
Feeling the dazzling sun, Zhou Jiang opened his eyes with difficulty and sat up. Listening to the snoring beside him, Zhou Jiang turned his head to look at the three people still in the bed and the folded quilt, shaking his head and muttering.

"Should I be worthy of the teacher... I got up so soon..."

"No, I was just woken up by classmate Zhou Nan's snore."

Suddenly there was a voice in front of him, Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked, only to see Tian Zhengjie standing there with his clothes passed.

"Wake up, go to breakfast, it's in the room yesterday."

Zhou Jiang nodded, then put on his clothes.

Looking at the clear sky outside, Zhou Jiang exhaled.

Feeling the cold air enters the mouth, then passes through the throat, trachea, etc. and finally enters the lungs, and then exhales long after a few seconds, forming an air column.

It's just that Zhou Jiang is just an ordinary person, and he can't do the things like exhaling into a sword in martial arts novels.

He slept here with Zhou Nan and the others last night. He wanted to go back to the Elf Center, but finally he gave up after Lu Ran and the others' persuasion.

After all, he was just pretending to wait for the master Lu Ran to speak and stay, otherwise he would be really embarrassed...

This afternoon it was time to fight Lu Ran's brother Lu Fei, Zhou Jiang still had some small expectations after thinking about it.

But... the thought of Zhou Nan and the others would also go to the game, it was a little headache.

To be honest, he didn't want people around him and knew that he was so strong.

Although he is not afraid of anything, when people know that they will not say anything about him, they will only call 666 for him, but he just doesn't want others to know, especially familiar people...

What is the principle?


After eating and breakfast, they went out shopping.

They first went to the wizard center. Zhou Jiang will naturally live in Lu Ran's house. After all, there are so many people there, it is impossible for him to return to the wizard center alone, right?

"Huh? This is where Yanyan you came to buy pendants?" Jiang Shui asked, pointing to a pendant shop.

Wang Qingyan turned to look, nodded, and then looked at Zhou Jiang from the corner of his eye.

"Why don't we go in and buy some pendants? I think those pendants are good. Buy some back as souvenirs or give them away." Jiang Shui suggested.

She has the Ibrahimovic pendant that she gave her last time, but she still wants to buy some more cute fairy pendants.

Everyone didn't refute, after all, they were boring just staying at home and just came out to stroll around.

Although C city is a city, it is not very big, at least much smaller than other cities.

It can be said to be a combination of ultra-small towns and villages.

Some high-rise buildings can only be seen in the central area of ​​City C. Other places are basically low-rise buildings, with wooden huts and large yards on the periphery.

"Welcome... eh, it's you!"

As soon as a few people entered, the boss leaning on his chair woke up to welcome the guests. When he saw the guests, he was taken aback, and he didn't expect to see him again.

"Huh? Boss, do you remember them?"

Zhou Nan was surprised, how bleak your business is... You can remember two customers who have been so long...

"Haha, there is no way, how could the person who took the pendant that the old man confessed have forgotten it!" The boss laughed and said to several people: "You can choose whatever you want, and give you a 10% discount!"

"Wow, boss atmosphere!"

"Big Brother 666!"


Seeing that the boss who waved his big hand wanted to give everyone a discount, Zhou Nan, Chen Yongan and Jiang Shui licked it on the three live BMWs...

But it seems something is wrong... It seems that something strange has been mixed in...


"These pendants are very good, very cute!"

Jiang Shui picked it up one by one, with a smile on her face, while Wang Qingyan was slowly selecting with Li Linghui and Lu Ran.

Xu Feng and the others didn't have much desire for these, and it was enough for them to have a pendant given to them by Zhou Jiang.

However, they still picked two that looked good. After all, they all came to City C. Anyway, buy some things and send them back.

Zhou Jiang was a little stunned at this time. The main reason was that he thought of the pendant that he had sent out after crossing the ruins.

He is very scared now...I'm afraid the boss asks what he should say about the pendant...

But he is also a little "excited" at this time?

He had suspected that Wang Qingyan was Guoguo before. After all, she also had a Kiraqi pendant, exactly the same as the one he gave it out. Moreover, in the forest before coming to City C, her inexplicable state...

So suspicious...

If she is Guoguo, then she actually remembered me a long time ago? That's why you followed me to train?

But this is not certain...

Some entanglement, can't ask her if she is Guoguo...

Zhou Jiang glanced at her slightly and found that she was talking and laughing with Li Linghui and the others, choosing the pendant with a smile on her face.

It looks a little bit different from this...

Anyway, Zhou Jiang was dumbfounded. He thought he was stupid, but he was also a **** person, so he should just forget about the reasoning, it didn't suit him.

Everyone chose a lot of pendants, especially Zhou Nan and the three of them. One person chose more than ten!

10% off ~www.ltnovel.com~ They are happy, and the boss is happy too.

When they left, the boss still shouted with a smile on their faces that they would also bring friends to this force in the future, and he gave them a discount...

Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief after leaving. Fortunately, the boss did not ask...

After buying the pendant, a few people went to buy some small decorations and other things. After a long time, Zhou Jiang and the others rubbed their legs and returned to Lu Ran's house.

Sure enough, shopping with a woman is a man's biggest punishment.

It hasn't been long before, but the legs are still sore and the heart is still tired...

After a short break, everyone began to play cards and games.

Since the challenge was about to be in the afternoon, Zhou Jiang went outside the court to provide supplies and care for the elves.

Zhou Jiang thought for a while, only relying on Big Needle Bee and Kirulian not to be insured, and finally spent 10,000 points to directly exchange four Super Modification Cards and give them to Minas, Big Needle Bee and Kirulian. Minas increased the speed and special attack by 30 each, and the Stinger Bee and Kirulian also increased the attack by 30.

The Big Needle Bee's attack power reached two hundred and seventy-four, and Kirulian's special attack also reached two hundred and twenty-eight!

After Menus was revised, his attributes were comprehensive in addition to his physical strength and his physical attacks increased dramatically.


Character: conservative

Level: 35

HP: 95/27/117/129 (racial value/individual value/ability value (not counting quality, character, modification)/total)

Material attack: 60/20/52/52

Defense: 79/31/69/111 (76+25)

Special attack: 100/31/78/180 (95+85)

Special defense: 125/31/100/110

Speed: 81/31/70/100 (77+30)

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