Zhou Jiang’s destination is City V, but he needs to fly to City J first.

He calculated the time from here to J City, which is estimated to be about one week, and there is still more than one week before the start of the "Elf GO" offline game.

In other words, as long as there are no accidents, he can arrive properly.

As for the accident...


Along the way, with the protection of Big Needle Bee and Cirulian, no elves can approach Zhoujiang.

Although Kirulian can't be held by Zhou Jiang, she can use her superpowers to make herself float!

The "special attack" super-high Kirulian doesn't need to worry about mental exhaustion at all. The mental energy consumed by lifting herself up instead of walking is estimated to be less than her return...

The two powerful elves, Big Needle Bee and Laluras, are guarding beside Zhou Jiang, and there is no need to worry about the elves attacking after the elves jump out and guard their elves to fight.

Big Needle Bee and Chirulian can play in these creeps if they pull out one.

Surprising all the way, Zhou Jiang safely arrived at the small village outside J City.

The name of this village is very nice, it's called Sanzang...

I don't know if the first generation of village chief liked the holy monk very much, and he actually named this.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Zhou Jiang.

He just passed by here. After all, he was a passer-by, his name or something, he would be forgotten after he smiled.

Take a bus to drive towards J city.

It's noon, Zhou Jiang has time to go to the Elf Center to take a bath, change his clothes and eat some delicious food.

Within a month, Zhou Jiang's mouth was really about to fade out.

Although the ingredients are available, but...

In terms of Zhou Jiang's cooking skills, the food made can only be regarded as edible.

Not delicious at all.

Regarding food, although Zhou Jiang always eats, it is another matter whether he likes it or not.

The cooking is not delicious and the cooking is troublesome. How could Zhou Jiang be patient to do it?

In the days that followed, Zhou Jiang basically ate tree fruits and some simple food and compressed biscuits.

Cooking? nonexistent.

Do one barbecue at most...

It didn't take long for me to see the familiar outline of the city.

After getting out of the car, watching the bustling streets, Zhou Jiang still feels unreality...

It’s been a long time since I saw so many people...

Big Needle Bee and Kirulian Zhou Jiang had already recovered the inside of the Elf Ball.

Following the flow of people, Zhou Jiang walked towards the shopping center.

Zhou Jiang’s current shopping center is a real shopping center, just like his previous life, it sells ordinary people’s supplies.

All clothes and shoes are sold in the shopping building, and there is a snack street behind the building!

Is it true that it is Huaxia? The food is really top-notch!

Zhou Jiang went straight into the first bakery shop, no matter what it was, just come here!

An hour later, Zhou Jiang walked out of the snack street in the adoring eyes.

No way, for a fierce man who has been eating frantically for half an hour and his stomach is so tall, who wouldn't pay attention?

Of course, everyone will take a closer look, and no one will make a video.

It's not that everyone has a high quality, but that they have seen more.

Like Zhou Jiang, a trainer who stayed in the forest for a month or two or more before coming out, which one shouldn't go to the snack street to have a go?

Zhou Jiang ate for half an hour and was paralyzed in a chair for half an hour. When he finally went out, he bought a Rou Jia Mo... It really was...

Touching his still a little bloated belly, Zhou Jiang was quite moved.

It's really full...

I took a taxi to the wizard center closest to the airport, Zhou Jiang would take a rest...

Of course, he has a more important purpose.


"This is what you stored here~"

"Thank you Miss Joey!"

After Zhou Jiang received an elf ball, an elf egg, and some props, he thanked Miss Joey and walked towards the opened room.

Well, yes, something has arrived.

One Ibrahimovic and one Katy Dog Elf Egg.

Otherwise, one Thunder Stone and one overweight ball.

After returning to the room and closing the door, Zhou Jiang couldn't wait to release Ibrahimovic.

As the white light dissipated, an Ibrahimovic with a general coat color appeared on the bed.

Little Ibrahimovic looked a little scared, looked at Zhou Jiang timidly, did not dare to move, his face was full of anxiety.

Seeing Ibrahimovic's state, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

I was still worried that it might cause fear and other emotions due to being caught doing experiments or something. I didn't expect it to be okay now. It should have been calmed down when collecting data before.

Zhou Jiang is not good at comforting others, but it doesn't matter, he has a good wizard.

Zhou Jiang threw Menus’s poke ball, and Ibrahimovic had a look of fear at the moment the poke ball was thrown, and instantly buried his head on the soft quilt...

Looking at Ibrahimovic who was shivering like an ostrich, Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched.

Why is this so stupid...

Can you fight...

Zhou Jiang regrets it a little bit. He is greedy for cheapness. He is not without money. He knew that he shouldn't want it...

But it's coming~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Jiang won't just give up like that.

After all, this is just the first impression, and I haven't understood it in depth yet.

Zhou Jiang pointed at Ibrahimovic to Menas, motioned to it to comfort him and make a good relationship with him, and then he took out some clothes and went to the single shower room in the room.

For Menas, Zhou Jiang would not doubt it at all.

Menas, such a wizard Zhou Jiang, remember that the illustrated book all wrote that there is a power that can make people feel at ease. The songs sang can calm people or the elves and wash the inner darkness...

But even if it's not so mysterious, but Menus' appearance and its voice can really conquer a lot, especially those young elves.

Coupled with Menas’ gentle character, Zhou Jiang couldn’t believe it and couldn’t figure out an Ibrahimovic?

Sure enough, Menus did not let him down.

After he came out, he saw Ibrahimovic who was in a much better mood and was communicating with Menus.

Ibrahimovic shrank his neck nervously after seeing Zhou Jiang coming out, but with the encouragement of Menus he still mustered up the courage to say hello to Zhou Jiang, the future master.


Ibrahimovic's voice was very soft. If it weren't for the quietness in the room, Zhou Jiang wouldn't even be able to hear it.

But Zhou Jiang did not force it.

The relationship can be dealt with slowly in the future, and the courage will gradually become bigger after getting along.

As long as it does not escape.

His previous life was similar. When he was called by the teacher to answer questions in elementary school, he almost cried...

In class, I didn’t dare to make a noise when I wanted to go to the toilet, I could only hold back, because Zhou Jiang’s endurance was first-rate, otherwise...

From now on, it looks like it is getting along well with Menus, and you can let Menus bring it to familiarize yourself with his team in the future.

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