
Zhou Jiang said that other things will not be mentioned.

He just wanted to vomit, a lot of people, blocking the road, and the other party alone, but they couldn't stop them?

This is all plain rice, right?

And now it's been so long, a lot of prosecutors have searched here, but nothing has been found?

This is too wasteful...

When blocking the opponent, even if he runs away, it is impossible to even know where the opponent disappeared...

So in the final analysis, these people are really useless.

Of course, Zhou Jiang was just making complaints like this, he was just a subjective guess after reading the information.

The reality may be different, Zhou Jiang can't figure it out, and it's not the time to think about it, even if it is to be held accountable, it has nothing to do with him. He just wants to finish it all quickly.

If it is delayed here, it will be troublesome. He can only wait a year to participate in the league competition. He doesn't want to wait anymore, and finish counting the ball early!

But this water system gym is still in trouble, we need to finish this **** Rocket team quickly.

Zhou Jiang thought, lost in thought.

The information is quite complete, and even the reports they came back after they went to search are in it.

Zhou Jiang saw the reports of many people. He knew the names of Zhang Kai and Shui Linglong, but he searched the reports and did not see the name of the person lying on the sofa.

Maybe "Yixiu" is a nickname or something?

Looking at the map, all their investigators combined have searched a small half of the city.

K City is very large, so naturally it is not just a few of them who are searching. In that case, the search cannot be completed in a month.

This is just one of their strongholds, there are more than twenty similar strongholds here...

In total, there are more than two hundred people, all of them work shifts and then go out to search. This is really a bit scary.

However, with so many people, three or four days later, the carpet search found nothing suspicious...This is really cowhide.

It's not that the Rockets are good, but the prosecutors are abolished. Of course, Zhou Jiang is still inclined to the Rockets.

After all, it's also a big organization, and it's not enough to hide the ability.

Zhou Jiang picked up the map on the table and looked at it. This is the city map of City K. The areas that have been searched and the areas that have not been searched are marked on it. The ones that have been searched are circled on the map with a blue pen. , Other places are not searched.

Zhou Jiang took a brief look. They searched all the places in the city center. There were large and small circles. Finally, there was a large circle on it, which proved that the entire area was safe.

Then in some other places, there are also large and small circles.

Zhou Jiang briefly looked at the abandoned factories and other places on the map.

According to the routine in the novel, there are basically some bases in those places.

When Zhou Jiang found it, he didn't even miss the place that had been shown to be safe.

Yes, Zhou Jiang did not believe them.

Perhaps, Zhou Jiang has never really believed in anyone!

However, there are a lot of things in it, and there are a lot of things painted and written on it, and the characters in many places are covered, and Zhou Jiang is not familiar with the city, which makes it difficult for him to understand many places.

This is a bit embarrassing.

I can't even see it clearly, look for Nima!

and many more--

Zhou Jiang had an idea, and directly released Kirulian.

Although Kirulian is arrogant, she really has no strength.

Super powers are also very convenient. At this time, he can't see it with his eyes. Can't Kirulian use his mind to scan directly? !

And Kirulian is also an extremely clever elf, maybe he can give Zhou Jiang advice...

"Come on, help me see."

After Kirulian came out, she stood there quietly, and Zhou Jiang leaned over with the map in his hand.

Cirulian looked at Zhou Jiang for three or four seconds, and then nodded until Zhou Jiang was inexplicably seen, and directly wrapped the map with his mind.

As for what Zhou Jiang wants to know, she already knows through the spiritual link.

‘There are 32 factories of all sizes, large and small, three with a large flow of people around, 21 in general, seven in a few, and one abandoned factory. ’

Afterwards, Cirulian "posted" the locations of the various factories directly into Zhou Jiang's mind.

Zhou Jiang "O" looked at Kirulian with his mouth open.

I thought it was strong, but I didn't expect it to be so strong!

This is only one second to two seconds, right?

It's a super plug-in, this one!

But before he could say anything, Kirulian turned into a light and went directly into the poke ball...

? ? ?

Zhou Jiang looked at the poke ball in his hand in a dazed manner. What happened?

It seems a bit weird before coming to K City...Where did I bother her?

Or is it coming?

But Zhou Jiang didn't think about what happened to Kirulian now.

He couldn't think of it anyway, it would be better not to think, thinking more is just a waste of brain cells, it is better to analyze the data that Kirulian gave him now.

Although Cirulian "posted" the map into Zhou Jiang's mind, Zhou Jiang still habitually looked at the physical map and marked it, so that even if he forgets it, he is not afraid.

Zhou Jiang sat down on the sofa again, took the map, took a black pen from the table, compared the map in his mind and drew it.

Many of these thirty-two factories, large and small, are circled in blue.

If there is a circled, there will naturally be a circled, but what Zhou Jiang did not expect was that the abandoned factory was actually circled!

The location of the factory is a little outside of K city~www.ltnovel.com~ It was also circled.

But Zhou Jiang wouldn't really believe it if he was circled.

He still believes in his own feelings.

Zhou Jiang took a look at a repair while lying on the sofa and continued to fall asleep, then looked at the room Zhang Kai entered before, silently put down the information in his hand, and then sent a text message to Zhang Kai and walked out.

If he doesn't know anyone, he doesn't bother to look for it with others.

Zhou Jiang felt that there would be no danger if only looking for it.

If there is really any Rockets base there, then Zhou Jiang went in and searched, the other party would definitely find him, and as long as Zhou Jiang didn’t show that they found them, they would not come to fight Zhou Jiang. some type of.

After all, if Zhou Jiang was killed or what happened to Zhou Jiang, then the prosecutors must have known that there was a problem, so they would be completely exposed.

Therefore, as long as Zhou Jiang stays quiet even if he finds something, it is safe.

This is still Zhou Jiang not wanting to expose that Kirulian Teleport can lead people, otherwise, what else is he afraid of?

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