After a brief rest, Zhou Jiang set off.

If you have a plane ticket, you can wait to buy it at the airport.

After leaving the house with Miss Joey, Zhou Jiang set off.

After buying an economy class at the airport, I waited in the lounge for a while before boarding.

Before boarding the plane, Zhou Jiang was still in YY.

It’s the first time to fly back to City J and meet the blonde girl Sirona, so now...

In the mood of Zhou Jiang's little anticipation, a man with eyes came...

Well, there is nothing to expect from men, Zhou Jiang can only sleep in the chair silently.

During the period, the man also came to talk to Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang responded because he was bored, but the two got along pretty well. They exchanged contact information when they got off the plane the next morning.

After getting off the plane, Zhou Jiang went straight to the hotel.

Zhou Nan and the others haven't arrived yet, they should not arrive until tomorrow.

Recently, many people have come to V City to participate in the "Elf GO" competition. The Elf Center estimates that they will have no place when they come tomorrow.

If a few people want to stay at once, they can only go to the hotel.

Others staying in the hotel are okay, but Cao Dan’s is not accepting reservations during this period!

But it’s okay if you don’t accept it, so you don’t get it...

After running three hotels, I finally gained something.

After booking two triple rooms and two double rooms, Zhou Jiang went in and lay down.

a bit tired……

It’s not easy to sleep on the plane. I didn’t rest much when I was in J City. I was finally able to take a good rest.

All of a sudden, I slept more than three o'clock in the afternoon. After taking a bath, Zhou Jiang fed the elves and then went out with the elves.

He hasn't eaten for a day, and now he naturally wants to eat out.

After eating, the time has come to more than four o'clock.

Zhou Jiang first went to the place where the competition was going to be held. There were quite a lot of people there. Many people from all over the world came to see where the competition was going to be.

After Zhou Jiang walked around for ten minutes, he didn't bother to go shopping. There were too many people to say, and there was no interesting place to see inside, just as Zhou Jiang expected.

To be honest, he is a person who is incomprehensible. He can't see these in the building. It's not interesting. He's so tired to walk...

As for why he came here...

Naturally, it was on the way.

The battle center in City V is not far from "Nestlé" where Zhou Jiang is now. It takes more than ten minutes to walk there. He really came here on the road.

Originally, he planned to go to the battle center directly, but after seeing the place where "Phantom GO" held offline matches, he took a look. The result...

Zhou Jiang glanced at the bird's nest-like building behind him, shook his head and walked away.

The battle center...

Hope you don't let me down.

Zhou Jiang said-I, swell!

The battle center walked in and saw that the area was really not small.

There should be no restrictions on entering, Zhou Jiang followed a few people and walked in.

It was very lively inside, which reminded Zhou Jiang of Feiyu Gymnasium.

Wouldn't it be designed according to this...

Zhou Jiang came back to his senses and sighed helplessly as he looked at the "leader" who disappeared in front of him.

But it's okay.

There are not many others, but there are too many people!

Isn't this?

Several passers-by came from behind.

After they passed Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang followed them.

Seeing that they didn't stop along the way, they should be regular customers, they just followed them, and some intelligence messages can be drawn from their conversations.

It’s just a pity that the content of their conversation...

How should I put it, Zhou Jiang didn't understand it at all!

But it’s okay. If you don’t understand, you don’t understand. Anyway, you only need someone to take it to understand here.

But to understand here, in fact, what Zhou Jiang needs most is to know where to fight.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang, who was walking with the people in front, stopped.

He saw a sign: the registration office!

Originally I wanted to see how the game is going to make a decision, but now that I found the registration place first, it is of course a direct game.

Following the signs, Zhou Jiang came to a counter.

"Hello, I want to register for the competition."

"Okay sir, please show proof of identity."

Zhou Jiang handed over the ID card, and the young lady at the front desk raised her head and asked with a smile after a fierce operation.

"Excuse me, what kind of competition are you going to participate in?"

"Huh? There are many types of games?"

"Yes, there are three modes: single duel, doubles duel, and arena.

For single-player duels, two trainers will be drawn to fight one-on-one. For two-player doubles, you can choose your partner. If you don’t have one, you can also choose a player who also has no partner to combine and fight with other combinations.

You will get a little point for each win in a single matchup or a doubles There is no upper limit for points, and points can be exchanged for something.

In the arena match, you challenge the master of a ring. If the challenge is successful, you will get one point. After the challenge is successful, you can choose to defend or give up. If you give up, you can only get that point. If you choose to defend , Other players can challenge you.

The rules for bonus points for defending are very simple. The first six times of defending are successful and unsuccessful, one will get one point, to twelve times of two points, and so on. After each successful defending, you can choose to give up or continue, and choose whether to give up or not. Penalty, if you choose to continue, you will lose half of your current points if you fail to defend yourself. If it is an odd number, take the higher value.

During the guarding period, you can get a level of mystery reward if you don’t guard for an hour, up to eight hours of guarding. After successfully guarding for eight hours, you can get the platinum VIP membership card of our Yida Group. People can get a 20% discount on shopping in all of our Yida Group stores. "

After talking a lot of things in three breaths, the lady at the front desk took a deep breath and looked at Zhou Jiang with a smile.

Zhou Jiang looked at his front desk lady with a smile, only thinking that his head was big.

To be honest, his reaction speed is a bit slow. In many cases, he has to be slow to react when others speak.


Zhou Jiang said that the young lady said so many things that she only remembered the three ways she said before, as for the latter...


Although I really want her to say it again, Zhou Jiang didn't dare to say it. If he did, he would be beaten to death...

"Then... just doubles."

Singles are boring, but it's a bit difficult to hear the name when Shou Li, so let's try the doubles in the middle.

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