"I'm telling you~ It's hard for others to come out anyway. This thing is evidence. He can't come out. We still have the final say on this thing? At that time~" After Zhou Jiang left, Zhang Kai He said softly to Zhou Jiang's ear.

After speaking, Zhang Kai stepped back and looked at Zhou Jiang meaningfully.


"Yes! I was joking before. You said, am I that kind of person? That must be impossible! How can I take this kind of evidence privately? I'm just keeping the evidence to prevent others from destroying it, but there is If the wise prosecutor Zhang Kai is here, I still believe you can protect it!"

Zhou Jiang held the camera in both hands and handed it over with a serious face.


The crowd took a breath.

Can people be so shameless?

Zhang Kai wondered, didn't he mean that although this guy is not restrained, not big or small, but still very shy?

Is this Nima the same person? I'm afraid it was not replaced by someone!

After that, the two prosecutors took Wang Zhigang away. Of course, the dark crows and backpacks on the ground were also taken away.


"You are breaking the law... The water and bread belong to him. Is it okay for you to eat like this?"

Looking at the prosecutors who were happy to eat, Zhou Jiang was speechless.

The cameras were taken away by me. You actually ate prisoners’ food in front of the live camera? The key is Nima, don’t you eat me? !

"Then what... it's just that...or should I divide you half?"

Seeing Zhou Jiang's bitter eyes, Zhang Kai couldn't bear it anymore. After thinking about it, he passed the bread that he had bitten in his hand...

"Ha ha……"

Zhou Jiang sneered coldly.

Do you treat heroes like this?

"You forced me!" Zhou Jiang sneered.


Prosecutors who are eating bread, look at me, and I will look at you.

"Then what, I still have an unopened bottle of water here, would you like it?" Miss Junsha handed over a bottle of water.

Zhou Jiang took a deep breath, took the water and glanced at Miss Junsha gratefully.

Of course, he's just doing a show... after all, he wants to gain favorability...

Zhou Jiang looked at Zhang Kai and smiled coldly.

"You regret it's too late!"

As he said, Zhou Jiang pulled the backpack behind him in front of him and slowly opened it.


Everyone stared at Zhou Jiang's backpack, a bad feeling arose in their hearts.


Seeing the various cakes and milk teas taken out of the backpacks, the prosecutors couldn't help taking a breath, and even Zhang Kai couldn't help being shocked and took two steps backwards.

"You...you...you unexpectedly!" Zhang Kai pointed at Zhou Jiang with trembling fingers, speaking incompletely.

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Jiang smiled coldly at him and raised one of the cakes.

"This is the Black Forest Chocolate Fruit Cake, which contains dark chocolate, cream, fruit peaches, cherries, and coconuts."

"This is strawberry cream cake, fruit basket cake, ... cake, ... cake, ..."


Everyone present swallowed.

They arrived here in the afternoon and didn't even eat dinner...

Now I just eat a little dry bread and water to fill my stomach...

This flat bread is compared with the pale mineral water and cake milk tea...

"Come on, Miss Junsha, this is for you. I have been on the post for a day. You have worked hard~"

Zhou Jiang had received the water from Miss Junsha before, and the purpose was to return the present gift.

This kind of affection is really not too easy to brush!

Miss Junsha looked at the cake and milk tea in Zhou Jiang's hand, and then at the dry bread in her hand...

"Uh...thank you..."

"You're welcome!"

Seeing Miss Junsha pick it up, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly.

It's done!

With a little foundation, it will be much easier to do in the future. It is still live broadcast now. After the broadcast, other Miss Junsha will certainly have a higher degree of favorability towards him.

"Cough cough, what, brother~ Just relying on our friendship, you see..."

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Jiang pushed back Zhang Kai's face that had come close: "I regret it now?"




"Want it?"


"No way!"

"Huh?" Zhang Kai was surprised.

In an instant, Zhang Kai's face went dark.

"Your camera~" Zhang Kai leaned over and asked.

"!" Zhou Jiang was taken aback for a moment: "You are like...cough cough, so what, please, please!"

Zhou Jiang reacted instantly, and directly passed the milk tea in the unopened cake.

"Young man, promising! Work hard, I am optimistic about you!" After Zhang Kai took the cake and milk tea, he patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder.


In the end, each prosecutor was assigned a cup of milk tea and a cake.

Well, Zhou Jiang is such a person.

Although he said that he would not give it, it was actually just a kind of "trideful".

After all, in his impression, taking the initiative to give something to others is like asking for others...

"Want?" Zhou Jiang shook the cake in his hand and asked the host and cameraman sitting there~www.ltnovel.com~ to the prosecutors, Zhou Jiang was willing, after all, look at them I was so hungry... and because it was to save people, not to give them better food, Zhou Jiang felt sorry for his conscience.

Zhou Jiang felt that selflessly helping others or helping others without forgetting himself was a fool's behavior, and he would never do it.

But although he refuted and didn't like it, he respected such people.

Maybe it’s like he’s heard something he didn’t know who said it—when you are in crisis and helpless, when passers-by pass by you indifferently, you only know those who can lend a helping hand What a great person is, how warm his hands are.

They are fools, great fools, cute distressed fools!

They are heroes!

It was Zhou Jiang's willingness to give them something, but the hostess and the cameraman...

If it weren't for the live broadcast, he said he really didn't want to consider them.

However, in order not to be labeled as "stingy", Zhou Jiang thought about it and asked.

Although he doesn't pay too much attention to other people's ideas, Zhou Jiang still thinks that it is better to reduce this kind of labeling, and it is still "stingy".

Anyway, it's just a cake and a cup of milk tea.

It has no effect on him at all.

You can buy the cake milk tea if you don’t have any money. Anyway, he doesn’t need money, but it’s hard to get it when it’s labeled.

He didn't want to be labeled as boring.

Seeing the two dumbfounded, and the camera was on this side, Zhou Jiang directly dropped the two unopened cakes and milk tea, then put on his backpack and greeted the Queen Bee and walked toward the side.

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