The torrent of white light dissipated, only leaving a not-shallow trench on the field.

Big Needle Bee looked at the gully, then at Bos Kedora, and finally turned to look at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang looked at Big Needlebee's puzzled gaze, and turned his head slightly awkwardly.

Embarrassing, really embarrassing!

Big Needle Bee is puzzled, but Boss Kedora is not.

After Boss Kedora finished releasing his skills, he directly condensed a large amount of rocks and flew towards the big needle bee.

However, due to the distance, it seems to be very sparse. Although the range of the attack is larger, the distance between the stones is also larger.

Driven by the domineering big needle bee, he recovered his mind for the first time, fluttered its wings and flew towards Boscodora after avoiding the rocks.

While flying, the needle bee made three clicks in the air.

Three transparent waves of air moved towards Boscodora.

The attacking action of the Big Needle Bee was very obvious, so Bos Kedora also noticed three transparent strange things flying towards it at an extremely fast speed.


With a roar, Boscodora's tail glowed with a silver-white metallic luster, and then suddenly turned around and flew towards the target.


With six roars, Lan was thrown into the air by Boscodora, blasting three small holes in the ground beside it.

Bosco pulled back and looked at the big needle bee approaching at extremely fast speed, feeling the blood boil.

Seeing the big needle bee approaching, a sly flickered in Boscodora's eyes.

Suddenly, Boscord opened its big mouth that could easily snap off the steel plate.

A fiery flame bred from it, and then emitted.

The Bos Kedora Club has a lot of skills, but it has not been used before for this raid.

Of course, it's just that it thinks this trick is good for Big Sting Bee.

It's true that Big Sting Bee is a worm attribute, and the skill of the flame type has double restraint on it, but it has to be hit in the middle...

Although the distance is close enough now, it is not enough for the big needle bee with extreme observation and the ability to burst out of extreme speed!


The big needle bee flew down under the control of its wings at the moment Boscodora opened its mouth.

The flame passed above the Big Needle Bee, and the Big Needle Bee continued to fly towards Boscordora.

Because the needle bee was evading prematurely, Boscordora also noticed it. Otherwise, if the needle bee dodges when the flame is about to arrive, depending on the speed of the needle bee, if it goes down again, the Boscorto Ra will never find it!

The flame is strong enough to completely block Boscordora's observation from below. If there is no reminder from the trainer, it can't see there.

Seeing the Big Needle Bee dodge its own attack, Bos Kedora was startled, but it quickly cut off its supply of flame energy.

If you don't defend it anymore, it will be bad. If you are hit by a big needle bee without defense, it is not impossible to lose combat ability.

Boss Kedora quickly cut off the energy supply, and then gathered the source, and now only the source can keep it.

Soon, a layer of primordial shield was formed in front of Bos Kedora, covering its entire abdomen.


As soon as Boscodora gathered the origins together, the attack of the Big Sting Bee came.

The Big Needle Bee did not deliberately avoid the opponent's abdomen and turn behind the opponent to attack, which is meaningless.

Its origin has already been mobilized, even if the Big Needle Bee flies behind it, if it reacts quickly, it can still be prevented as long as it turns around and the origin migration.

But after this time, the "warm up" of Big Needle Bee is over.

Where can I go to launch an offensive next?

Boscordora took a small step back and stabilized his figure, then sprayed a fiery flame at the big needle bee in front of him.

Now that it has been exposed, it is no longer hidden, and it has also discovered that its own attack does not seem to have hit the opponent?

This made Boscordora a little depressed.

Is it because he hasn't been fighting for a long time?

It doesn't seem to be... I'm quite accurate in my own shot...

The flame once again moved toward the Big Needle Bee, and the Big Needle Bee once again fluttered his wings and hid, watching Boss Kedora feel a little irritable.

If the attack can't hit the opponent, the opponent is as slippery as a mud loach, and you are constantly beaten. Anyone will be upset, right?


Seeing that the Needle Bee hadn’t come up, Bos Kedora didn’t bother to continue the attack, anyway, the long-range attack could not hit the opponent...

It is desperate.

I saw a burst of light appearing on it, and then the armor seemed to have been thrown through, and it became shiny.

The scars hit by the big needle bee before are also slightly invisible, and the injuries on the armor left on its body are also covered by light.

The current Bosco Dora is almost a small mirror...

Thief Liang!

Bosco Dora does not want to harden it.

After all, Jiang Tianyi didn't order that it must win, and he rarely even said the order. He just said some attention before.

Having been with Jiang Tianyi for nearly five years, it understands that its owner does not have any strong desire to win, and only wants his spirit, that is, to have the best of fighting.

But the fight that should have fisted to the flesh, the two sides came to a life-and-death fight but did not come, only unilaterally beaten...

It originally didn't intend to strengthen its defenses, after all, after strengthening its defenses, it would not be able to feel such a strong pain, which made it not feel so hearty in fighting.

But now...

It changed its mind.

It can't even touch the shadow of the big needle bee, let alone the hearty battle.

It likes the damage it receives in battle, but it does not mean that it likes to be beaten and let others hurt itself in vain.

What it is good at is defense and physical close combat.

But now that neither physical melee nor long-range damage can hit the Sting Bee, it should choose the physical melee that it is good at.

And because the big needle bee is extremely capable of hiding, it also started to harden in order not to suffer.

Although hardening is one of the simplest and most practical tricks, it works well.

Its armor itself is very hard, and after hardening, it becomes even harder, but in fact, it is nothing to the big needle bee.

After all, the enhanced attributes of its spear are inherently hard and sharp.

That is to say...

Can see the opponent's enhanced defense.

In its own state, the long spear does not have the attribute of armor-breaking, and when it attacks the sprites that increase physical defenses such as hardening, it has the attribute of armor-breaking after being strengthened.

Sunder armor has no effect, that is, at the moment of attacking the opponent, it offsets the opponent's increased defense power, which is equivalent to the opponent's useless enhancement.

Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world


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