist instantly felt a lot slower.

Although the Big Needle Bee had no physical strength just now, his reaction ability decreased, he was pressed and beaten again and again, almost never beaten, but now his physical strength is full~ hum!

Although Big Needle Bee hasn't strengthened, but Abby Long is weaker, there is not much difference in the first place, Big Needle Bee can head-to-head with it a few times!

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