

Seeing Mahangla, who was carrying three fiery monkeys on the wall behind him and couldn't get it out of the wall, Du Jun standing in the distance was startled.

How did it discover?

Seeing that Mahangra lost his fighting ability and was beaten by other elves, Du Jun was a little puzzled.

He is still very confident about Mahuna's hiding. This is its proud stunt. In the past, whether it was stealing people or spirits, he had tried repeatedly and never failed. Because of his strong assassination ability, he could only rely on a heavenly king. The elf becomes the captain.

The Rockets’ levels are divided into leaders, officers, squadrons, squadrons, squadrons, ordinary members, and peripheral members.

He can be said to have reached the sky in one step! In the Rockets, cadres must have the strength of a championship to be able to serve, and the captain naturally wants the king of heaven, and he only has only one elf of the king, but he is exceptionally promoted, which naturally makes some people treat him Some minor words.

After all, this is a world of strength.

You only have one elves but are like our six elves. Sitting on an equal footing, they will be happy?

Therefore, Du Jun belongs to the kind of marginalized and unpopular person in the captain, and in order to prevent his subordinates from talking, and afraid of them, Du Jun has become this appearance.


And now his most proud elves, Mahangra, who has assassinated various rich men, opponents, and elves of the king, was defeated so easily? !

And Mahuna hasn't caused any effective damage to the Big Needle Bee...

No way! Gotta run!

The only elf was gone, and he only had some guns and grenades in his hand.

He used to hide behind and put cold spears when he beat others, and even Mahangra seldom released it, because this was his hole card, and he had to protect himself.


Zhou Jiang, this coercion, there was a tyrannosaurus in front of him, but he couldn't fight it, and then moved back and moved quietly in order to sneak attack. As a result...

Looking at the layers of light in front of Zhou Jiang, he was speechless.

The gun is useless, so it can only send out the killer who can only protect him now.

Although he hasn't performed the task for a long time, he still believes in Mahangra!

First click, great, it's on!

Although he was blocked by the Big Needle Bee's reaction, he was not disappointed either.

The Big Needle Bee did not find out who attacked it.

After that, he immediately ordered the little brothers to let the elves cooperate with Mahangra, after all, only his Mahangra could cause harm to each other.

Du Jun sneered looking at the Big Needle Bee who was constantly searching.



Du Jun was standing at the back, and he didn't care about anything at this time. While the younger brothers were watching their elves hitting the big needle bee, he directly took out the elves and retracted Mahangra.

Fortunately, the wall over there is behind, otherwise he would be spotted by the younger brothers, otherwise he would definitely not be able to escape.

Du Jun only breathed a sigh of relief after taking back Mahuna.

He had to take back the elf, but he had to risk it. After all, if he was discovered, there would be more people staring at him, and he wasn't sure if he could slip away alone.

As for giving up Mahangra... He was also a little reluctant, but this was the foundation of his standing!

Without Mahangra, he is not a fart, but with Mahangra, he is the frightening captain of the Rockets!

He looked at the battle. Zhou Jiang’s elves, except the Big Stylus, Tyrannosaurus and Cirulian, all began to gasp violently, but his little brothers were not much better. The elves suffered heavy losses. , The ground is full of unconscious elves!

He wants to run quickly while Zhou Jiang is still entangled with his little brothers...

Don't run away and wait for the younger brothers' military spirit to dissipate. He knows that at that time, Zhou Jiang can let the other younger brothers run away, and he will definitely not be able to escape.

Not to mention the excitement he gave the other party before, even if he is his identity, Zhou Jiang will not let him go...

"Damn, when the elves are fighting, they wrap themselves up so tightly, how scared are you fucking, trough!"

Du Jun cursed viciously as he ran outside.

Originally, a single shot could solve the battle, but such a good tactic was aborted because of the opponent's caution.

This alley was a bit long. He didn't dare to run, so he could only slowly walk outside against the wall. Although the wall was dirty, he felt that this was uncomfortable compared to being caught.

"Damn, next time I meet this bastard, I will definitely shoot at the first time! It's better than the Jenny tortoise, so special, if you don’t have a tortoise, you have to make a tortoise shell. What a real turtle. Son, trough!"

Du Jun regrets it very much now, why should he bring that undercover agent? Without bringing the undercover, it is estimated that Zhou Jiang will become a member of the Rockets!

And even if it doesn't work, if he shoots at the moment he meets Zhou Jiang, there won't be so much **** now!

In short, Du Jun regrets it very much now...

"Don't let me have a chance, catch you next time, I..."

"Jie Jie Jie~"


Du Jun trembled as he watched the ghost stone suddenly appeared

The glasses he wears on his face can only detect superpowers and the shooting of auxiliary firearms, but cannot detect the ghost elves.

Ghosts and super powers are not the same, so he didn't realize that Ghost Stone was actually here...

Seeing Ghost Stone who was constantly laughing slyly, Du Jun just wanted to throw Mahangra's Poke Ball, but only a red light flashed through Ghost Stone's eyes, and then his consciousness left his body.

The hypnotized Du Jun fell against the wall. Mahangra was unable to jump out because he lost the ability to fight. The reason why he had to throw Mahangra before was just to make Mahang pull out to stop the gun. "That's it.

He is also an egoist like Zhou Jiang.

But he is more ruthless than Zhou Jiang. For himself, he can abandon everything, even Mahangra who has brought him everything...

Looking at the fallen Du Jun, Gui Stone was still a little confused to be honest.

Where's the other party's elves?

Even if the trainer is hypnotized, they can break free from the shackles of the pokeball, right?

It was a little uncertain, and then directly shot a shadow ball over Zhou Jiang and the others to notify Zhou Jiang.

The shadow ball quickly flew to the sky where the elves were fighting, and a large cloud of black mist appeared after it exploded.

The elves of the Rockets became vigilant, but the elves of Zhou Jiang remained unchanged and continued to output.


Zhou Jiang looked at the elite mid-level elves with only a few remaining in front of Big Needle Bee, and shook his head helplessly.

Ghost Stone is over, it should be. But Big Needle Bee is about to end here, and Menus and the others are about the same. Both sides have lost a lot of physical strength and are tired.

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