"Give you a chance, come out by yourself!"

Suddenly, there was a familiar voice on the TV, Zhou Nan stopped revealing the silly things he had done with Zhou Jiang, and watched the TV with others.

At this time, the camera brother naturally heard the movement, and then turned the camera to Zhou Jiang's side.

Zhou Nan and the others were still a little dazed. After all, they hadn't watched TV before, so they thought they had missed something...

On the TV, Zhou Jiang didn't explain much and threw the pokeball directly.

The Elf Ball burst open, and the Big Needle Bee flew out and flew away, of course, not fast.

"Wait, wait, I'll come out!"

Because of the distance, the voice was a little soft, but they still heard it.

"Who is really there?"

This is the idea of ​​a few people.

Then, a man in a plaid shirt got out.

"Who is he, he shouldn't be a prosecutor?" Jiang Shui asked, but she said she was asking, but in fact, she didn't have much doubts in her tone.

After all, the man doesn’t look like a prosecutor or a policeman, but more like... a thief?

Others didn't answer her, and continued to watch. Jiang Shui didn't care. She also stared at the TV closely. After all, the answer she wanted was definitely inside.

Sure enough, when he went back and forth, the prosecutor immediately went up and searched, and then questioned.

"Ordinary citizens? Lost something and bring it in? Accidentally broke in? Ha ha, the ghost stone who told Zhou Jiang would not believe it, and I don't know how he made up this nonsense..." Chen Yongan said silently.

It's really... too idiotic, this explanation.

There is no credibility at all.

"Surely you won't believe it, who will believe it?" Jiang Shui and the others also complained.


"Huh? When did Zhou Jiang buy the camera? This style is the latest Sony 4176!" Chen Yongan's voice was slightly high.

He likes photos very much, but he has never had the opportunity to do it. Although he can't take pictures himself, he often pays attention to forums of some well-known photo enthusiasts. He pays attention to every photo contest, among which he likes most It's a photographer named Meng Takibin...

"No, maybe I bought it before? But when did he like to take pictures, why didn't I know..." Zhou Nan was also a little confused.

"I think 80% of this camera belongs to this man. He may be a reporter, sneaking in and preparing to take a sneak shot." Xu Feng raised his glasses and calmly said his thoughts.

"It's impossible to touch... reporters?" Jiang Shui asked.

"Is it possible that ordinary people are more likely to touch it?" Xu Feng asked back, there was nothing to say in the river.

"If this is the case, then he is too bad...Does such news sneak in and report it? If he wakes up the naughty bullet, who will be responsible?" Wang Qingyan frowned and said.

Xu Feng shook his head and said nothing.


"This guy, really **** it! But the bean sprouts are really good, so I have to show him this so that he laughed so wildly before, right?"

Seeing Wang Zhigang who was in a collapsed appearance, Zhou Nan said with a relieved expression.

"Tsk tsk, to relieve the qi, but to be honest, Zhou Jiang was really ruthless this time, first made him happy, then afraid, then excited to the sky, and finally fell to prison... Tsk, let me say, this guy did Madness is already good willpower..."



Listening to what Chen Yongan said, several people found that Zhou Jiang's operation was really a bit scary...

"I deceived it by my ability, why should I pay it back?"



"Is this guy really Zhou Jiang? I have never seen such a brazen person..."

"According to probability, I don't know, but according to the sixth sense, I know he is!"

"Where do you have the sixth sense? Huh? By the way, you also look at the holy spirit Bobo with glasses?"

"Uh...hehe, I heard what people said, what I heard..."


"Tsk tut tut, a lot of cakes...I want to eat too~" Jiang Shui almost drooled while watching the cakes Zhou Jiang took out of his backpack.

Although it hasn’t been long since they just finished eating, does this affect eating cake?



Watching TV, Zhou Jiang, who froze in embarrassment, laughed.

"Bean... bean sprouts are still such a idiot, so I can rest assured, hahaha~"

"That awkward expression is really happy."

Several people were ranting, even Xiao Ke, who was a little ignorant, was unconsciously laughed, and curiously tilted his head against Wang Qingyan's arms to watch TV.

On the TV, Zhou Jiang immediately left the camera's shooting range. Although the cameraman wanted to give Zhou Jiang more shots, he did not dare to move. After all, this is not what they can do where they want to shoot...

After Zhou Jiang left, the spirits of several people also relaxed.

The main reason they see this is because Zhou Jiang...

After all, they only knew Zhou Jiang in there...

Of course ~www.ltnovel.com~ is just one reason to watch Zhou Jiang's performance, and another reason is that you are more worried about what happened inside.

After all, the Rockets did such a big thing, how could they not be curious?

It's just that nothing happened inside now, so their eyes were focused on Zhou Jiang.

"Hey! There is no footage of Zhou Jiang going to play the Rockets. I really want to see it..." Chen Yongan sighed.

"At that time, he will come back and ask him if he can? Seriously, I really want to be a prosecutor~"

"You? Just forget it. You don't have the qualifications to be the most inferior prosecutor. I really think that the prosecutor is a Chinese cabbage. If you want to be a Chinese cabbage, you can do it. Zhou Jiang is super powerful, we?"

"Cut, I'm not saying that I have to be a prosecutor now, can I go there in the future? After graduating from university, I will always be eligible, right? If I can't go in, I will just be the blue prosecutor?"

"Don't you want to change your volition to learn elf care... Do you still have time to train when you learn elf care?"



Suddenly, there was an explosion on the TV. Several people were shocked. They thought it was a naughty bomb exploded. They looked at it quickly, and Xiao Ke, who was regarded as a pillow, was scared into Wang Qingyan’s arms after hearing the explosion. Shrunk...

"Rocket attack?"

"No way!"


Seeing the big rock snake emerging from the ground and a bunch of Rockets wearing team uniforms, several people were a little surprised.

"Go on, Flying Mantis!"

On TV, Zhang Kai did not ask any nonsense such as "who are you".

Wearing the Rockets uniforms, they are the Rockets. This is a clear fact, and since they are the Rockets, they are subdued!

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