"Have you predicted how long the naughty bullet will be sober? We just stayed like this?" Zhou Jiang asked Zhang Kai next to him.

"About three hours..." Zhang Kai shook his head: "The naughty bombs we found, they are all sleeping, and there is a bomb under them. According to the inspection of bomb experts, they are all Timed and triggered."

"In other words, once the naughty bombs leave their place or they wake up, they will explode. There are so many naughty bombs inside. After one explosion, the others will explode, and the building will collapse."

Zhou Jiang nodded thoughtfully.

"Can you move away with the bomb?" Suddenly, Zhou Jiang raised his head and asked.

"...I don't know." Zhang Kai thought for a moment, and then answered seriously.


The corners of Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched, thinking you could say anything serious...

"Would you like to try?"

"That won't work, the risk is too great. Once it fails, we cannot afford the loss."

Zhou Jiang nodded, too, it seems that there are more than a dozen people in it, and it's still live broadcast here... If you mess it up, it's over.

Now is the time for stability!

"Where is the TV station? Any news?"

"Hey...over there, it's still in a stalemate." Zhang Kai sighed and shook his head. It is estimated that progress there is not going well.

Zhou Jiang was helpless.

Counting the blockade here, there are only 30 or 40 prosecutors, right? In addition, the police are only in their early fifties. After such a big incident, the prosecutors who blocked the outside of K City must not be idle. They must also come in. The number of people will definitely not be small. With the police force of K City, the result is this and that. Can't attack the side?


Suddenly, the walkie-talkie that Zhang Kai placed beside rang.

"This is Zhang Kai, please speak to the other side!"


"Captain, our side was attacked by the Rockets!"

"Wait, speak slowly, how many people are there on your side?" Zhang Kai asked calmly.

"One, but he is very powerful. It is estimated that he is a trainer at the level of a quasi-kingdom. We can't stop it..."


"Big Needle Bee, let's go!"

Zhou Jiang picked up his backpack and put it on his back, and then called Big Needle Bee and ran away.

Zhang Kai and their elves are only one, and Chen Yajie took away the rest. At this time, it still depends on Zhou Jiang.

"and many more!"

Zhang Kai's voice came from behind, but Zhou Jiang didn't stop, it was time to **** his mother! If it were the king of heaven, then Zhou Jiang would still be imaginary, the king of heaven?

Just give away food!

It just happens to be full, there is no place to stroll, and sitting here is still boring to death, it is better to go to the autumn wind~

"Wait, you ran in the wrong direction!"


Zhou Jiang stopped in place instantly.

What? !

Zhou Jiang turned his head to look, and found that Zhang Kai pointed in a direction...it happened to be the opposite direction he was running...


Feeling everyone's eyes, Zhou Jiang wants to die...

Especially the host...

Because Zhou Jiang gave her and the camera brother cake and milk tea before, after they finished eating, they silently came to the place where Zhou Jiang and Zhang Kai were sitting.

Zhang Kai’s talk on the walkie-talkie just now was a bit loud, so they could hear it...


Embarrassing in capital...

I will definitely be on the news tomorrow...

Zhou Jiang glared at Zhang Kai fiercely.

Can't you tell me earlier!

"Be careful, call us if you can't beat it."

"Hmm..." Zhou Jiang replied, which counted as an answer, although he didn't think he would lose.

Following Zhang Kai's direction, Zhou Jiang ran towards that side with the Big Needle Bee.

About two minutes later, Zhou Jiang arrived there.

It was a small forest, and three prosecutors were there, commanding a total of eighteen elves to fight against the other five elves.

Fortunately, the three prosecutors are not weak, so they can hold each other down with the number of elves.

"Big Needle Bee, it's up to you!" Zhou Jiang didn't show up, he hid behind a flower bed, and then said to Big Needle Bee holding the pokemon ball of Tyrannosaurus armored in his hand.

Cirulian is not here, Zhou Jiang dare not take too much risk.

The other party sent five elves out. What if the sixth one hides aside and steals people?

Crispy skin requires crispy consciousness...

The Big Needle Bee didn't rush up directly, but charged up, ready to send a finger gun to the opponent's tyrannosaurus from a distance to say hello.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang was a little dazed.

My elves, apart from Menus and Big Needle Bee, no one can learn the origin before, but the results of others are different, such as the iron armor tyrannosaurus, electric shock beast, duck-billed fire dragon, and flying mantis.

These, other people can directly enter the quasi-kings and kings.

In other words, they can learn the origin. Furthermore, the elves that are not in the final evolution form can also learn the origin.


Why is your elves special?

His Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus can’t use the Origin Orb to learn the origin... He had seen it when he gave the Menus Origin Orb before, and he didn’t know why...


Back to reality, Big Needle Bee has accumulated strength...


The invisible energy is like a bullet fired by a sniper rifle~www.ltnovel.com~ It cuts through the air and flies away.

Since it is night, even if the moon is bright tonight, Nalan is still hard to find.


Lan directly hit the head of Tyrannosaurus iron.


The armored tyrannosaurus screamed, and the whole body was shaken constantly. Although the elves of the prosecutors were a little surprised, they did not let this opportunity pass, and went up with a fat beating.


Seeing the miserable appearance of the armored tyrannosaurus, the Rockets shouted.


No one answered his question, and after the Big Needle Bee circled a little bit, he flew towards them.

"Why, those who are hiding dare not come out?"

His response was a few poisonous needles of Big Needle Bee.

The Big Needle Bee is heading towards the opponent's trainer this time. Fortunately, both of them have stopped now, and the opponent's elves reacted fast enough, otherwise the battle would be over...

"Go! Get rid of this big needle bee!"

The Rockets were completely angry and threw the sixth poke ball directly.

A duck-billed fire dragon appeared on the field. When the duck-billed fire dragon appeared, the surrounding temperature soared rapidly, and the flowers and plants not far away withered directly due to lack of moisture...

His armored tyrannosaurus hasn't lost its fighting ability yet, although the sudden attack came down, it almost went to heaven, but isn't it all right now...

Although it was okay, it was also angry. After getting up with difficulty, it transported energy to create a large number of sharp stones and then flew towards the big needle bee.

Not only the iron armored tyrannosaurus, other elves...Duck-billed fire dragon, electric shock beast, King Nido, Marsh King, Viking...

A total of six elves, all launched a long-range attack on the big needle bee.

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