Seeing Kirulian eating the energy cube, Laluras's happy little eyes narrowed.

Zhou Jiang didn't care about the two elves who were talking and the other elves who were drooling with envy.

The tree fruit is gone, these energy cubes are for his elves to eat, Zhou Jiang wouldn't say anything to let his elves wait first and give them to eat first.

Those who have not eaten or are not full are dependent on their boss wind speed dog.

They will be able to eat early when it comes back with the elves who went back to get the fruit.

They will not be hungry anyway.

Glancing at Meng Takibin who walked to his side and leaned over to look at Menus who was eating the energy cube, Zhou Jiang didn't say anything and continued to be in a daze.

Zhoujiang speaks very little and will not provoke topics. No, it should be said that he is not interested in provoke topics.

Although he is curious about new things and strangers, Zhou Jiang will not take the initiative to attack by his lazy nature.

Follow the fate... follow the fate.

Meng Takibin didn't let Zhou Jiang wait for a long time.

"Eh, where is the small plane flying next to you?"


Zhou Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted. She was probably talking about the small plane that was broadcast live.

"Oh, that thing, I closed it because nobody was watching it."

"No one is watching?"

Meng Takibin became curious about Zhou Jiang's explanation.

Before, she just felt that something was missing, but after finally remembering it, she asked curiously. She didn't expect his answer to arouse her interest.

Zhou Jiang nodded in response to Meng Takibin's question.

"Yes, no one came in to see, so I closed it... hey!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Jiang was also in tears.

After a day’s live broadcast, only one sprayer came in and sprayed himself, and then back again...

No love...

Zhou Jiang plans to open one day tomorrow to see.

If there is still no one...

Watching, watching again...

Ahem, how could such an interesting plan be so stranded?

Don't you think this plan is very loving?

And I have invested so many points, how can I do without gain.

"Eh!!! Are you the anchor?!"

Looking at Meng Takibin, who was a little curious with a surprised look, Zhou Jiang almost committed suicide with ashamed.

Yes, I am an anchor with zero fans...

"Ahem, I said, I'm not the anchor anymore! Just playing!"

Zhou Jiang quickly explained.

He feels that he still needs a face, if he admits it like that...

Well, I can't even pass the bottom of my heart!

Regarding Zhou Jiang's explanation, Meng Takibin nodded, with an expression of "I understand, I understand!"


Zhou Jiang looked at her helplessly, and could only explain it as it was, but he omitted all these exchanges and the "real purpose".

"Oh~ So you just started broadcasting."

Meng Takibin nodded and suddenly realized: "By the way, what's your live broadcast room number, I will check it later, and give you a quasi **** by the way?"

The "quasi-gods" in the live broadcast room are equivalent to those of the Rockets. As for how much it costs, Zhou Jiang doesn't know much about it. After all, these are really unnecessary for him.

However, Zhou Jiang declined the favor of the other party, and did not tell the other party the number of the live broadcast.


What a shame!

However, Zhou Jiang did not intend to hide it for a lifetime.

As long as you have...if you have more than a hundred fans following you, tell others?

By the way, is this requirement a bit too low...

Meng Takibin became more curious about Zhou Jiang's low-key "secrecy" behavior.

Humans are such a strange creature. If Zhou Jiang had answered her questions before, then she might, no, definitely wouldn't be so curious.

Seeing her curiously "scratching her head and head", Zhou Jiang wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh.

With his poor attention and number of fans, what qualifications do you have to laugh at others?

"Just tell me~ How about I advertise for you? I have a lot of friends around me, and there are many fans who like me to take pictures, but they will also go to increase your popularity, how about?"

Zhou Jiang expressed disdain for the temptation she proposed.

"Do you have a lot of friends? How many? You have a lot of fans for your photos?

Meng Takibin was not angry at Zhou Jiang's skeptical attitude.

Doubt means chance.

If you are indifferent, it will be difficult to speak, as long as there is a need, doubt, etc., then it is not a problem!

"Hey, my friends don't tell me, but I have hundreds of thousands of fans!"

Speaking of fans, Meng Takibin raised his head proudly, full of arrogance.

Although there is very little attention in the field of photos, she has been able to gain hundreds of thousands of fans in just a few years by her own efforts, which is enough to make her proud.

"Hey~ hundreds of thousands?"

Zhou Jiang was a little surprised.

But his first impression was a zombie fan?

Or is it because her family did it to save her face?

Zhou Jiang is such a "little man", who has malicious intent to speculate about everything.

"Why, don't you believe it?!"

Meng Takibin was "angry" instantly.

You can doubt my purpose.


Just can’t doubt the number of my fans!

This is what I have exchanged for the real photography technique that does not contain moisture! ! !

Watching her straight face and telling herself how she went deep into the danger ~ How long did she wait, how to use the complicated photography and camera technology and a series of complicated photos taken, Zhou Jiang felt his head was big.

You tell me what's the use of these, you don't understand at all!

Although his face was dumbfounded, Zhou Jiang couldn't show any impatience when looking at Meng Takibin's serious expression. He could only listen to her with a bitter expression, nodding his head to show understanding...


Suddenly, Zhou Jiang heard the rustle of grass rubbing in the distance and the vague barking of wind speed dogs.

Without hesitation, Zhou Jiang directly interrupted what she said, telling her that he was going to make an energy cube, and then greeted the wind speed dog.

Zhou Jiang sighed in relief when he watched the returning wind speed dog and Bi Diao.

The elves were excited about the tree fruits carried by the wind speed dogs.

Finally ate some again!

In response to his eager gaze, Zhou Jiang took the fruit and walked into the house.


After the elves were full, they listened to Zhou Jiang with grateful and complicated eyes before leaving under the leadership of Wind Speed ​​Dog. There were still a lot of fruit left, enough for Zhou Jiang’s elves to eat for a long time. .

The premise is that those elves won't come...

Meng Longbin's elves and Zhou Jiang's elves were full, and Zhou Jiang and Meng Longbin were left without food.

Originally Zhou Jiang wanted to cook for himself, but Meng Takibin said that her spirit had eaten his energy cube. In return, she gave her the task of dinner.

Zhou Jiang didn't refuse, and his somewhat spooky appetite improved a lot. As long as it wasn't the kind that was hard to swallow, he would pass it after a while.

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