I don't know what happened to Ghost Stone, Zhou Jiang asked Kirulian to explore with super powers.

He saw the signal from Ghost Stone, but he didn't understand it. After all, he hadn't agreed in advance...

And now Ghost Stone has sent a signal, so it doesn't matter whether it is good or not.

The reason why Kirulian was not allowed to probe before was not to be exposed, but now that it has been exposed, what are you afraid of...

"Desert dragonfly, dragon wave!"

Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice came from above. Zhou Jiang looked up and saw a green wave of energy falling towards the elves that were fighting against Menus. In an instant, the elves standing together were already The stamina was extremely lacking, and all of them were seriously injured directly, and even some serious ones were dying.

"who are you!"

One estimate of the Rockets is that the little boss looked at the visitors and shouted.

"Heh~ Me? Of course I am the prosecutor!"

The man stepping on the desert dragonfly shouted, and then the desert dragonfly shot at the other elves with two waves of energy.

This time, the elves resisted one after another, and then Zhou Jiang’s elves took this opportunity to attack directly, and the Rockets’ elves were about to be wiped out.

Seeing nothing, a small team leader suddenly became anxious.

"My lord, we... my lord? My lord?!"

"How come... what about Captain?!"

"Did the captain leave us and ran?"

"How could... we..."


At this time, the Rockets finally discovered their captain who had disappeared...

In an instant, they panicked.

The captain is gone, so in other words, they have been abandoned...

In this operation, they were brought over by the squadron leader and some squad captains directly. The squadron leader is gone, so the squadron leader and the squad leader are the biggest "officers".

Each of them glanced at each other without communicating or nodding.

But they are the same tacit understanding!

A squadron captain and five small captains took back the elves that were still fighting and that had fallen at the same time, and then ran towards the back with their legs pulled out. If there were elves that could run or fly, they would directly release the elves to carry them. run.

If you don’t run, you can’t do it... if you don’t run, then they have to play, and once they run, then the ordinary members of the Rockets with no leader below will inevitably follow along. It is a small place, so they will get stuck together. If you can't get out there, it will be messy...

And once it’s messed up... then it’s OK. If it’s not messed up, Zhou Jiang will definitely catch them these "officials". Once it gets messed up, it's hard to say. It's all up to theirs to run out. Luck and skill!

With a probability of one-sixth, they would still take a bet. After all, they believed that they would not be so unlucky, and with a probability of one-sixth, they would get it.

And they dare not gamble.

What if one of them doesn't gamble, but the others do?

Isn’t it the person who didn’t gamble and didn’t run?

So everything is dangerous, it's better to fight it!

Zhou Jiang looked at them who were about to run, and smiled coldly.

If Kirulian controls the elves, there are still some minor problems. Humans...


Kirulian's power was fully turned on. In an instant, the Rockets were fixed on the spot, released the elves to run, and the Big Needle Bee also directly chased them and beat them.

Big Needle Bee retracted all the released elves, and then Cirulian took off all the elves from them and pulled them back under control, squeezing them together.

At this time, the man riding a desert dragonfly in the sky slowly descended.

The man looks ordinary, but his eyes give Zhou Jiang an inexplicable feeling.

"Hello, this is Chen Yajie."

After the desert dragonfly fell on the ground, Chen Yajie jumped off its body and smiled at Zhou Jiang.

"Hello, this is Zhou Jiang, this light wall is lifted and we have to wait for Kirulian to come, sorry."

"Well, it's okay, I'll go and tie them up first."

Chen Yajie nodded, and then took out a bundle of ropes from the backpack behind him and walked towards the Rockets who were under control.

Seeing this, Kirulian released the Rockets directly, looked at Zhou Jiang, and made Zhou Jiang stunned.

The Big Needle Bees also put away the elves that the Rockets had left on the ground and confiscated them, and then piled the elves together.

Cirulian floated towards Zhou Jiang, and then removed all the light walls in front of Zhou Jiang in two or two.

Zhou Jiang stretched his waist and looked up at the sky that was already red. He breathed in the cool air with some smell of gunpowder. Zhou Jiang took a long breath.

Because the hole that Kirulian opened was not too big, Zhou Jiang was a little bit uncomfortable before. This time it’s better and more comfortable. Although there is a lot of smoke from the elves’ skills, it’s better It's much better inside the light wall.

Zhou Jiang saw that the other person was busy alone~www.ltnovel.com~ and then winked at Kirulian, she nodded and said nothing.

Zhou Jiang walked towards him.

"Brother Chen, how come you are the only one who supports you, what about Brother Zhang Kai and others?"

Zhou Jiang asked him for some rope and tied it up.

"They, they went to Cairo Square." Chen Yajie said with a solemn tone.

"Cairo Square, what's wrong? Where are they going..." Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

The Rockets are here. They don't come. What Cairo Square is going to?

"You don't know? You turn on your phone and see, Captain Zhang Kai should have sent you a message."

After tying a Rocket member and letting them walk to one side obediently, Chen Yajie looked at Zhou Jiang and said.

Zhou Jiang was taken aback, then nodded, and after tying the person, he took out his cell phone.

Speaking of it, the phone did shake a few times in the trouser pocket before, but I was nervous before, afraid that the other party would have a powerful trainer, and the watermelon burst behind, so Zhou Jiang was straightened up, which caused him to think after the other party reminded him. stand up.

I took out my mobile phone and saw that there was a lot of information on it, all from Zhang Kai.

Zhou Jiang briefly took a look. It was the Rockets who hijacked the TV station and then planted a bomb in the Cairo Building. They wanted to go there to support. As for Zhou Jiang, they sent Chen Yajie and took them. The elves come over.


Zhou Jiang smacked his lips unhappy.

Although the main combat power is the elves, Chen Yajie brought a bunch of elves with them, so they are almost the same whether they will come or not, but Zhou Jiang still feels a little uncomfortable...


"We're going to get it done quickly, I guess the Rockets are tuned out!"

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