
Suddenly, a burst of black smoke emerged from behind the Big Needle Bee.

Zhou Jiang was surprised before he realized, isn't this tm his own ghost?

Then Zhou Jiang saw Abby Lang who was unsteady and began to swing.

Zhou Jiang frowned at the Guisi who was laughing smugly, and nodded thoughtfully.

"So...have been hiding in ambush here?"

Knowing that the Uranus-level Abby Lang is difficult to be hypnotized, so he kept lying on the sidelines, waiting for him to fight with Big Needle Bee and get tired and slack before coming out to give him a fatal blow...

Worthy of being my elf! Have my demeanor back then!

"La Roulas, go up and help too!"

"In that case, let's go, go, Geng ghost!"

"Go! Yongjira!"


Looking at the crumbling Abby Long, everyone was overjoyed, and quickly let the many elves stop attacking to prevent Abby Long from waking up from the pain. Then everyone released a bunch of elves with hypnotic skills, and then collectively moved towards Abby Long. Kill the past.

If Abby Long was not hit by a ghost, these hypnotisms would be of no use to Abby Long, but he was accidentally hit by the ghost's hypnotism. Although it didn't fall, it almost couldn't hold on. Up.

In addition to the high-intensity battle before, it made its body a little tired...

Abby Lang staggered back until he was leaning against the rock wall and was hypnotized by many elves. In the end, Abby Lang didn't hold it, his eyelids were abnormally heavy, and then he collapsed softly on the ground.

Everyone looked at Abby Long, who had finally fallen, and they were all relieved.

This ghost finally fell...

There are so many of them. Although, except for Zhou Jiang and other people with quasi-tianwang level strength, everyone else just released an elf, but there are 60 or 70 people here!

Add all the elves of Zhou Jiang and Zhang Kui Wang Hai.

In the end, it was only relied on the hypnotic sneak attack of the ghosts to kill it, really...

Is it worthy of being an elf of the heavenly king...

Zhou Jiang also realized the importance of "origin" again.

Zhang Kui and Wang Hai's quasi-tianwang-level elves, although they have touched the origin, can't use them as they like, that is to say, the kind that is not effective at times.

And the existence of the real heavenly king of Abelon can be used completely, and once it is used, it is really powerful and unmatched!

The Elf Ball before Abby Long has broken, which means it is a wild Elf. So Zhou Jiang and the others used a new poke ball to catch it.

Of course, Zhou Jiang and others weren't trying to subdue it or use it.

This kind of elves is obviously used by the Galaxy Group to defend these doctors, even if they are subdued by them, they won't be obedient, and even attack them.

And their goal is not to make it combat effectiveness.

The elves that can become the heavenly kings are all one in a thousand, one in ten thousand existence, the elite of the elite among the elves.

Of course, those who rely on drugs are another matter.

These elves of the heavenly king level, their children and offspring will not be much worse, and it is good to let them be nurturing machines at that time.

It’s just this kind of inhumanity. As early as many years ago, there was a decree in the alliance. Even if the elves that have been eliminated from the evil organization, they can breed new elves. But you can’t be too hasty. After giving birth to the elves, you will have a good life. Provides for the elf and cannot conceive within a year.

This is the female elf, as for the male...

So who cares about you, the trouser belt is beyond the control of the elves, so they will drug it for the first time. If it wants it later, who will control it?

Who cares?

They are too happy...

After recovering Abby Long, Zhang Kui and others took a long breath.

It's worth this trip!

With an elf of the heavenly king level, they can get a lot of alliance points.

Of course, it is impossible to be a coalition prosecutor to give you some salary.

After all, if you want to mobilize their enthusiasm and get more people to participate in the fight against evil organizations, you need to show something.

Many civilian trainers do not have much resources to nurture good elves. For example, some elves need evolution stones to evolve, and they can't reach out and ask for them at home, so they can only go out to work and make money.

And becoming a national prosecutor is the best way out.

One is "decent", and the other is the issue of welfare.

Although the private sector also has such things as security companies, it cannot be compared to the collective prosecutors organized by the state.

These resources alone cannot match.

The prosecutors use a points system to participate in activities to eliminate evil organizations. They use a real-time camera worn on their chests to evaluate their merits and earn points, as well as a monthly "salary" distributed according to grade.

Points can be used for many purposes, such as changing money, changing props, asking the king for guidance, and so on!

Many items on the market that cannot be bought or are very rare can be exchanged there. It just depends on whether you have enough points.

Of course, in addition to these, you can also exchange for elves!

That's right.

It's an elf.

But they are all elves.

For example, such as Yusanjia, Geely Eggs, you can redeem them~www.ltnovel.com~, but the points required for redemption are huge.

But the points spent are worth the value.

The elves in exchange for the lowest quality are all blue!


"Not good! Captain! Someone ran away!"

"What?! What ran away, you speak slowly."

The people who were still immersed in joy were awakened by a sudden panic.

Zhang Kui looked at the panting prosecutors and asked quickly.

After the inspection team rested for a while, they said anxiously.

"Just now we were about to take the people from the Galaxy Group back, and were about to take down the experimental products and materials that the researchers were carrying, only to find that those things were not in their hands!"

"What?! Not in their hands! Did it fly?"

When Wang Hai was anxious, his voice became louder.

Yes, this is the most important harvest of this operation, just fly?

Seeing the inspector looking at Wang Hai with some fear, Zhou Jiang and Zhang Kui hurried up to comfort them.

After all, he still needs to talk later.

"You go on and say, it's okay, don't be afraid of him."

Wang Hai glanced at Zhou Jiang, opened his mouth, and said nothing.

Indeed, there is nothing to be afraid of, after all, he is not an inspector under his control, and he can't beat him...

Glancing at the big needle bee flying beside Zhou Jiang, Wang Hai felt bitter.

After so many years of hard training, he barely reached the quasi-tianwang. He looks so young...

Is this the legendary genius?

Of course, he did not doubt that Zhou Jiang was a child of a big family.

After all, people from big families don't need to come here.

After all, they don’t lack anything, let alone the king of heaven, even the guidance of champions is always there!

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