"finish watching?"

"……finish watching……"

"Do you have nothing to say?"

"...Dantrian, my wife!!"

"... Never repent! Teach him to be a man!"


"Ha...ha..." After a while, several people lay on the ground to rest.

"How do we go next?" Xu Feng asked Zhou Jiang after taking two violent breaths.

"Ha... Go directly to K City, Teacher Lu Ran and the others are coming too. If we arrive early, we will wait for them after we finish playing the gym there."

"Ha...Ha, OK!" Zhou Nan nodded.

The three of them lay on the grass with their heads up and looking at the sky.

Not far away, the three women sat in the shade of the tree looking at the three, sighing helplessly.

"What about the kid..."

"What about the kid..."

"What about the kid..."

After Zhou Jiang had finished eating, he reported safety to Lu Ran in the group, and discussed the way forward.

They originally wanted to go to Tangluo Town to take a rest, but they heard that the Rockets had devastated it, and it is estimated that the order is still a bit chaotic.

Anyway, they don't want to cause trouble, and Tangluo Town is also a place to go. The girls don't have hot bath water. At most, let the elves chop down the tree and get a big wooden bucket and then boil the water for washing.

But this requires looking for a big tree. After all, in this wilderness, there is no way to seal the spliced ​​wooden barrels. You can only use thick trees to hollow out directly to make a bathtub.

Fortunately, there are not many other things in this world, but there are many trees!

In the forest, as long as the land does not die, the elves can recover even if a whole forest is burned down in less than a year!

Of course, this is limited to being simply burned down. If it is burned down by powerful fire elves, such as mythical beasts, it would be difficult to say.

The big needle bee ran to the forest to find a suitable piece of wood, and then processed the three women into a bucket for bathing.

As for the three of Zhou Jiang, they naturally took a cold shower.

Although Zhou Jiang himself also likes hot water, after coming to this world and getting used to it, cold water feels good.

The next day 1, everyone simply ate a little and set off.

"Ha~" Zhou Jiang couldn't help yawning after not taking a few steps.

"Why, I didn't sleep well last night? You are already the eighth yawn." Zhou Nan asked Zhou Jiang with an elbow stabbed.

"Um... I didn't sleep well." Zhou Jiang answered by rubbing his eyes.

"Haha, don't you still think about Dantrian in that dream? But you guy is really a lo*ic*n, even in a dream you have to meet such a cute little loli, and that The lines from S2 to the top of the table~"

"Let me ask, are you a human?"

"No, I am the sky, the sky in the pot!"

Zhou Nan and Jiang Shui acted in the tone of the two in the dream, and Jiang Shui’s solemn voice was indeed quite decent...

"You two guys..."

"Hahaha." Seeing Zhou Jiang's angry look, Zhou Nan couldn't help laughing.

Yesterday, he was not ready enough to be caught by Kirulian, the palace, and forced to clean up the mess. Naturally, he was upset. If other retaliations could not be done, then let him die socially!

After talking about this with Jiang Shui, Jiang Shui was naturally happy to see this.

She really hates the horrible memories Zhou Jiang brought to her. Anyway, she will not forget it in a short time...

Wang Qingyan and Li Linghui smiled slightly at the two playing treasures and Zhou Jiang who was "irritated".

Xu Feng was watching the performance and thinking about these two sentences.

However, no matter what he thinks in his mind, he thinks these two sentences are very subtle!

Ah~ Sbara!

Although there is a kind of inexplicable feeling, but...this seems very handsome!

Hmm...Although Xu Feng is cold on the surface, in fact there is a coquettish side in the interior... and he is also a half house, and he still has some feelings about these things that are somewhat secondary...

Zhou Jiang looked helplessly at the two vigorous performers, somewhat helpless.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang didn't feel much shy when they performed like this.

If these two sentences really came up by myself, I would still be shy, but...

This is not his work, he is shy of wool!

But you still have to pretend to look like, hehehe~

It's like being hammered by a girl. As a boy, you must suffer!

Of course, some girls are exceptions.

Normally, the bottle cap can't be twisted, but once it provokes her... you add the calcium-in-calcium Tianling cap...

After yawning again, Zhou Jiang recalled what happened last night.

Last night, he lay in the tent and directly logged into his prosecutor account, and then logged into the special website to find information about the incident they encountered.

There are basically all these messages here, but viewing and searching require levels and permissions.

Zhou Jiang is considered a blue-clothed prosecutor, and news of this incident should still be available.

Sure enough, after logging in, he directly found what he wanted in the top post.

This matter is so hot that the alliance can't hold it down. Even ordinary people already know it. Of course, what ordinary people know is only a little superficial.

In these posts, Zhou Jiang browsed the past one by one and understood a lot of things.

First of all, it is said that this is the result of an experiment by the Rockets on a certain wizard ~www.ltnovel.com~. Then people are curious about the mysterious wizard, and most of them are discussing what the wizard is.

There are also some posts about the recent active areas of the Rockets. One of the key circles caught Zhou Jiang's attention.

Meiyu Forest...

Although the name Meiyu Forest sounds good, the environment there is not good. The forest is good at noon during the day. In the morning, the sun often doesn’t get in, causing the forest to be cold and wet. In the afternoon, the sun is slanting. Coupled with some special reasons, the visibility there is very low.

Of course, these are not the main points. The main point is that the Meiyu Forest is the place where Zhou Jiang had been deflated before...

It was next to the city of T, a forest behind the town where Zhou Jiang didn't notice the name.

Of course, the forest is still far from the town.

There, Zhou Jiang accepted the task of investigating, and he was recruited...

Even Big Needle Bee and Kirulian couldn't find each other. Zhou Jiang initially estimated that the probability of the other being a nightmare **** was very high.

Anyway, Zhou Jiang would not go there again if he was killed.

As a result, this matter...

Is it true that the nightmare **** was caught by the Rockets and then run away while studying?

Although the Nightmare God is very awesome, Zhou Jiang knows that humans are also very awesome. There is no way for the first-level beasts like Rogia. The top trainers of the Nightmare God are estimated to be able to fight a dozen, let alone. The Rockets can still use technology to assist.

If you don’t pay attention, it’s normal if it is planted, but Zhou Jiang is worried about where the nightmare god, maybe the mysterious elves, is going now...

Will it run wild and attack humans?

What if you run towards them?

Anyway, he was worried about this all night.

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