Simply, the location was not far from him, and he found it after walking for more than ten minutes.

"Coffee shop?!"

Zhou Jiang looked down at the phone, then looked up at the shop in front...

"That's right..."

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang saw a person sitting inside by the window beckoning to his side and fixed his eyes. Who was Zhang Kai?

It's just Zhang Kai's dress now...

Zhou Jiang looked at him silently, is it so conspicuous? !

Black T-shirt, a thin black coat on the outside, and big sunglasses on his face...

Is it really good to be so conspicuous in black?

It seems that there are some problems...


Zhou Jiang pushed the door in, and the clerk came over to say hello. Before Zhou Jiang could say anything, Zhang Kai walked over.

"He's the one I'm waiting for. Go ahead."


The clerk nodded and went to other tables.

Zhang Kai nodded to Zhou Jiang, motioned for him to follow, and then walked inside.

Zhou Jiang briefly looked around, then followed.

Zhang Kai's dress is really eye-catching. When he came here before, the customers sitting in the store looked at him, and Zhou Jiang followed him, attracting even more attention...

Although Zhang Kai wears sunglasses, his scar is not covered. With this burly figure, basically not many people look at him, and Zhou Jiang...

I usually look a little short, and now I am walking with the tall Zhang Kai...

The gap appeared in an instant, and it was unusually obvious...

If Zhou Jiang's women's clothing, you can have a live-action version of Beauty and the Beast...

Zhou Jiang's delicate face and thin body...

Women's clothing is really proper!

Zhou Jiang sometimes thinks, if he has nothing, can he go out for women's clothing and make some money back...

Maybe you can reach the pinnacle of life?

Following Zhang Kai, the two of them walked inside, until this was the time when the guests' eyes were closed.

Now the two of them are walking in the corridor, and after a turn, there is a long corridor, but there is a door about ten meters ahead.

Zhang Kai twisted the handle to open the door, and Zhou Jiang followed in.

After I went in, I discovered that it was actually an oversized room with four small rooms inside. It was like a four-bedroom and one-living room.

This large hall should be divided into two parts. The people who opened on their side should go out. There are several large sofas. Then they move to the left and right sides. There are tables. Finally, there are TVs hanging on the left and right walls. .

To put it simply, it is based on the line of Zhou Jiang pair going out as the axis, and the furnishings on both sides are basically the same.

"Just find a place to sit. If you want to get involved, I will ask someone to come out and explain it to you." Zhang Kai nodded to Zhou Jiang, and then walked to the side room.

Zhou Jiang looked at the two tables. One table was messy and the other was neater. After thinking about it, Zhou Jiang sat on the sofa beside the messy table and waited.

Zhang Kai went to knock on the door three times, and after a while, the door opened.

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

Opening the door, a man wearing a big T-shirt with messy hair poked his head and asked.

"Here comes, you go and tell him what we understand, you can answer him if he has any questions, I will go to rest first..."

After speaking, Zhang Kai walked to the next room and opened and closed the door in one go.

The man yawned, looked at Zhou Jiang who was sitting on the sofa looking at him, and sighed.

"Hello, this is Zhou Jiang!"

"Hello, Yixiu...Sorry, I was a bit sleepy at work last night." Yixiu yawned again, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes.

" go take a rest first? I think you can't hold it like this."

Looking at him, Zhou Jiang was a little worried.

Wouldn't you be so tired too?


Yixiu waved his hand: "I'm fine, by the way, go sit there. The girls sit here."

After speaking, Yixiu got up and walked towards the sofa on the right.

Zhou Jiang was stunned.

The table is so messy, did you tell me that this is where the girls sit? !

I tm...

Zhou Jiang got up and sat down.

Yixiu took some out of the pile of documents on the table and handed it to Zhou Jiang: "These are the most basic things. If you don't understand, please ask me again... I'll ha~ I'll be a while..."

With that said, Yixiu lay directly on the sofa and fell asleep...

Zhou Jiang looked at the things in his hands and then at Yixiu who was asleep, feeling a little flustered.

I...Is it in the lair...

This tm is worse than encountering danger...

Seeing him look so tired, what do you have?

And he said before that why Zhang Kai is so strange.

He also wears sunglasses, and his tone is not cold. It turns out that he is tired, right?

Even a tough guy like Zhang Kai has become so tired...

Really pill!


Zhou Jiang sighed, then looked at the information in his hand.

It's all here, how can you just shrink back?

Even if it doesn’t work, do it again...

Okay, maybe you can't quit after you start...

Zhou Jiang looked at the information in his hand very carefully. It can be said that he read it word by word. After all, this is related to his later mission. If you miss something or ignore any danger, it's really bad. Up.

He didn't want to put himself in a dangerous situation because of this.

Twenty minutes later, Zhou Jiang finally read all the information and had some impressions in his mind.

First of all traces of the Rockets logistics have indeed been found in this city, and they have also taken them away, but after they have taken them away, they found that it is only a small place and has no value at all. The rocket caught The team doesn't know anything, it's just the bottom members, and there are very few members...

Later, they received a Rocket cadre who had escaped from the base outside Tangluo Town and fled into K City.

As for why they fled to K City, they don't know.

That cadre was also discovered by accident. Originally, the cadre ran toward other places, but in the end, I didn't know why, but after a big circle, he ran directly toward K City.

That cadre had a Tootuli, who was well trained, and they ran first, so they couldn't catch up with each other in the forest.

Although the prosecutor who was chasing him sent a message to people to block him, he eventually ran away. After getting into the city, he couldn't find the person.

Now there are many prosecutors guarding here outside the K city, and there are also eagles patrolling at high altitudes all the time. It can be said that it is impossible to escape with wings!

However, it has been four or five days, they have turned over half of the K city but still haven't seen any figures...

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