The big needle bee floated gently like a leaf.

The big long legs of the flame chicken flew directly from its face!


After evading an attack by the Flame Chicken, the Big Needle Bee flapped its wings and slammed it directly on the Flame Chicken.

The flame chicken flew directly out again.

The flaming chicken rolled over the field, rolling up large swaths of smoke.

Although there is a law of "smoke without injury", the law will be invalid. This time, the flame chicken never gets up again...

After the smoke dissipated, the flame chicken fell down there in circles with his eyes.

"Inhale... exhale..."

Lu Fei took a long breath and withdrew the flame chicken.

One wear four?

Although there are no referees and other spectators in this game, there are still sisters and her friends watching!

And after being worn four times, where does his face go? !

Lu Fei really wanted to call out the duck-billed fire dragon in the lava to teach him a lesson, but that would be even more embarrassing...

Fighting a senior high school student, unexpectedly called out the elves of the elves to rescue...

Looking at the panting Big Needle Bee, Lu Fei wanted to cry.

After playing for so long, it still has to maintain the energy shield covering the surface of the body. It can be said that as long as it consumes physical strength, it turns out that so many elves start to gasp?

Is Big Needle Bee such a strong wizard?

Or me...



The wizard ball exploded, and a wizard familiar to Zhou Jiang appeared on the field.

Seeing the majestic Wind Speed ​​Dog, Zhou Jiang was deeply moved.

Originally thought he would send a big brother.

If you play against the big brother, then Big Needle Bee will be much easier, maybe even kill the opponent directly?

It would be difficult for Wind Speed ​​Dog.

This wind speed dog is a mid-level Uranus. Although it is the same mid-level Uranus as I encountered in the forest, one is carefully cultivated by humans and the other is free-range.

There is no level at all between the two.

Although the big needle bee can beat the wind speed dog in the forest, this one is difficult to handle.

If Big Sting Bee is full of physical strength and can still Mega evolve, then it will still be able to beat the opponent, but now it does not account for either...

Well...but forget it, I didn't plan to let Big Needle Bee wear five.

Its physical strength is not so abundant.

It's good to be able to wear four in one and consume the opponent's fifth elf.

It's just a pity, it may be a bit difficult to play later.

"Wind speed dog, super fast!"

Lu Fei wanted to try. His elves had never hit the opponent once in melee combat.

Obviously it is a very fragile existence, and it can cause a lot of damage to the opponent as long as it hits once. As a result, it can't hit it, and it is as slippery as a loach.

And now the opponent's physical strength is already insufficient, coupled with the super fast speed of the wind speed dog, this can always hit it, right?


The wind speed dog jumped out of place.


The big needle bee also left the place!

Ultra-fast speed also needs to be equipped with super dynamic vision, otherwise it will basically only be a straight line of assault.

Obviously, the speed dog is not its original speed, so it can't see clearly.

But the big needle bee can perceive it.

Seeing and hearing color is awesome!

The Big Needle Bee, who had been fighting with the Wind Speed ​​Dog too much, knew what the Wind Speed ​​Dog's speed was, so he hid it all at once, not at all embarrassed.

Lu Fei was a little surprised.

Although he couldn't see the speed of the two elves, he could see when they disappeared.

He clearly saw that at the moment he yelled out the speed, the big needle bee disappeared from the place, and the wind speed dog at this time also disappeared from the place.

It was a second later when the two elves appeared again.

The big needle bee still flies in the air, but only changes its position.

Wind Speed ​​Dog turned around and looked at Big Needle Bee with a serious expression.

Although everyone knows that Super Speed ​​can basically escape by leaving the place at the beginning, but not many elves can do it.

To achieve this, two conditions are required. Basically, one of the conditions cannot be avoided. One is that the neural response is not fast enough, and the other is that the speed is not fast enough.


The wind speed dog opened its mouth wide, and a hot flame emerged from its mouth, and the big needle bee left the place again the moment it opened its mouth.

Although the flames sprayed from the mouth can have different directions, most of them are subconsciously rushing straight out without playing tricks to change the direction, so the domineering big needle bee can completely follow the wind speed dog. The movement of the mouth can see the trajectory of the opponent's skills to avoid attacks.


When the big needle bee flashed to one side, the wind speed dog directly shook his head and shot the flame toward it.

Big Needle Bee dodges quickly.

In this way, the two elves stood in a stalemate for more than a minute!

In the end, Big Needle Bee couldn't hold it anymore.

Big Needle Bee's domineering color is not without consumption.

And what it consumes is physical strength.

The stamina of Big Sting Bee itself is somewhat insufficient, and the loss of stamina will be even faster with frequent use of

Finally, after the Big Needle Bee had no choice but to turn off the sights and hearings, it became more and more difficult to avoid the flames until it never escaped...

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, the Big Needle Bee could only use its guard to resist.

Guardian successfully saved it, and its physical strength also bottomed out.

"Come back, Big Needle Bee."

Seeing that Big Needle Bee could hardly form effective combat power, Zhou Jiang took it back.

Although the big needle bee can finally take a suicidal attack on the wind speed dog, it is unnecessary, is it?

Big Needle Bee has done good enough.

Spelling out the opponent's four elves, the fifth elves also consumed a lot of physical strength.

The Big Needle Bee has consumed so much energy to avoid it, not to mention that the Wind Speed ​​Dog continues to shoot flames.

"Finally lost, the four elves... I didn't expect this guy's big needle bee to be so powerful!" In the upper lounge, watching Zhou Jiang take back the big needle bee, Chen Yongan murmured.

Suddenly, his face changed.


Just as he thought, he just turned his head and saw Zhou Nan looked over with a lewd smile.

"Hehehe~ Xiaoanzi, I'm willing to bet and lose~"



At this time, everyone who was immersed in their feelings towards Big Needle Bee also recovered and remembered the bet they had made before.

Now I have killed four elves... and the most bet among them is only three elves...

What to do if the bet loses, wait online, urgent...

Xu Feng and Chen Yongan swallowed, trying to find some excuse.

But no matter what they think, it seems that they can't escape...

"Now, Xiao Nanzi, let me wash your socks?" Jiang Shui narrowed his eyes and walked toward Zhou Nan with a smile.


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