Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that Big Needle Bee's fighting spirit was surging.

"Big Needle Bee, go on it as much as you want!"

I don't know when, Big Needle Bee needs a certain amount of "warm-up" time if he wants to use his full strength.

The ghost knows why, just like the hero of a certain anime, he has to get out of touch with the other side for a while before he can show his strength.

Fortunately, the dodge talent of Big Needle Bee has enough points, no, it can be said that it has reached the EX level.

In addition to a large range of moves or thought power, what can hit it?

And the power of the super-wide range of moves is weak. When hitting the needle bee, the physical strength of the needle bee is not as much as the physical strength of using the skills...

Unless it is the absolute suppression of the level, such as the champion fighting the king.

And the power of thought is similar, the power of Big Needle Bee is definitely against the sky, except for champions or the pure super power elves of the late Uranus to use thought power on Big Needle Bee, otherwise the Big Needle Bee is completely worthwhile!

The big needle bee flapped its wings, hit a sonic boom in place and disappeared in place.

There was a sudden gust of wind on the field.


Bosco Dora flew out directly!

Jiang Tianyi was a little surprised, his Boss Kedora is more than 400 kg!

Before the big steel snake was only smashed backwards, and it only flew up a little behind, but now Bos Kedora flew out directly!

This is not a little bit worse.


The Big Needle Bee disappeared again, and when it appeared, it had already reached the top of Boscodora.


The Boss Kedora, who was still flying, was directly smashed down, and fell on the field, the field was directly smashed out of a small hole.

The big needle bee's limbs stretched out extremely, the right spear pointed straight down, and then its wings slammed...



In an instant, Bosco dora screamed, and the field around its body was directly shattered by the huge force. With Bosco dora as the center of the circle, a large pit with a diameter of six meters appeared on the field. And Boss Kedora had fallen into the pit with his eyes in circles.

The Boss Kedora looks a bit miserable now.

There are a lot of new scars on the armor on the body, and there are even three places that are sunken, one of which is the last place where the needle bee attacked, that looks like...

"..." Jiang Tianyi's mouth twitched.

Because the pit is located in the center of the site, it can be said that this site is directly scrapped... It is another sum of money to re-work special materials and so on.

Although he is not short of money, he is still very heartbroken!

If you come here a few more times, then he will be really shark, Zhou Jiang's heart will be full...

The big needle bee slowly flew up, panting slightly, and wisps of white steam rose above its head.

Zhou Jiang looked at Big Needle Bee and shook his head slightly.

Zhou Jiang felt that this guy was using "Eight Doors Dunjia"...

Of course, this is just his imagination.

The reality is that Big Needle Bee is just "liberated".

Zhou Jiang didn't know what this was, and they didn't know when they asked Teacher Lu Ran.

But fortunately, after careful inspection by Miss Joey and the experience of Big Needle Bee, this thing does not have any strong side effects, but the strength will be weakened in a short time after high-intensity exercise, and the physical strength will also be consumed a lot. .

This is not a burden to the big needle bee.

For its strong physical strength and high offensive power, once this thing is turned on, it can quickly solve a battle, and the side effects are negligible.

Like now, the big needle bee only breathes slightly, nothing else is gone, and the panting only needs to take a rest, and then it can "bring back" without too much movement.

Physical strength is also related to recovery.

For example, two elves of the same level are physically weak, but one elves is extremely strong, and the other is a template of ordinary elves. After one minute of rest, the two elves can exert different strengths.

The creatures like elves are different from human beings. The recovery of human stamina is various and the relationship is very complicated, while elves look at the total amount of stamina.

The larger the total, the faster the recovery every moment.

It's like a game.

"You don't need to change the venue? Just continue like this?" Jiang Tianyi looked at the venue and asked Zhou Jiang.

This kind of large-scale broken site should be replaced according to the standard, but he does not want to replace it again. If it is good to replace it, then replace it when it breaks?

"I don't care." Zhou Jiang returned.

Anyway, Big Needle Bee and Kirulian can fly, and it doesn't matter whether the venue is not the venue.

If Jiang Tianyi's house elves are correct with the information on the Internet, Zhou Jiang is sure that the two elves, Big Needle Bee and Cirulian, will solve each other.

Of course, there is still no need to pray.

Jiang Tianyi nodded, and then threw the third wizard ball.

Chop the commander!

As a dual element of steel and evil, Commander Cleave is once again restrained by the fighting element four times. Congratulations...

To be honest...a bit miserable...

The Cleave Commander is good at physical attacks and physical defenses, which means that he is super strong in melee combat.

But its moving speed is not fast enough~www.ltnovel.com~ Others are also average.

So for the big needle bee, this is the target!

For the big needle bee, those who are not fast enough are basically abused dishes, let alone four times the restraint.

The only trouble is that the attack speed of Commander Cleave is not weak.

Speed ​​represents the speed of movement, but its attack speed behind the body is still considerable.

But it doesn't matter, Zhou Jiang believes that Big Needle Bee can escape.

Aside from seeing cuts and seeing and hearing color domineering, drawing on paper is almost the same.

The elves with pure melee attacks are really easy to deal with...

"Commander Chop, Sword Dance!"

Jiang Tianyi gave the order, and the Commander of Chop Slash immediately danced a weird dance on the spot.

Big Needle Bee did not stop it, but also used a sword dance.

For Jian Wu, it has not been used for a long time.

Feeling the little strength in the body, Big Needle Bee sighed slightly.

The Big Needle Bee took the lead to complete the sword dance, and then one second later, the commander chopped and chopped it.

Jiang Tianyi looked at Big Needle Bee in surprise, but he didn't expect Big Needle Bee's sword dance to be so fast!

But since the speed is so fast, why not use the previous battle?

He had watched all the previous battle videos, and there was no scene of Needle Bee using sword dance.

After the two elves finished their actions, they watched their opponents in place for a while, and then the big needle bee moved!

The big needle bee flapped its wings quickly, dragging the afterimage, swaying from side to side, dragging the "Z" tail and flying towards the commander of Cleave.

The Cleave Commander raised the white iron glove with a sharp edge, and then stared at the Big Needle Bee intently.


Between the two breaths, the Big Needle Bee had already reached the front of the Cleave Commander, and the Cleave Commander did not hesitate, and the sharp blade in his hand slashed directly towards the Big Needle Bee.

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