I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 318: 1 month later, parting

If you make your own game...

Forget it, forget it by yourself and find someone else to be reliable.

If someone who doesn’t understand anything goes to get those things, forget it, if others do, just tell them what they think, do it yourself...

The script alone is enough to bear it, let alone other things.

But it costs money to make games...

Zhou Jiang didn't know the market inside, but conservatively estimated that one hundred million is needed, right?

Keke, tens of millions.

Tens of millions are needed, right?

Tens of millions...

A small low-grade energy cube requires one hundred yuan, one thousand for middle-grade and 10,000 for high-grade. [Prices have collapsed, I have no idea about money...]

In this way, Zhou Jiang only needs to sell 10,000 energy cubes...

Ten thousand... It looks like a lot, but to Zhou Jiang, it's just sprinkling water.

Like now, every meal that feeds these elves requires three to four hundred energy cubes, and seven to eight hundred in a day.

If there are enough fruits, you can earn 10 million in less than half a month?


Zhou Jiangyan has already started to spend, is the money so worthless...

This price has collapsed!

But to be honest, Zhou Jiang still dare not release so many energy cubes.

In the market, all the basic energy cubes are sold, and the intermediate ones are very rare, and they are robbed as soon as they come out. As for the advanced? One box a year is considered good.

If Zhou Jiang releases so many energy cubes at once, it is estimated that the market will be hit.

Wouldn't it be possible to sell one a day instead of selling it at once?

Then he would sell a chicken. Zhou Jiang said that he might as well not sell it.

Then...no money, no one...

"Hey... it's really a wife."

Zhou Jiang picked up the paintbrush and continued to paint.

Thinking so much, it's just eating P!

There is nothing meaningful at all, but in the end it is actually drawn...



One month later-

Zhou Jiang packed his things and looked at the elves who were seeing off outside, with some emotion.

This month, Zhou Jiang has gained a lot.

Other than that, I won 80,000 in light points...

Yes, eighty thousand!

What is the concept of 80,000?

Only 50,000 yuan is enough for a creation slab...

Other words are the origin fragments, after all, if you just swipe the elves, only points and origin fragments will fall.

The original fragment also obtained a total of 320 pieces.

It can be said that Zhou Jiang really made a lot of money here!

The original fragments were the same as Zhou Jiang guessed. One hundred fragments were combined into one original pearl.

And the function of the source bead is to open the source for the elves.

The Origin Orb has usage conditions and can only be used by the elves in the final evolution form.

After the big needle bee is used, it can feel the existence of the source.

However, the induction is very weak, and Zhou Jiang estimates that it is only at the level of a quasi-tianwang.

Fortunately, the source can be upgraded.

As for the upgrade conditions, it is naturally to use the original fragment.

Just after using the Essence Orb to open the Essence, the Essence Bee's Essence Level is Quasi Uranus. After using 200 Essence Fragments, Essence Bee finally broke through and reached the level of the Uranus Early Stage.

Really expensive.

Zhou Jiang looked down to the lower-level conditions and needed five hundred...

Ma yeah.

There are so many elves for one elves, six elves or even more...

I dare not think about it...

It is worth mentioning that the two spears of Zhoujiang Big Needle Bee have been strengthened to "15". So far, Zhou Jiang's 80,000 points are only 70,000.

After the "15" is on, the spear can be strengthened to have the "devil-breaking" attribute.

But that reinforcement is cheating.

Not only does it require 1,800 points, but also an Essence Bead!


So expensive, why don't you go to heaven?

Moreover, the ghost knows what will happen after the enhancement, so it is better to directly strengthen the origin of the big needle bee.


"Hey-getting along for a long time, parting is always sad..."

Zhou Jiang shook his head with emotion.

Zhou Jiang is a person who likes the old and dislikes the new. After getting along for a long time, Zhou Jiang really doesn't want to leave here.

However, people cannot do what they want in this world. Zhou Jiang also understood this unreasonable truth very early, so he was very open.

After sending a lot of energy cubes to Qilulian to the wind speed dog, Zhou Jiang went out.

The energy cube was made a few days before the parting, after Zhou Jiang asked them to send the fruit, so that they could leave something for them.

Zhou Jiang's current Big Needle Bee should be invincible under the championship, so he may not come back or it will take a long time to come back.

With so many energy cubes, at least tens of thousands, if they save a province, they will eat for a long time.

As for Kirulian? she was

It is a week of progress.

Now Kirulian's level is twenty-nine.

Zhou Jiang was really a little confused. La Lulas logically said that she could evolve Kirulian at level 20 and then Shanaido at level 30. As a result, she is now evolving Kirulian at level 28...

Zhou Jiang is a little worried, she won't evolve Shanaido to level 40...

The Big Needle Bee is now only level 37, and it will take a long time for Kirulian to evolve into Xanadu at level 40~ www.ltnovel.com~ After going out, Zhou Jiang didn’t know if it could be. How many elves played against him.

At this stage of Kirulian, the junior Uranus may be pressure-free, and the intermediate Uranus can fight.

In that case, what exactly would give her experience points...

The experience value is very mysterious and will not be a specific value like an integral.

The fiercer the battle, the more experience points you gain after the battle, regardless of whether you win or lose, if you hit a green caterpillar that kills in seconds...

That has an experience value for wool.

Now La Rulas estimates that only the elves above the elite level have experience points.

As for other elves, it is almost the same.

Zhou Jiang has a very superficial knowledge of the world. Apart from the gymnasium, the battle center of the city, and the league match, he doesn't know where else can challenge a powerful trainer...

After bidding farewell to the elves and the small wooden house that had lived for so long, Zhou Jiang left here with Cirulian and Big Needle Bee and returned to the way he came.

Kirulian was one meter tall, and she was considered a little loli, and Zhou Jiang couldn't hold her anymore, which was a pity.

In the past month, among the many elves in Zhoujiang, the elves that have evolved are La Luras and Guisi.

For the two of them, La Luras reached level 29 and Guisi reached level 27, which was a great improvement compared to the previous ones.

As for the other elves, Menus and Ivy Snake Bibi are at level 35. In the game, Ivy Snake and Bibi are evolved at level 36, but from the perspective of Laroulas, they Maybe it will delay the evolution.

In other words...

Until now, Zhou Jiang still has no suitable means of transportation...

I have to say, this is really a sad story...

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