"Let me investigate this kind of broken place and call to report. Really, how can people live in this kind of broken place..." Zhou Jiang said as he walked reluctantly.

Although the sound is not loud, it is within the normal range.

Big Needle Bee has nothing to express, it means that it is only a power school, not an acting school.

As for Zhou Jiang's performance?

It means I have seen more.

To be honest, it admires Zhou Jiang. His acting skills are super good. If he didn't know it, he wouldn't have been able to find Zhou Jiang acting even after spending so long with Zhou Jiang.

The Big Needle Bee quietly flew around Zhou Jiang, watching the surroundings vigilantly, in case anyone attacked.


"Boss, someone is coming!"


The man called the "head" suddenly got up from the bed with a carp, and then walked over.

Seeing "the head" approaching him, the black-clothed man with a small head who spoke, got up and let the "head" sit down.

After sitting down, the "head" looked at the pictures in the surveillance video, and finally focused on one picture.

A boy in a gray coat and light blue scarf standing at the shabby, dusty gate.

"Boss" expressionlessly said, "Is that what you call me up?"

Although his tone was calm, the short-cut man almost stopped his heart.

"This... this guy has been standing here for a while, and carrying a bag, I think it should be a trainer..."

Before the man finished speaking, the person in the video released a big needle bee.

"Head" just nodded slightly, said nothing, and continued to look at the screen.

Big Needle Bee pushed open the door, and then one person and one spirit disappeared into the screen. The "head" operated on the podium for a while, and then called up the image of the person and the spirit again.

The man heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that "the boss" didn't delve into it, but he didn't dare to be too obvious when he was relieved, so he could only breathe out slowly.


With a flashlight and a camera, Zhou Jiang explored this dilapidated, dusty factory with a big needle bee.

Although it was an exploration, they were perfunctory. They took a photo when they encountered a machine, and when they saw a door, they asked Big Needle Bee to open the door, and then he took a snap.

Of course, although it seems perfunctory, Zhou Jiang has photographed every place. After all, it will be time to delay. If Zhou Jiang has finished filming and Ghost Stone has not come out, it would be embarrassing.

At the beginning he walked very carefully, constantly looking around, afraid that a machine gun would shoot him into a hornet's nest...

After all, what if Ghost Stone is discovered? What if they didn't hear what they said before and thought they were just an ordinary trainer?

If Kirulian and the others didn't react, wouldn't he be wronged?

But it’s okay,

This factory is very large, and the small machines inside are also covered with patina, broken copper and broken iron. After all, the production lines such as large machines were directly sold when the factory went bankrupt.

Although the factory is big, it is very empty. If Zhou Jiang walks fast, it is estimated that all the things in this factory can be photographed in less than ten minutes...


This is the last room on the surface...

If Ghost Stone didn't come back after walking around here, Zhou Jiang would only show some "unusual" places.

When I walked into the workshop, the inside was empty. The paint on the wall all came up and fell off. Zhou Jiang walked in slowly, then took out the camera and took photos of each corner.

In the end, the four corners and even the windows were taken, but Ghost Stone still didn’t come back...

At this time, Zhou Jiang was a little anxious. Isn't it because Nima has encountered something?

But nothing happened, maybe not?

Although Zhou Jiang's mental activities were very active, he did not show it. There was no situation of stopping. Now it is not the last time, he doesn't want to show his feet.

Although the possibility of being suspected is very small, he does not want to be exposed. At this time, he does not want to gamble with his safety.

Although sometimes he will be in danger, but most of the time he is at risk.

Finally, Zhou Jiang walked to the door and Ghost Stone had not come out. There was no way, Zhou Jiang went directly outside to circle the factory and take pictures.

There are weeds around the factory, which seems to be fine, but he didn't do it just to find out the problem for himself.

Zhou Jiang slowed down this time, and if he hadn't come this time, he would only show his feet.


"Let me investigate this kind of broken place, but also call to report. Really, how can such a broken place live in..."

Listening to the sound coming from the screen, "Head" raised his brows slightly, but his expression remained unchanged, and he continued to look at Zhou Jiang who was constantly taking pictures indiscriminately inside.

After waiting for five minutes, he found that Zhou Jiang had always been like this. He planned to take some pictures indiscriminately. Just like that, the "head" got up and lay back on the bed with the worried eyes of the man with a small head.

"Look at it, call me if there is something abnormal, and... let's not take it as an example."

"Yes!" The short-cut man was really relieved now.

In the sitting position, when he leaned on the backrest, he realized that his back had been soaked with sweat, but he didn't dare to move much. His task was to stare at the surveillance.

Now Zhou Jiang is outside. Although their entrance is very hidden and not here, he does not dare to take it lightly.

In case the base is really found, then he can really fly directly without waiting for the "head" to do it.

As for the camera?

He said that he was at ease~www.ltnovel.com~ This was specially developed by the organization, absolutely safe and concealed!

When he saw Zhou Jiang's last room checked and walked outside, the inch-headed man breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally leaving...

Such a guy can become a prosecutor, and the alliance is also rotten...

When he was relaxing, he suddenly discovered that Zhou Jiang actually circled the outside of the factory building to observe. The man with an inch-head frowned, but didn't say anything. According to Zhou Jiang's previous performance, he was not worried that the other party could find the base entrance.

More than ten minutes later, Zhou Jiang on the screen also took a big circle outside the factory and took a lot of photos.

Finally, when Zhou Jiang walked away and completely disappeared from the camera's lens range, the inch-headed man turned his head slightly and looked at the "head" who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and he was relieved to see that he had nothing to do.

Finally gone...


On the other side, after leaving the factory for a long distance, Zhou Jiang did not dare to relax. It was not until he came to the crowded street that he breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

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