
Lucario roared, then a blue energy ball condensed in his right hand and flew towards Cirulian.

Kirulian just turned her head and looked at the oncoming wave missile without hurried, saw her small hand slightly lifted, and a shock wave moved towards the wave missile.


The wave missile collided with the air wave, and after a stalemate for a second, the air wave was broken by the wave missile, and then continued straight towards Cirulian.

Kirulian's expression remained unchanged, but her eyes were slightly surprised. But soon, the surprise in Kirulian's eyes disappeared.


Kirulian raised his hand slightly, and two more air waves were facing the Bo missile.


This time, the wave missile was finally destroyed, and the two air waves also dissipated invisible.

Looking at Lucario, Cirulian also responded with a shadow ball.

Facing the galloping shadow ball, Lucario calmly used the waveguide to condense a blue bone stick, and then smashed the shadow ball with a stick.


The shadow ball shattered instantly, and a large amount of black mist popped out, directly covering Lucario. At this time, three more shadow **** flew toward the black mist in the shape of "Pin".

At this time, if it is other elves, it is still possible to be slapped, but now the opposite is Lucario who can see everything with a waveguide!


One of the four "super powers" in the wizard world.

Super powers, waveguides, the power of Tobien, the power of the dragon, the power of super gram.


one extra?


Isn’t it common sense that there are five of the four “superpowers”? !

Zhou Jiang has some regrets.

Doesn’t it mean that the protagonist of the traverser has a "super power"...

I'm an ordinary person, what if one accidentally hangs up...

The Lao force system can't change any skills for myself... If I change the reincarnation eye, who can I be afraid of as a star of the sky...

Well, this Zhou Jiang just thought about it.

It is a blessing to be able to come to this peaceful world after crossing, and it is really a blessing to have a memory and a system.

Be a human... Don't be too greedy...

Zhou Jiang was thinking about philosophy with emotion, but two elves on the field were fighting for life.

Cirulian gave full play to his own advantages in flying, and constantly used his skills to blast towards Lucario, while Lucario relied on precise swing attacks to shoot shadow **** and air waves. .

Of course, Lucario will not fight back.

With the waveguide, it can easily identify the foothold of Kirulian's attack, and then after it leaves its original position, it can launch wave missiles to attack Kirulian.

But to be honest, its wave missile can't hit Kirulian either!

It can hide, but Kirulian can't?

And because Kirulian is flying in the air, it is easier to hide, even if it is a wave missile with a very high hit rate, it has to fail in the face of Kirulian.

Lucario is actually able to control the flying wave missiles in a small range, but in the face of Cirulian, that small range of control is completely worthless.

The moment the wave missile was launched, Kirulian could perceive it, and then he could take countermeasures.

For example, fly directly away from there, and when the Bo missile arrives over there, Chirulian has already flown away, and Lucario's control of the Bo missile is not unlimited, only a simple change of direction.

And sometimes, Kirulian is too lazy to dodge, and directly uses the shadow ball to blast. Although the opponent has added the source, Kirulian can also use two shadow **** to fight it.

Kirulian can fly, but Lucario can't. With this huge advantage, Kirulian doesn't need to worry about the loss of physical strength. After all, without physical strength, she can fly directly above and then use herself to recover...

And Cirulian in the air can also avoid Lucario's melee attack.

Although Lucario's racial value is higher in special attacks than physical attacks, in fact, Lucario is a melee player, rarely playing long-range attacks.

After all, they have waveguide perception and a strong body. One of the two is to enable Lucario to see through the opponent's movements, and the other is to provide the necessary conditions for melee.

The elves of this race of Lucario have excellent reflex nerves, and are among the top elves among the many elves.

And Lucario's skill learning is basically physical melee.

When there is no skill jade, let Carlio train independently, it will develop a bunch of physical melee attacks...

In the game, the only special skills Lucario can learn on his own are Wave Missile and Dragon Wave...

It can be said to be less pitiful.

This means that although the elves like Lucario are relatively high in special attacks in terms of racial value~www.ltnovel.com~, they are more friendly to physical attacks.


Lucario, running on the broken field, was launched by another wave of missiles.

In the sky, Kirulian's expression remained unchanged, and she waved her hands skillfully, and the two pitch-black shadow **** moved towards Lucario.

After launching the shadow ball, Kirulian also used his mind to launch an air wave nearby.

The shadow ball collided with the wave missile, and both shattered again, and the air wave also reached Lucario.

Invisible air waves are a problem for other elves. They need to concentrate to see, but for Lucario, it is really nothing. As long as the waveguide is turned on, the air waves become "tangible". .

Lucario leaped hard, and a small pit appeared again on the ground that was already broken. Lucario flew into the air, and the air wave arrived. Two air waves from different directions hit Lucario while standing. On the ground, two small pits were smashed again.

Lucario landed and looked at Kirulian flying in the air with a helpless expression.

Before dealing with flying birds, it never felt so disgusting to fly...

But speaking of it, birds basically attack physically, which means they have to rush over and attack most of the time, so they don’t feel much disgusting. Unlike Cirulian, it’s like a gun emplacement. The output is fast, and it can teleport......

It really wanted to plug in its wings and beat Kirulian to death...

But these are just fantasy...


Lucario kept jumping on the ground, and shadow **** flew over when it lost consciousness.

Three or four shadow **** fell on the ground, and a large amount of smoke was immediately set off, and smoke and black mist spread everywhere.

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