According to some prosecutors who performed the mission, when they passed, the Rockets had already been in chaos. An elf wrapped in black mist was wrecking havoc, and as soon as they arrived there, the mysterious elf ran away. Now, only some embarrassed Rockets are left.

Fortunately, the Rockets' base is not in Tangluo Town.

Their base is the middle area between Zhou Jiang and Tang Luo Town where they are now.

Fortunately, it was not in the middle of K City and Tang Luo Town, otherwise if the weird hypnosis spread to K City, it would really be a heavy loss.

K City is a big city with a large population, while Tangluo Town is just a small village. Although the population is quite large, the loss is not much.

After this incident, all the human beings affected were basically in a coma, but the elves were basically fine.

Fortunately, the elves were fine, so there were not many casualties in K City. After all, some people were cooking, driving and other activities at that time.

Those who cook, and anyone with elves at home can turn off the fire, so there is no gas poisoning. As for no elves at home...

Then there's no way……

Driving is almost the same, but it depends on luck...

If you are lucky to survive, if you have bad luck, it will be over.

The Rockets were forced by the mysterious elves, but the prosecutors only caught three or two kittens. The big ones didn’t lose much combat power, but they didn’t hesitate to see the prosecutors coming. , Directly abandoning the little brothers and all ran away separately, and now the prosecutors are still searching for the escaped Rocket members.

Fortunately, the doctor ran slowly and caught two, otherwise the prosecutors in this operation would be really embarrassed.

The people who were hunted were basically golden prosecutors urgently transferred from various places, that is, the trainers of the heavenly king.

Of course, the number of golden prosecutors is insufficient, and the purple prosecutors naturally can't watch. A group of six of them also went to the forest to search for members of the Rockets, and...

Zhou Jiang's location is also within their search range!

Fortunately, the prosecutors started the search the day before yesterday. They have not met the Rockets or prosecutors after they have been there for so long, so it can be said that they will basically not be met later.

After so long, it is estimated that they have been chasing far away, after all, it only takes one day for them to reach Tangluo Town!

And the Rockets base is in the middle. Although it's in the forest and not on the official road, it only takes one day to walk, right?

As for the Rockets, they want to escape. Naturally, they are done with elves. Whether they are flying or running, after these three days, they have no idea where they can go.


Three days later, a few people arrived in K City without any twists and turns!

Hmm...but there are many trainers behind them, at least more than ten, both men and women...

Trainer A: "Ah~ finally here, I'm going to sleep in the wizard center!"

B: "Go and go!"


These trainers were all met on the road. Many of them were going to Tangluo Town to do repairs and then to K City. As a result, something happened by the Rockets. Naturally, they didn’t dare to go there and detour directly. , So I met Zhou Jiang and the others, and for the sake of safety, everyone went together temporarily.

It is worth mentioning that...Along the way, those trainers, regardless of men and women, are bragging about their dreams...

What became the world star...the strongest breeder...

In short, they all did what they wanted in their dreams and realized their dreams.

Although everything is fake...but what does that matter? !

Shuang is the most important thing!

Listening to their blows, Zhou Jiang received five eyes with a strong killing intent...Well, when others asked Xu Feng what they dreamed of, the killing intent became even more serious...


After everyone said hello, they should say goodbye. Are they going to the wizard center to eat, bathe and sleep?

After they finished walking, Zhou Jiang and several people sent a text message to Lu Ran and the others, telling them that they had arrived.

Well, it is worth mentioning that Lu Ran and the others arrived in K city earlier than Zhou Jiang...

They have acquaintances here in K City. They seem to be a lady or something, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter to anyone anyway.

Not long after, Teacher Lu Ran drove the car to pick them up.


A dragon waved its tail, and the little pickup stopped in front of the crowd. Lu Ran poked out the window and looked at a few people.


Zhou Jiang looked at the car and then at Lu Ran, a little imaginary.

But the others didn't have any worries, climbed directly on the small stool behind the pickup and sat down on it.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiang could only sit on it.

He can only hope that Lu Ran can drive more steadily...

Fortunately, because there are magical creatures like elves in this world, there are not so many rules. Otherwise, they will be stopped by Miss Junsha and fined...

Perhaps Lu Ran took care of the people behind so the car didn't drive as crazy as I saw before.

Of course, Zhou Jiang’s evaluation of her crazy driving is mainly due to her last drift and her gender...

Is the female driver scary?

Touch your conscience and ask, is it scary...

Along the way, a few people didn’t say much. Lu Ran was driving attentively. She was afraid that she would be distracted and some numbing things would happen, while Zhou Jiang and others were busy looking at the lines in the river. Vessels of various shapes.

After more than ten minutes, the car stopped in front of a big house.


Lu Ran shouted, and then several people jumped out of the car.


"It's this kind of house again..."

Looking at the mansion, Xu Feng's faces instantly became gloomy.

"What's the matter?" Lu Ran couldn't help asking when he walked out after parking the car and looked at the five people with gloomy faces.

"Ahem, it's nothing, it's okay, Teacher Lu Ran, let's go in!" Zhou Jiang pushed Lu Ran towards the inside with an embarrassed expression. As for Xu Feng and the others?

...They let it go, Zhou Jiang is afraid that he will be killed by them in the past...

But living in this kind of house... will you have nightmares at night...

But if you dream of Dantrian, it seems pretty good~ It’s a pity that the previous dream was too short, and it ended before I had time to pretend... What a pity...

Hey... I haven't attacked Dan Trian yet, and I haven't fed her yet... It's a pity, a pity... It's hard to have such a clear dream, and if I think about it in the future, I have no chance...

Zhou Jiang pushed Lu Ran towards the inside, shaking his head and sighing.

and many more!

Zhou Jiang stopped suddenly with a look of astonishment.

Good dream?

Dream God? !

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