Chen Yongan's words will also follow Tian Zhengjie to practice and study, and Wang Qingyan and other three girls' teacher Chen Qizhen will also stay with Lu Ran to study.

Jiang Shui and the others did not speak, but they should be traveling with Zhou Nan and them.

"Well, then tell me when you all want to go, and I will take you there."

Everyone didn't want to go, then Zhou Jiang didn't force it, and they weren't kids, they had their own plans.

And... even if he wants to force it, there is no way...

"Speaking of which, even if you arrive at the King of Heaven, Zhou Jiang will not be able to defeat the owner of the museum. You have to challenge the owner of what to do..." Xu Feng looked at Zhou Jiang and asked curiously.

"Take a look, I think my Big Needle Bee is quite strong." Zhou Jiang said generally.

He really doesn't know what excuses he should make, now.

Do you still say, ‘my big needle bee is invincible under the championship! ’?

Hey... after all, the world is too small... this can be encountered.

And didn’t Mr. Lu Ran ran away from home... Why did she suddenly want to go home to watch... Wait, the story of the dog-blood encountered in Qinghua University wasn’t because she wanted to see that and Teacher Tian Let's take a look at home...

"Zhou Jiang, you really underestimate the gym trainer." Lu Ran suddenly said.

"I know you got the commemorative badge of Feiyu Gymnasium, but that was because she had just taken office, she was still young, the level of elves was not high and the old elves were not used, my brother is different from her, I believe you have also investigated It's past his elves, and the fire element restrains insects."

"Huh? Zhou Jiang, your kid has also won a commemorative badge?!" Zhou Nan looked shocked.


"Don't you know? Well... I probably didn't tell you, I thought you already knew." Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Nan and the others, waved his hand, and then said to Lu Ran, "Maybe, But my big needle bee is really quite strong, let's play it."

Lu Ran nodded and said nothing. In her heart, Zhou Jiang was blinded by strength.

Also, a high school student suddenly has such a powerful force. He must be blinded by the power. He has not experienced a long training with the elves. There will always be a feeling of airiness, as if he can suddenly burst. The earth is average.

This kind of pain will slowly settle down only after experiencing the pain, otherwise it will be useless even if others say more, but will despise you for being wordy and so on.

The next time is the time for everyone to play.

The girls were talking about TV, cosmetics, etc., while the five of Zhou Jiang were playing poker.

Although there are two more people, you can't play Doudizhu or something, but you can still play casually, such as grabbing seven cards.

Until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, everyone ate here.

When eating, they also ate in this room, only ten of them.

After eating, they played for a little more than a little while before forming a group to go to the hot spring...

The hot spring pool they soak in must be internal, so there are only a few of them.

The only regret is that this one is not like the one in Japanese anime. The male and female baths are next door and separated by bamboo boards. This is a separate hot spring pool.

The male pool and the female pool are at least 50 meters apart...

I regret that I can't hear the laughter of the girls... Zhou Jiang has been looking forward to it this afternoon... Am I not the protagonist?

This protagonist has no treatment at all!

And now, it seems that no woman likes me... Even that Li Ruobing is just guessing and yawning...

"Hey..." Thinking of this, Zhou Jiang undressed could not help but sigh.

"What's wrong, I'm still sighing in the hot spring." Seeing Zhou Jiang sigh, Zhou Nan asked by the side.

"Don't always sigh, or even if you have good luck, you will be gone." Xu Feng said, then put the clothes in the small basin and waited next to him.

"...How do you talk like my mother... and sigh. If you can sigh good luck, then look at how the fat guy who smiles all day is still in bad clothes."

"Hey, it's too much, bean sprouts. I want to sue you for personal attacks!"

"Don't say it, people already have girlfriends, just a few of us are still single dogs, this is not luck?" Chen Yongan, who was changing clothes beside him, started to make up the knife.

In an instant, the air was cold. Zhou Jiang and Tian Zhengjie changed their clothes.

"Haha, Xiao Anzi said it well! How about it, Fat Master, I found a girlfriend, are you envious? She even gave me a gift on the Qixi Festival~" In an instant, Zhou Nan wailed.

"Wow~" There was a sound of the glass door opening, and a cold wind blew in.


"Fuck, stop the glasses, I was wrong!" Zhou Nan's fat trembled and hugged his body to apologize.

He is just as afraid of the cold as Zhou Jiang, and after coming down like this, his heart is cold...

"Huh~" Xu Feng closed the door again, pushed his glasses, condescendingly, looked at Zhou Nan with "disdain" That... your bath towel dropped..."


After three minutes, everyone was done.

"Are you all ready?" Xu Feng asked back.

"Yes, one library!"

"..." Xu Feng twitched the corner of his mouth without saying anything.

The four people behind Xu Feng watched slowly putting their hands on the glass door, rubbing them, and waiting for him to open the glass door.



The door opened, and everyone endured the cold and ran towards the outdoor hot spring.

"Um~ cool!"

"Ki Ink~"

"Hey, fat, you're enough, don't be so sassy all the time..." Chen Yongan was taken aback by Zhou Nan's cry of ecstasy.

"Ha? Are you even more rocky?" Zhou Jiang looked at Chen Yongan with a look of horror, and at the moment his words fell, both Zhou Nan and Xu Feng silently moved away from him, and Tian Zhengjie, who was a little away from him After thinking about it, I drifted away silently...

"...Asshole, I'm a straight guy! Who says I'm tough! I won't be tough!"




Zhou Jiang’s four people were surprised at first, and then they all looked at him sympathetically. Zhou Jiang thought for a while and comforted him: "...Sorry, let you tell such a sad story, but you can rest assured that we will not Laugh at you."


Chen Yongan said that he was very tired...



"Ha~ Comfortable... I didn't expect the hot spring to be so cool!"

Wearing a bathrobe, Zhou Jiang's face was refreshed, and there was still a blush on his face.

"It's really cool, as if it's floating in the sky..." Xu Feng nodded in agreement, and his floating voice changed. It used to be the calm high-cold system, now...

Normal series?

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