Zhou Jiang looked at the energetic wind speed dog, but he did not expect it to have such a side...

Before being together, in his impression, it had always been just a mighty and a bit fierce dog on the surface, but he didn't expect it to look a little bit angry now.

Don't mention Zhou Jiang here or Big Needle Bee's side. It smashed towards King Nido with one blow, and suddenly felt something wrong in the hand.

It has been fighting the wind speed dog for so long, and the difference between the protection of the source and the physical body is still clear.

After realizing that the hand feels wrong, Big Needle Bee froze for a while and then immediately waved its wings further away from the ground, avoiding the counterattack of King Nido, who was covered by the smoke.

Whoosh whoosh!

At the moment when Big Needle Bee left, the smoke and dust were torn apart, and a large piece of dark purple chopsticks flew towards Big Needle Bee. If you look closely, it turned out to be a long sharp needle!

A long needle the size of a chopstick would be seriously injured if it were inserted into an elf.

Fortunately, Big Needle Bee has taken precautions, otherwise it will suffer.

The big needle bee traversed a complicated trajectory in the air, and King Nido did not give up, roaring and opening his big mouth and continuously firing the poisonous needle. It was already angry. It was hit like this twice in a row. Even an elf could not bear it. Live it, let alone its violent lord.

The speed of the big needle bee is very fast. Even if the range of the poisonous needles of King Nido is very large and the density is also high, but it still avoids, even if some of it is to be wiped, it will be accurately picked up by it or simply Poke directly.

After flying for about thirty seconds, King Nido finally stopped shooting the poisonous needle, breathing heavily.

Continuously using a skill is very physically demanding, especially it has to take into account the flying range of the needle bee, and it itself has been hit by the three attacks of the needle bee, although the third time it uses the source to prevent it a little , But the damage is still a lot.

Compared with King Nedor, the condition of Big Sting Bee was very good, and he did not even breathe.

Seeing the situation of both sides, Zhou Jiang nodded slightly.


King Nido stopped his attack and stared at the Big Needle Bee with bloodshot eyes. His face was abominable. If the timid Elf Light was stared at by its eyes, he would lose his will to fight.

Big Needle Bee didn't respond to its ferocity, after all, it had seen it even more ferocious.

The wings shook slightly, and the Big Needle Bee began to spin and fly towards King Nido.

This King Nido probably didn't learn much other long-range attack skills, otherwise it would have been used long ago, and its poisonous needle can be so terrifying, not only its high level, but also its use and exercise.

Of course, Zhou Jiang can’t be very sure. After all, sometimes if you keep one hand and then attack, it can often have a surprising effect. For example, if this guy sprays flames and hides himself, if the big needle bee rushes up to attack lightly...

Through La Luras, Zhou Jiang told the bee of this idea, so that it should not be too relaxed and vigilant in close combat. Whether it is hit by a hundred thousand volts or a freezing light jet flame, the bee will be uncomfortable. It is estimated that Big Needle Bee will get a pill right away.

Although the Big Needle Bee has no flight attributes, once its wings are injured and cannot fly, then the Big Needle Bee will be over. Zhou Jiang doubted that the two feet of the Big Needle Bee could support its body...

Crispy has no movement speed. Isn't that something to be harvested... Of course, except for certain mages.

Of course, some assassins are also excluded, after all, the creed of those assassins...


Killing everyone who saw it is a perfect assassination. I don't know who said this thing first. Now the assassins of this genre seem to be... very hot?

With Zhou Jiang’s vigilance and the lesson of yesterday’s failure, Big Needle Bee did not presumptuously, and carefully circled around King Nido, while King Nido stood still like a mountain, as if indifferent to Big Needle Bee. .

Of course, everyone knows that King Nido doesn’t really care. After all, the big needle bee beat him so badly. The two blood holes on his body are bigger than the other. If it weren’t for the original source to plug the wound, its combat power would be It's really more than half of it.

Zhou Jiang asked Big Needle Bee to attack with a missile needle.

Although the special attack big needle bee is weak enough to burst, it doesn't matter, anyway, I don't expect these skills to be useful, they are used to find the way.

One after another "small missiles" emitting faint white light shot towards King Nedo, King Nedo's hideous face condensed, and then without any movement, the "missiles" shot on it.

Boom boom--

Although there was no harm, the momentum was still quite bluffing...

The explosion sounded incessantly, and the white smoke once again spread, covering King Nido.

But this time the smoke was quickly blown away by the wind, revealing King Nido in purple armor.

Now, King Nido's ferocious expression is gone, replaced by doubt.

This attack...not right...

It's not to blame King Nido for being stupid.

After all, the damage value of the two attacks of Big Needle Bee’s spell and physical attack...


One is a slingshot and the other is a Dongfeng missile?

Well, although there are some exaggerated elements in it, the meaning is that.

If King Nido hadn't sensed that the attack came from the Big Needle Bee, it would have suspected that other elves had intervened in the fight.

The distance was a little far away, Zhou Jiang could not see King Nido's expression, but it did not prevent him from feeling the state of King Nido.

Okay, it's a bit mysterious, but it wasn't actually he felt it. After all, he was just an ordinary person.

In fact, when King Nido was stunned, his expression and aura faded. Zhou Jiang looked like an ancient beast before, so now he looks like a normal elf.

Although I don't know if it is an opportunity, how can I know if I don't try it?

It's like Schrodinger's cat. You don't know if the cat is alive or dead without opening the container.

The reason is the same. Is the situation of King Nido now a trap?

Will you know if you try?

‘Big Needle Bee, finger gun, faster, but be careful that it may be a trap, and be prepared to switch between protection and paper painting at any time. ’

With the cheating microphone like La Luras, Zhou Jiang directly silently gave instructions.

Regarding this point ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Except for the elves with super power attributes nearby, they may be a little confused. The other elves don't even know it, and even the wind speed dog on the edge of Zhou River did not notice it.


The big needle bee shot out like a bullet in an instant, and the spear leaned forward, tearing the wind and air ahead.


King Nido woke up when he heard the slight movement. After all, he was just a little surprised and lost, not being hypnotized.

King Nido felt the uncomfortable feeling of a needle stick somewhere on his back. He thought of the two blood holes in front of him. He didn't dare to hold it big, so he quickly transported his original power to protect him, and then he slammed his claws at the big needle bee. .


The Big Needle Bee evaded the claws of Tyrannosaurus Ironclad. The sound of the wind from the claws made the Big Needle Bee feel a little uncomfortable, but it was not the time to think about it, it had already flown in front of King Nido's abdomen!


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