I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 278: Ironclad Tyrannosaurus

Meng Takibin is cooking.

Cut vegetables and set fire.

These are all decent, at least not the kind of cooking idiot.

This relieved Zhou Jiang a lot.

After all, if it’s a dark dish like the elf food you make...

Not to mention it.

Since Meng Takibin's cooking is not bad, Zhou Jiang doesn't bother to pay attention to her.

He is now going to feed the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus.

Yes, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus.

Later when he entered the room to get the energy cube, the phone popped up a message that Mr. Hua helped him fix it.

And there is still no limit, which makes Zhou Jiang a sigh of relief.

He asked Hua Lao to relax the restrictions, but finally thinking about it, he felt that there was no restriction, so he wanted to tell Hua Lao to change it, but something was dragging him before, so he had a little forgotten about it.

If Mr. Hua manages to relax the restriction and get twelve, then Zhou Jiang is not embarrassed to trouble him again, cough cough, at most waiting for a longer time before going to him to change it.

Zhou Jiang said that his face was still a little thin.

The appearance of the armored tyrannosaurus made many elves look at each other, even Meng Takibin who was cooking was no exception.

She saw the ghost before coming out. Although she was a little curious about the beads that Zhou Jiang threw to it, she didn't ask much.

This time the iron armored tyrannosaurus played, or from the inside of the poke ball, count, Zhou Jiang at least opened seven poke balls.

She shook her head and didn't think much.

The limitations of the Pokeball are nothing for people with a little background.

After all, most people are not stupid and don't always bring more.

The six are considered the best, so many people have not solved the restrictions even if they can.

Unlocking the restrictions is just a bit shocking to ordinary people.

she was?

Meng Takibin just shook his head and didn't think much, and continued cooking.

Isn't it normal for a breeder who can make intermediate energy cubes to unlock the restrictions?

For breeders, especially high-level ones, it is much less difficult to cultivate elves.

If they travel alone, their elves may not be strong enough, so they can't help but bring more.

Although Zhou Jiang seems to be not weak in strength...

The armored tyrannosaurus was originally a little uncomfortable, after all, staying in such a large and free place in the wild, now it is confined to a small elf ball. The red and white **** are not those high-end elf balls, the space of the red and white **** is very small...

Not only that, it was taking a nap at the time!

After a full meal, he was about to lie down to digest it, was attacked inexplicably, and then locked in a small black room...Anyone would be upset.

However, it did not run wild after coming out, and its head raised high and ready to roar also lowered, and its mouth closed.

It felt that it could not do this. This "two-legged elves" sent an elves to defeat itself one-on-one, so according to the rules, they should listen to him...

Well, I just abide by the rules, definitely not because it feels that many elves can hang it...

Seeing the iron armor tyrannosaurus obediently taking over the energy cube in his hand, Zhou Jiang glanced at it strangely.

I thought that I would be a little disobedient when I didn't come. I didn't expect to be so obedient. Is this subdued by my charm?

Tyrannosaurus can't care about these.

It said that it would be better for it to settle down.

If the opponent can beat him one by one, he must be a bit of a genius, maybe he can become stronger after him?

Thinking like this, Tyrannosaurus armored two energy cubes into his mouth.

The two energy cubes are indeed small for the big mouth of Tyrannosaurus armored, and Tyrannosaurus armored chewing and thinking.

Everything else is fine, just a little bit stingy. Feed me two small things with such big nails. Is this the rhythm to starve me?

Click, click~


After swallowing a little bit, suddenly, the tyrannosaurus armored eyes widened, showing an incredible expression.

Zhou Jiang looked at the expression on the iron armor tyrannosaurus and nodded in relief.

Can't you do without me now?

I don't believe it, can you wild elves get away from this energy cube? !

The size of the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus was not enough to eat. Zhou Jiang gave it a small pot and let it eat slowly over there. Then he went to watch the little fire dragon practice.

To be honest, the practice of Little Fire Dragon is fire breathing, running and actual combat.

Running is a lot of it every day.

After all, physical strength is very important.

And for the fire, Zhou Jiang let it condense [sparks] and try his best to make it [spraying flames].

The little fire dragon's previous additions are special attack and speed, so it uses [spark], but its power is not bad, and the temperature is very high.

In the battle, the little fire dragon has always played against the big needle bee.

But it basically belongs to the existence of sandbags, almost all of them are being beaten, but whether they are beaten, they can increase defense and physical strength... As the saying goes, if you want to learn to beat people, learn to beat first.

Although this should be known to the fighting elves, other faculties...should be similar, right?

Although the little fire dragon belongs to the existence of sandbags, there are almost no elves who want to fight with it, but no one can train with it, so almost everyone is reluctant...

After all, the elves of Zhoujiang don’t have the hobby of sandbags~www.ltnovel.com~ and they are still small companions...

Although the big needle bee doesn't matter, it has to control the power to make it uncomfortable.

The little guy Lalulas didn't fight directly.

The Qingteng Snake didn't bother to fight it.

Menus couldn't bear to fight.

The ghosts must hide around and be on guard, after all, it is an important line of defense for Zhou Jiang.

Stealth, invisible defense is very useful, after all, La Luras and Big Needle Bee are not always on guard.

Only Bibi Niao will fight it...

Now the little fire dragon is fighting with Bibi Bird.

But it was a fight. In fact, the little fire dragon was breathing fire at Bibi Niao, and Bibi Niao was letting it play a barrage game.

After being blessed, the damage of the little fire dragon is not low, but Bibi Niao has a very fast speed. The little fire dragon's range is not large, and the slow attack is not a threat to Bibi Niao.

There was no effect at all except that there was some heat when flying over.

Regarding the battle between Bibi Niao and the little fire dragon, Zhou Jiang and his elves looked unpleasant. They didn’t even look at them. Meng Takibin was cooking, so he glanced at them and ignored them. Almost, but only for a longer glance.

To be honest, Tyrannosaurus armor is the weakest existence among these elves.

Although it looked down on the little fire dragon before, but seeing the spark that fell on the ground and exploded a lot of potholes, it had a chill.

A small spark can blast out such small pits, if it is all...or spray flames...

Can't hurt go to heaven?

Although the grass is not strong, it won't be so weak...

And if compared with these armors on myself...

The Ironclad Tyrannosaurus sank...

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