Due to the distance between the territories, Zhou Jiang did not fly with Bibi Niao. Although Bibi Niao moved Zhoujiang, it did not mean that it could carry it all the time.

Decisively, it was more comfortable to sit than to carve.

It has a wider back than the Eagle, so it can sit two people, and it has no problem flying with Zhou Jiang.

The wind speed dog took the lead, followed by a bunch of younger brothers, and there was also a Legion of Bibi bird flying above.

King Nido's territory is north of the Territory of Wind Speed ​​Dog. After leaving the forest, a large wasteland appeared.

Sitting on Bi Diao, Zhou Jiang lightly looked at the elves running down and lifting up a large patch of dust, very emotional.

I didn’t expect that the fear of heights would be better without knowing it...

That's right, Zhou Jiang has a fear of heights. When he was a child, he didn't dare to look down on the third floor. Now he looks at this place more than fifty meters high.

After flying for nearly half an hour, Zhou Jiang finally saw the territory of King Nido below.

As for how Zhou Jiang knew that it belonged to King Nido...

A large group of dark elves stood there on the opposite side. King Nido was at the forefront, waiting for Zhou Jiang to pass by.

Isn't that the territory of King Nido?

The wind speed dog stopped a hundred meters away and looked at King Nido on the opposite side.


Regarding the wind speed dog, King Nido naturally knew him. Looking at the wind speed dog and the little brothers behind him, King Nido directly asked.

[Why, do you want to do it? ! 】

Wind Speed ​​Dog turned a deaf ear to King Nido's roar and looked up at the sky.

At this time, Bi Diao landed in front of the Wind Speed ​​Dog. After landing, Zhou Jiang jumped from Bi Diao and then Bi Diao flew up again and confronted the "Air Force" big-billed sparrows in King Nido's territory.

King Nido looked at Zhou Jiang and roared, but Zhou Jiang hadn’t released La Luras yet, so he didn’t understand what it was roaring. After releasing La Luras, he retelled it from Wind Speed ​​Dog. Understand, what King Nido shouted was how to fight...


He's really grumpy, but isn't this just right?

Zhou Jiang asked Fengshougou to negotiate. Although Fengshougou was unwilling, he rolled his eyes and stepped forward to negotiate.

Since King Nido is an irritable old man, it's easy to do it, just let it go!

Zhou Jiang released the Big Needle Bee, and then Zhou Jiang didn't let La Luras continue to translate. Anyway, Zhou Jiang had already told Feng Speed ​​Dog what he meant, so let it slowly negotiate with King Nido.

It didn't take long for the exchange between "Wow--" and "Woo--" to end. Fengshougou took two steps back and nodded to Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang looked at the opposite, King Nido had already moved towards this side with his thick and long tail, and it seemed that they had reached an agreement.

Zhou Jiang nodded at the Big Needle Bee, indicating that it was time for it to perform.

The big needle bee flapped its wings and flew out under the gaze of many elves on both sides, and faced King Nido.


Although King Nido came out to fight, he seemed to be dissatisfied with the big needle bee who was fighting against it, and it roared at the big needle bee.

Facing King Nedor, the Needle Bee showed no expression at all.

After losing to the wind speed dog yesterday, the big needle bee was a little bit worried. After the rest of the day yesterday, it thought a lot.

In a word, you cannot be blinded by victory.

Everyone will make progress, and no one will stand still. Once you are blinded by victory, you will fall unconsciously in the future.

Big Needle Bee did not pay attention to King Nido's trash talk, but stared at it stubbornly, fighting high!

The two elves stopped at a distance of more than 20 meters. Although King Nido had been shouting trash to the big needle bee before, he would not underestimate it.

Although it did not feel any terrifying power from the Big Needle Bee, it did not dare to take it lightly.

A bunch of menacing elves ran over, only to send a small needle bee to fight it?


There is absolutely no conspiracy!

King Nido stared at the Big Needle Bee with gloomy eyes, but from time to time he looked at the Wind Speed ​​Dog, trying to find evidence or dangerous places from it.

‘Point the gun! ’

When Zhou Jiang saw that the two elves stood there facing each other, without attacking, he directly asked Laluras to transmit the sound to Big Needle Bee with telepathy.


Because of this situation, Big Needle Bee didn't panic. After hearing Zhou Jiang's voice, he immediately moved.

King Nido was observing and thinking while observing the Big Needle Bee. Although the surprise of the Big Needle Bee surprised King Nido, it did discover it.


Although it saw it, it didn't have time to react. The speed of the big needle bee was too fast, and the speed at which it broke out with full shaving was not a joke.


Feeling the pain coming from his body, King Nido roared, his left hand covered the bleeding wound, and the metallic light of his right hand flashed~www.ltnovel.com~ and then slapped the big needle bee fiercely. .

Seeing that the big needle bee didn't avoid it, it flew there dumbly, King Nido was overjoyed.

We do not know each other why not run, but now Well ...... hum hum, I would like some wounded good? Lao Tzu, I will tear you up!

At the thought of the thrill of the big needle bee being tortured and tortured by it and then killing it, King Nido became excited, and the pain in his chest also weakened.


The big palm of the casserole flashed towards the big needle bee, and the moment the slap approached the big needle bee, the big needle bee moved like fallen leaves and paper!

In King Nido's unbelievable eyes, the Big Needle Bee evaded King Nido's attack, and then the spear with a lot of power was poked at its stomach.


King Nido was in pain, screamed and flew out with blood. After the Big Needle Bee paused and finished unloading, he continued to chase after King Nido who flew out.

The Big Needle Bee flew over King Nido, and the simple and unpretentious spear smashed towards it with the power of Wanjun.

Weird power!


King Nido, who was flying towards the distance, stopped continuing to fly, and instantly slammed into the ground like a cannonball. After a loud noise, smoke rose and blocked the sight of Zhou Jiang and the elves.

In the distance, the younger brothers of King Nido saw the boss injured and fell into a disadvantage, and instantly became agitated and wanted to come up to rescue the driver. Before they could run, the wind speed dog swept towards them with a flame. The elves in the front A horizontal line was drawn in front of him,


The wind speed dog roared and stared at them domineeringly, the hair on his body was slightly blown by the wind, like a high emperor.

After being warned by the wind speed dog, although King Nido's little brothers did not stop restless, they did not dare to enter.

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