But now...

They can't hold it anymore, don't let out more elves, let the opponent defeat themselves?

Isn't this just to build momentum for the other party!

The current situation is that even if they pile up, they have to pile the opposite side to death!

How about winning with more?

As long as you don't lose, then everything is easy to say.

If you lose... then everything will be gone. Not only will it not be able to suppress the influence of the league, the Rockets' reputation will drop... Well, the Rockets themselves don't have much reputation.

Even if they lose, there is no loss. After all, in their eyes, it is only natural for the league to defeat the Rockets?

As for someone who wants to join the dark organization? In China, which dark organization dare to challenge the Rockets? So the Rockets are still the first choice.

When the captain spoke, he threw the poke ball, and then everyone else threw it out.

To be on the safe side, each of them took more than six elves, they also brought the elves of their teammates...

There are twelve elves per person, and there are more than twenty people in total, so there are at least two hundred and forty!

Although five people were released by Ghost Stone, plus they only released more than 30 elves before, now there are only less than 20 left, but now they release...


Seeing the dense group of elves, Zhou Jiang only felt his scalp tingling.

So many elves, take the lead? !

"Hahaha, give it to me!" After the Rockets leader laughed a few times, he waved his hand forward!


Nearly a hundred elves stepped forward together and rushed towards the big needle bee flying mantis.

These are all melee elves. The elves of remote output stay in place and watch them quietly. If they all press on...

Not to mention the two elves, the big needle bee and the flying mantis, even if it is twice as many, they are still pills...

Even so, the big needle bee and flying mantis are not afraid.

Especially the Flying Mantis, it also looked at the Big Needle Bee provocatively, and then pointed at the group of elves that rushed over, as if saying, "Who killed more than?"

Of course, this is just Zhou Jiang's own guess watching from behind...

However, he felt that his guess should be correct. No, the two elves of Big Needle Bee and Flying Mantis ignited, and after a loud roar, they rushed toward those elves...

"Menus, you guys go up and help!"

Zhou Jiang yelled softly and threw the elf ball.

Menus, Ivy Snake, Fire Dinosaur.

Zhou Jiang could only send these three elves.

The armored tyrannosaurus material shield does not explain, if Bibiiao, Zhou Jiang intends to see the unsatisfactory running back...

Of course, this is the worst plan.

After all, if he really ran away, then his fame would be ruined.

But if you really have to choose between life and reputation, then Zhou Jiang still tends to his own life.

Although he said that the world was boring, he didn't want to die so boring!

It's okay to die, but let's be a little tragic and strong!

Something like dying to save the world...

The system with a multi-functional super invincible cheater is so dead, is it not a loss? Right from the traverser brothers?

At this time, Zhou Jiang was ready for Mega.

Although it is far from what I had originally expected, it is better than ruining your reputation or losing your life, right?

"Heh~ hide over there, give it to me! He smashed him to me!" The leader looked at the direction where the elves emerged, and then shouted towards the remote output elves in front of them.

The elves did not respond, but they did.

One by one, they threw out their skills, and blasted towards the flower bed where Zhou Jiang was hiding.

What jet flame, one hundred thousand volts, freezing light...

A lot of skills just flew over.

Zhang Kai was still a little worried, but seeing the big needle bee and the three elves emerging from the flying mantis, there was no mood swing at all, so he let it go.



"That fellow Zhou Jiang is really...tsk~" Chen Yongan shook his head with emotion.

"I don't know if it can be rescued. I heard that there are more than a dozen hostages in it. But when did the Rockets get so bold and do such a frenzied thing, they kidnapped the hostages and planted bombs." Zhou Nan also shook his head and sighed.

Xu Feng lifted his glasses: "It is estimated that I haven't been suppressed for a long time, so I am swollen. I only hope that after this time, the Alliance can clean them up, otherwise this kind of thing will probably happen again in the future!"

Nine of them, Mrs. Lin and Xiao Ke, were all sitting on the sofa, watching the live broadcast on TV and chattering constantly. To be honest, at first I knew that in the afternoon, Cairo Square was attacked by the Rockets. When the news came, they were really shocked.

The Rockets attacked shortly after they left. In other words, if they hadn't left quickly, it is estimated that they might become one of the kidnapped members now...

"Look, look, go in, go in!" Suddenly Jiang Shui cried, and several people looked at the TV and found that the camera was shaking slightly, after passing by the prosecutor with a little ugly face~www.mtlnovel. com~ The lens shook violently, turned down, and then turned to normal after a while.

This is the host and cameraman of the live broadcast. They entered the blocked area!

Seeing this, several people stopped talking and watched the live broadcast directly.

"Where is Zhou Jiang?"

"I have it, look at that, the one at the very end!"

"Eh~ it has passed, hehe, the bean sprouts guy, I want to see how he will face the camera, I still remember when he was a child on his birthday, he almost cried in front of the camera lens... "Zhou Nan smiled, treacherous smile appeared on his face after taking out the phone.

Xu Feng glanced at him, did not speak, but silently took out his phone...



After watching the TV, Zhou Jiang, who just turned around and left mercilessly, left several people.

Especially Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan...

The corners of the three people's mouth twitched slightly, and silently tucked the raised mobile phone back into their trouser pocket...

In the next period of time, because the host was in an awkward position, and there was no news here, several people chatted again. Of course, the object of their discussion was naturally Zhou Jiang.

Say what?

Naturally, I heard Zhou Nan talk about Zhou Jiang's embarrassment when he was a child~

"Eh~ Was Zhou Jiang like this when he was a child?"

"I really didn't expect it~!"

"What a big change..."

The six Jiang Shui Zhou Nan were talking over there, while the four adults Lu Ran were sitting not far away listening quietly.

When they heard that they went to dig out bird eggs together and were caught by their parents, they all laughed. Only Xiao Ke, who was sitting on Wang Qingyan’s lap and being held by Wang Qingyan as a pillow, was a little confused. Look at you again. Look at him, don't know what they laughed at...

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