On the field, the Shield Sword Monster that had wiped out all the shadow **** turned the tip of the sword, and then flew straight toward Cirulian.

The air had absolutely nothing to resist in front of the shield sword monster, and it was directly cut away, as if there was no resistance.

Kirulian was not idle, and the shadow ball slammed towards the shield sword monster, but the shield sword monster did not dodge, and the sword tip wrapped in energy directly broke through those attacks!

The speed of the strong shield sword monster was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived not far in front of Kirulian, and Kirulian had no choice but to move and flash away again.

Kirulian was a little helpless, this strong shield sword thief was difficult to deal with.

The shadow ball attacked and was directly cut in half by it with a single sword. It was also easily broken free by it.

She doesn't know what to do...

‘Master, think of a solution... I can’t beat it! ’

‘...Uh, but master, I can’t help it. ’

"Yeah...Master, you are so useless..."

‘Heart-struck, old girl, you never used to be like this...you have changed! ’


Kirulian has been avoiding, but she is constantly chatting with Zhou Jiang. Outsiders look like Kirulian may be very dangerous and might be hit by the shield sword monster at any time, but Zhou Jiang who was chatting with her...

Hearing Kirulian's chattering, Zhou Jiang felt a little pain in his head.

Personality has changed after evolution?

But before, she wouldn't be like this for Kirulian...

On the field, Cirulian was floating with his thoughts, and then continuously launched shadow **** behind him.

The Shield Sword Monster followed her, chasing her and fighting...

However, the speed of the Shield Sword Monster is far worse than that of Kirulian. Even if Kirulian doesn't need to move instantaneously, just flying there with the power of mind can make the Shield Sword Monster eat farts behind her.

How do you say the Shield Sword Monster?

Its racial value bonus is all on defense.

Although the attack is not high, both defenses are super high, so Kirulian's shadow ball can be easily cut off by it.

For spirits like the shield sword monster, high defense actually has a much greater advantage than high attack.

The strong shield sword monster is mainly fierce melee, after all, it is a sword.

If the defense is high, it won't hurt when the opponent hits it, but if a sword cuts the opponent, do you think the opponent hurts?

And with the steel system, basically many attributes can reduce half of the damage, which is even more six batches.

But its speed is really a flaw.

Like now, Kirulian has been flying a kite.

High defense?

What's more, the high defense is just a little less attack, but it is not without losing physical strength.

And you are slow, or close combat, you can't hit the enemy, don't you still have to kneel?

The shadow ball controlled by Nian Li never hit the shield sword monster, but what about Kirulian?

Intact, although the strong shield sword monster chased it tightly, it was useless!

Seal Kirulian's escape route so that Kirulian can only fly to one side?

At the edge of the field, Cirulian will not use teleportation?

Then he chased Kirulian to the other side of the field...

Going back and forth, going over and over again, anyway, the Shield Sword Monster can't catch Kirulian, it's really amazing...

The corners of Jiang Tianyi's mouth twitched, and a trace of depression flashed in his eyes as he looked at the shield sword monster that was constantly beating.

This is the first time he has seen such a wretched one.

Are you Kirulian such a beautiful girl playing such a nasty tactic, is it really good?

The human set is about to collapse, hello!

The shield sword monster is also desperate.

What can it do? The body is heavy and the speed is a bit slow. If it can't catch up, it can't catch up...

It only has shadow **** and grating guns for long-range output. However, these skills are not usually practiced. If you don't talk about the accuracy of the head, the power is also poor, and the launch speed and aggregation speed are slow...

As soon as it used this skill, Kirulian hit the sword with a shadow ball. It barely resisted the ability to fire and then couldn't hit the opponent...

This is totally useless!

It's like walking a dog...


"It's so strong, no, I have to practice like this for Bibi Niao, this tactic is too strong!" Zhou Nan looked excited.

"That's right, you'd better forget it, Chirulian was forced to the corner and moved instantaneously. Does your Bibi Niao have it?" Xu Feng said.

"...Eh, I said glasses, why do you hit me every time, don't you feel unhappy if you don't hit me?"

"Yes indeed!"

"You and I……"

"Ahem, okay, you two, watching the game, and Zhou Nan, you still want to be like Zhou Jiang? Forget it, people have a good chance, how can you compare it, and Zhou Jiang has a flexible mind and tactical routines. Many, you should forget it, and be honest." Jiang Shui glanced at Zhou Nan and said.




On the field, after more than 30 minutes, the shield sword monster finally disappeared...

The strong shield sword monster fell to the ground with regret, grief, and despair.

Before fainting, it secretly decided that it must practice ranged attacks!


Jiang Tianyi shook his head and withdrew the strong shield sword monster.

The loser was really frustrated this time, even more frustrated than the giant golden monster...

After rubbing a few times on the poke ball hanging on his neck, Jiang Tianyi tore off the poke ball, enlarged it and threw it out.


The always blue upright dog appeared on the field, staring at Kirulian on the opposite side of the field.


Looking at Lucario, Zhou Jiang was a little excited in his heart.

So handsome, so handsome, so handsome! Really want!

No, I have to find a way to get Lucario!

Lucario was originally one of Zhou Jiang's goals. He was just thinking about it before. Now seeing the real spirit appear in front of him, Zhou Jiang suddenly couldn't bear his excitement.

Such a handsome fighting spirit, don't be unreasonable!

Zhou Jiang thinks that ~www.ltnovel.com~ the fighting system is the most handsome, but...

He doesn't have any fighting spirit.

The other fighting spirits, Zhou Jiang, don't like it very much. The only ones he likes are Flame Chicken and Lucario!

Although Abby Lang and Chavaran were okay, but...how to say, Zhou Jiang's feeling for them is not as strong as that for Flame Chicken and Lucario.

Maybe it's because the one who wears gloves is not human-like...

In his previous life, Zhou Jiang often imagined all kinds of fighting moves in his mind. He felt very handsome, but he had never practiced. If he brought a fighting spirit to come...

With the "master of fighting theory", he can definitely train it well!

Thinking about it, I'm a little excited, this is really an elf trained by myself!

It seems to be better...

"Master, stop talking, Kirulian is going crazy..." On the court, Kirulian turned his head to look at Zhou Jiang with resentment.

‘...Cough, sorry, sorry... next time pay attention, next time pay attention...’

Kirulian: "..."

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