I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 453: The purpose of the Rockets!

It didn't take long for Zhou Jiang to get there.

Zhou Jiang is still hiding behind the flowerbed, in the backlight.

Zhou Jiang looked and saw that the prosecutors and the Rockets were fighting in groups.

And the Rockets still hold down the prosecutor's side...

On the alliance side, only Zhang Kai has a high-level flying mantis from the heavenly king and two junior high-level heavenly kings. The others are either quasi-tenant or high-level elite, and each of them has only one or two elves...

Although the level of elves on the Rockets' side is not good, only six or seven are only for quasi-kings, two or three are for beginners, and the others are high-level and intermediate-level elites.

Although the level is not enough, but the number comes together!

No matter how strong Zhang Kai's Flying Praying Mantis is, he can't pick them in groups!

Flying Mantis is strong in one-on-one singles, playing group battles, it is not very good.

A bunch of elves surrounded it, and it had to pay attention to protecting Zhang Kai and the others. No matter how strong it was, its strength could not be exerted too much.


Suddenly, a ghost sound came from my ear, almost not startling Zhou Jiang...

Zhou Jiang looked at the number of Rockets on the opposite side. There were at least twenty people...

These rocket players have been directing the elves to fight with Zhang Kai and the others, and they don't directly wake up the naughty bomb and let it explode, probably to make the image of the alliance more embarrassing...

Zhou Jiang observed for a while and found three missions of suspected bosses, and those three bosses were directing the elves of the king and the quasi-king.

Zhou Jiang winked at Ghost Stone, and he nodded clearly, expressing understanding.

It's still the old rule. Ghost Stone will attack one person first.

Without the trainer, as long as the elves are not very familiar and friendly with their teammates, they will naturally be restricted and their strength will decline.

Although Big Needle Bee is strong, it is similar to Zhang Kai's Flying Mantis. Of course, this almost refers to the number of elves that can resist. If the two elves fight each other, then it is hard to say.

Zhou Jiang hasn't played against a high-level Heavenly King...



Zhou Jiang stared at the opposite side, and when a Rocket player fell down, he directly ordered the Big Needle Bee.

The Big Needle Bee is also unambiguous, and has been staring at the opposite side. Before Zhou Jiang gave an order, the Rockets rushed out the moment they fell...

To be honest, Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed...

The Big Needle Bee rushed out before shouting out...this feeling... how should I put it, a bit like "after the horse"?


Seeing his teammates fall, one of the Rockets shouted loudly, and he also asked an elf he released to come back to him.

Before they were all staring at each other, and no one noticed how the teammate fell. Naturally, it was a little imaginary now.

After Gui Stone hypnotized a person, he immediately disappeared and hid under the ground. There was no sound at all, and they naturally couldn't find it.

As for the prosecutor and the others, although they didn't see it, they were relieved. After all, they attacked the other party, so they are their own people, but they don't know who it is.

Zhang Kai knew who it was. After all, he was still very concerned about Zhou Jiang, thinking that he was the hope of the new generation of the alliance.

In addition, Zhang Kui and his previous experience of performing tasks together...

Zhang Kai said that if he can't guess who it is like this, then he is really over...

So wretched, who else besides Zhou Jiang?

If it's someone else... then he can only sigh with this ruthless world...

The two groups of league prosecutors and the Rockets were shocked and continued to fight. Although the Rockets were **** here for a while, they were still able to fight on the league side.

They didn't directly crush the league before just because they wanted to show off.

Chen Yajie took away a bunch of elves, they knew it, although unfortunately they couldn’t get it, and the undercover guy got in too, but it’s okay. Without the elves, they can now check the alliance directly in front of the live broadcast. The officer rubbed on the ground.

I was afraid of Zhang Kai's high-end combat power before, and now a large part of the high-end combat power is being held back by the TV station, and Zhang Kai and their elves are not enough here. It is God who helped the Rockets!

In front of the live broadcast, he tortured the prosecutor severely, making the Alliance face disgraced.

Of course, they will not blow up naughty bullets.

After all, the Rockets will have to recruit people...

It would be bad if we gave the masses a definition of terrorist.

The naughty bullets in it are all set up. They have been anesthetized in a super large amount. No matter how you get them, it will take two days after they wake up.

Those who are trapped inside are also trapped by them with a timed electronic lock. Once the time is up, they will unlock it by themselves.

Although they are trapped inside, their role is to make the reputation of the alliance more thoroughly corrupted.

The time for the electronic lock is the same as the time for the naughty bomb they released to explode, both for seven hours.

In so much time, if the alliance cannot find a hostage within such a range, and the hostage is "sacrificed"...

After that group of hostages come out, I don't know if they will pay taxes to the alliance?

On the one hand, it is not good to save people, and on the other hand, elite prosecutors were easily rubbed on the ground by the Rockets in front of the live broadcast...

The addition of the two sides ~www.ltnovel.com~ is enough to greatly reduce the prestige of the league, and then add the "god" of the Rockets...

Big things can be expected!

With the addition of Big Needle Bee, Zhang Kai's Flying Mantis has greatly reduced the pressure.

The pressure of Flying Mantis has been reduced, although it is necessary to pay attention to whether the trainer behind will be attacked, but it is still vigorous.

As long as you are not paying attention, it can take one with two dollars!

The Big Needle Bee is not bad either. In order not to make a loud noise to wake up the naughty bullet, it didn't use strange force, but pointed the gun directly.

Of course, I kept my hands...

After all, it's too **** to leave your hands alone. With its offensive power, one shot down and hits the key can kill an elf here...

Unless it is an elf of the heavenly king level, who has the origin to resist it, otherwise everything will be smashed in front of its indestructible spear!

"Damn it, where did the guy pop up!"

Seeing another Rocket player who fell inexplicably not far away, a captain-like person couldn't help but cursed.

It's really insidious! Is this still the prosecutor? Disgusting and shameless than their Rockets guys, next!

And the big needle bee is too. Didn’t it mean that Zhang Kai only had one elf in his hand?

Whose is this big needle bee that popped up suddenly?

The team leader glanced at the hostess and photographer who dared not make extra moves on the opposite side, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Let it all out!"

They come here, naturally it is impossible to bring such a little wizard. On the field, they have released at most thirty, nearly forty. They only have one-to-many against Zhang Kai, and the rest are one-to-one. After all, they are to be pressed on the ground. If there are more elves, the effect will be insufficient.

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