Zhou Jiang just left like this, naturally Ghost Stone got it done.

Ghost Stone said that there is a wall underground, it can't get inside, so it is obvious that there is a problem with the cliff there, if it is not the Rockets base he... he...

Zhou Jiang found a small alley and got in, and then dialed Zhang Kai's number.

More than ten seconds later, the phone was picked up, and there was a calm but tired voice.

"Where are you?"

"I will post the location to you later, listen to me now! I found an anomaly here. The initial estimate is the Rockets' base. I let Ghost Stone go in and investigate, but it was blocked by a special wall. Now they haven't found me, send someone over!"

"...What are you talking about? You let Ghost Stone go to investigate?!"

The voice on the other side suddenly became serious, and Zhou Jiang was taken aback.

"Yes... Yes, is there any problem?"

"Are you sure you haven't been discovered by them?"

"...What do you mean."

Zhou Jiang felt a little bit in his heart.


At this moment, the Elf Ball on Zhou Jiang's waist suddenly exploded, and Big Needle Bee and Cirulian appeared around Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang stood up slowly against the wall, his heart pounding as he watched the people who kept coming out from both ends of the alley.

Although they did not wear special clothes, Zhou Jiang had no doubt that they were the Rockets!

But it's so special, how did they find themselves?

"Hey? Are you still here?! Zhou Jiang!" Zhang Kai's voice came over the phone, and because Zhou Jiang didn't use the hands-free speaker, they didn't hear it.

Zhou Jiang silently hung up the phone, then looked at them and smiled: "I have already told the team where you are, don't you run away quickly? If someone comes, you can't run away."

"Ha ha!"

A sneer came, and the Rockets separated among the group and walked out a tall man with sunglasses.

Zhou Jiang looked at the other party and narrowed his eyes.

Is this the leader...

"You must be curious about how you exposed, right?" The man looked at Kirulian with interest, and then asked.

Zhou Jiang looked at him and frowned: "Why, you want to tell me?"

'All right! ’

Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words from Cirulian.

After Kirulian and Zhou Jiang's mind link were connected, Zhou Jiang asked Kirulian to give Zhang Kai a position.

He really didn't know where it was, and the abandoned factory didn't have a name, and he was worried that if he said the abandoned factory, the other person would not remember it for a while, so he wanted to post a positioning.

Now that the positioning is posted, Zhou Jiang is also a little relieved, and then just drag the opposite side.

"The news has been sent?"


Zhou Jiang's pupils shrank and couldn't help leaning back, but there was only a thick wall behind him.

Looking at the joking man, Zhou Jiangqiang suppressed fear and asked, "How did you know."

The man didn’t answer, and he took off his glasses and raised his face: “Have you seen it? This is the technology of our Rockets. Any use of super powers can’t hide in front of these glasses, even the ghost of you before. The figure is also captured by our technology~"


Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he couldn't read his mind... But... his face gradually became a little hard to look.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually developed this kind of technology that can discover ghost spirits!

He asked Zhang Kui before, and he said that the league did not have such a thing, but he did not expect the Rockets to have it!

It's so fucking!

Do the scientists of the alliance eat plain rice...

"How about joining us?"


Zhou Jiang looked at the man in astonishment.

The man put on his glasses again.

"As the champion of the Dawn Cup this year, have the league given you any resources or benefits? No? In the league, you won't get anything. There are many people who are as good as you, and there are some who are more than you. Even some waste can serve as high-level members in the alliance, are you willing?"

"..." Zhou Jiang shook his head.

Although he wanted to say that it was something to do with me, but he didn't dare...

Now the other party obviously wants to reassure him, he can hold back time!

"Hahaha, I know you are unwilling to be ordinary people!"

Seeing Zhou Jiang shaking his head, the man laughed: "How about? Come to our Rockets? Our Rockets don't look at your resources or qualifications. As long as you are talented and strong, you will have everything! And once you come in, you can How about being a squadron leader? Isn't the welfare good?"

"But you can still only be active in the dark realm. The alliance is so strong, no matter how you develop it, it is impossible to overthrow it. Joining the Rockets is just seeking your own death." Zhou Jiang shook his head and said.

"Haha~" The man was not angry either, and smiled: "That's just the past. The Rockets will soon have a brand new god! The world will belong to the Rockets!"

After speaking, the man became enthusiastic, like a gambler with red eyes.

Zhou Jiang looked at the man, feeling a little bit inside.

A brand new god?

Mew-two? !

Zhou Jiang didn't think much about this.

The Rockets, a new god.

Putting these two together, who wouldn't think of Super Dream?

"I can tell you directly that the Rockets will usher in a new tomorrow. Of course, I can't tell you specific things now, but as long as you join us, I will tell you. How about?"


Zhou Jiang's words are at a loss, do you want to pretend to agree and delay time?

After all, it's only such a short time, Zhang Kai and the others can't get through it at all, right now it only has seven or eight minutes, right?

I have to wait five or six minutes... Almost...


"Don't agree! You can't take it off if you join..."


Looking at the bursting watermelon, Zhou Jiang's pupils shrank, watching the red and white on the ground and on the wall, and then drifted into his nose with the special smell...


Suddenly ~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhou Jiang couldn't help but squatted down.

Kirulian and Big Needle Bee also instantly closed Zhou Jiang's area closer, for fear that the other party would attack at this time.

Opposite, some ordinary members of the Rockets were also stained with red and white. Although they also felt sick, they didn't dare to squat and vomit like Zhou Jiang.

Especially when the man's eyes are swept over...

After vomiting for about five seconds, Zhou Jiang waited until there was nothing in his stomach before standing up.

Moving slightly to the side, Zhou Jiang leaned against the wall to resist the impulse of the range, and stared at the man.

"Are you crazy? Kill with your companions... Oh, do you want me to join in such an organization?" Zhou Jiang reluctantly pulled out a smile, but in this smile, he thought more laughed.


The man was taken aback, then laughed out loud.

After five or six seconds, the man stopped smiling.

"This guy actually said that he is our companion? Little brother, you really can tell jokes. Do you know why we caught up with you when you got here, and who was talking just now?"

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