"Flame chicken, flame kick!"


The Flame Chicken responded, and then turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the Big Needle Bee.

The speed of the flame chicken is very fast, almost equivalent to that of the big needle bee.

Of course, this is the case when the Big Needle Bee has no need to shave.

The flame chicken kick was very powerful, and the flame-wrapped legs kept kicking towards the big needle bee, and the big needle bee dodged from left and right without rushing back.

With the domineering presence and command, it will hardly be hurt by melee combat.

If you attack with energy, you may be hit due to the speed too fast and the distance is too close, but the fighting skills...

Either the big needle bee blows, or two more flame chickens can't hit it!

The Flame Chicken's current attack is not very tricky, etc. The Big Needle Bee is completely avoiding by relying on the domineering and domineering, and even the paper painting has not been used.

The Big Needle Bee dodged while retreating, while the Flame Chicken was constantly pursuing it.

Nearly a minute later, the Flame Chicken finally kicked at the Big Needle Bee. After being dodged by the Big Needle Bee, it did not continue chasing, but backflips away from the Big Needle Bee.

Super-strength continuous kicks, even those who are good at kicks, can't stand it.

The flame chicken panted slightly and looked at the big needle bee with a bit uncomfortable eyes.

However, some fighting elves like to fight from fist to fist. The flame chicken kicked at high speed for a minute without touching the opponent...

Very unhappy.

The Big Needle Bee ignored the other's eyes, it looked back at Zhou Jiang, and then at the Flame Chicken.

The bond between Big Needle Bee and Zhou Jiang is very high. It can feel that Zhou Jiang's eyes and heart are not on it.

It didn't know what Zhou Jiang was thinking, but it didn't bother him either.

Big Needle Bee lacks Zhou Jiang, just a piece of the strength of the bond, it will be weaker when attacking, but it is harmless.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang actually didn't even know that he could still have a fascinating thing like Big Needle Bee.

He only knows that after he has an idea, he can tell by looking at the big needle bee... As for the big needle bee's idea...emmmm forgive him for his stupid brain, he can't understand...

The Big Needle Bee turned his head and continued to stare at the Flame Chicken. After seeing that it hadn't made any movement, the Big Needle Bee tentatively made a splash.

In the face of Lan, the flame chicken noodles did not change its color, and when Lan approached, it kicked it two times and broke Lan.


After kicking the Lan, the Flame Chicken might think that this is a turn-based game, and the opponent attacked it and it was his turn, and after breaking Lan, he became more confident and charged directly.

This time, the Flame Chicken was going to try it with all its strength, it still had a lot of strength before.


The big long legs of the Flame Chicken will bring a lot of breaking wind every time it swipes over, and the Big Needle Bee faces the dense kicks of the Flame Chicken, but it seems easy to kick.


After the Flaming Chicken kicked more than ten times, the Big Needle Bee resolutely counterattacked, and the right spear pointed at the long leg that the Flaming Chicken kicked over.

The soles of the flame chicken's feet are very thick, at least the Big Needle Bee didn't poke it in, it might be because of its energy.

After the two sides collided, each went to the back.

The Flaming Chicken jumped a little and stepped back two steps before standing firmly. The Big Needle Bee also fell backwards and fluttered its wings vigorously before flying stably.

The two elves just stared at each other like this, looking at each other, their eyes full of fighting spirit!



The two elves rushed towards each other at the same time.

Bang bang bang--

Both sides played fiercely.

The Big Needle Bee did not continue to evade, and kept fighting the Flame Chicken.

Before, it played against Abby Long and learned a lot of fighting skills, but now it has a different experience against the Flame Chicken.

Even if it can't use legs, it can gain knowledge and know how the legs attack. If it encounters a powerful elves with legs in the future, it will not be blinded.

Although the flame chicken's main attack is two legs, its two sharp claws are also powerful weapons.

When kicking, he stroked at the big needle bee again and again.

However, there is a sense of domineering, the flame chicken is really an experience baby, and he has been feeding it.

Bang bang bang--

The two sides fought fiercely for more than ten minutes, and both sides began to pant. The Flame Chicken took the lead and couldn't support it. A jet of flame forced the big needle back and the queen bee jumped back and pulled away.

"Big Needle Bee!"


Big Needle Bee looked back and found that Zhou Jiang was looking at it, and the familiar gaze and sense of fulfillment once again filled its heart.

Zhou Jiang actually recovered when the Big Needle Bee and Flame Chicken attacked each other, but like Lu Fei, there was no sound.

Big needle bee attacked this time.

There is no fear or reason, just go straight up!

The big needle bee flapped its wings and flew towards the flame chicken with a "Z" in the air.

After the Flame Chicken took a few deep breaths, he kicked his legs and moved towards the Big Needle Bee.

The Big Needle Bee was very fast, dodged the flame chicken's right leg, blocked the flame chicken, and dodged its left leg again, the needle bee had already got in front of the flame chicken.

The Flaming Chicken didn't have time to retreat, and the Big Needle Bee shot up!

The strange power burst out instantly, and the flame chicken was directly smashed and flew out~www.ltnovel.com~ after a backflip, it fell on the ground and retreated continuously. The ground was trampled out of several small pits.

The flame chicken finally stopped and looked at the big needle bee in shock. Didn't expect that he would be beaten into the air?

No... it must be careless!

The flame chicken thinking so rushed up again, this time it won't be careless!


This time, the flame chicken flew back faster than before...

Boom boom boom -

After the flaming chicken was smashed into the air, the big needle bee did not stop attacking, and three or four flies followed.

The flame chicken had no time to dodge, and all those attacks were eaten by it!

Big Sting Bee is lacking in physical strength.

It panted and looked at the smoke.

The previous continuous battle with the Flame Rooster was too stamina-consuming. If there weren't so many hits, it is estimated that it would be able to beat the Flame Rooster and fight the next elf.


A big hole broke in the middle of the smoke and dust, and then the wind hung up.

A figure jumped out of the smoke and dust, heading towards the big needle bee at a super fast speed.


Looking at the flame chicken, Zhou Jiang recognized its current state.

Out of the violent state, in other words is it almost...

The speed of the flame chicken is now very fast, at least faster than the speed of the big needle bee.

Although the big needle bee's eyes are not very clear, it still has a heart-seeing and hearing domineering!


The flame chicken suddenly appeared in front of the needle bee, and its right leg quickly moved towards the needle bee whip.

This time is its full strength!

This speed is already at its limit. It doesn't think that the Needle Bee can dodge it, at most it is just a block.


The big needle bee relaxed, and then drifted up with the wind driven by the flame chicken's legs!

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