On the TV, as soon as Zhang Kai took action, the other prosecutors also took action, without showing any affection.

Because it is live broadcast, Zhang Kai can't do too much, such as letting Flying Mantis go directly to the trainer...

Now the Rockets on the opposite side also have a big rock snake outside. If the Flying Mantis is really asked to greet them directly, then they will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

But live broadcast... there is no way, after all, it can't be too bloody. If you really do this, then the league and them will really be scolded to death.

So the poor big rock snake became the target of Flying Mantis...

The Flying Praying Mantis rushed up and smashed the tiles down, and the Big Needle Bee fell directly...

After the rock snake fell, the Rockets also threw the poke ball.

The two dozen rocket teams are exactly the same as the prosecutors who have arrived here one after another. Of course, the number of prosecutors is still a little bit larger.

However, a large number of people has no effect. After all, this depends on the number of elves...

"What's the matter? Why did they send out an elf? Is it possible to follow the rules to fight the Rockets?"

"Are you stupid, you? This must be an accident. They don't have elves on them... Then you will fight with one elves and two other elves?" Xu Feng said to Zhou Nan silently, but his eyes were Not removed from the TV.

"This Flying Praying Mantis is so strong, more than a dozen elves have not been able to take it, and they have fought back and forth with them..." Jiang Shui sighed.

Although she wants to be an elf breeder, she is also very concerned about the strength of the elf. After all, the orange color and strength of the elf is the criterion for testing the level of the breeder.

The elf's coat color is beautiful, vigorous, etc. These are the most basic requirements, and if you want to do well, you must also consider the strength of the elf.

After all, breeders are specialized in raising elves.

And what is the most important thing about the wizard? That is strength!

Strength is all the standard to measure the wizard.

No matter how glamorous the appearance is, but the strength is much different from that of the same level, then the breeder is a failure.

The elves cultivated by a really good breeder must not only look good, but also have better spirit and strength than the elves of the same level. Only these two basic elements can be called an excellent elves breeder. !

Gradually, the two sides on the court basically became balanced.

The other elves are singled out one-on-one, and few can intervene in other elves fighting.

On Zhang Kai’s side, the Flying Mantis is facing more than a dozen enemies. You come to attack me to contain it. Moreover, the Flying Mantis has to take care of the trainer. This leaves it empty but unable to display its strength. It can only be passive. Defense.


The Rockets’ boss called loudly, but because the sound of fighting over there was louder, no one was scared.

The camera was quickly moved from the fighting elves to the opposite Rocket, and there were four or five elves surrounded by the Rockets, and those people looked nervous and angry.

"What's wrong with them?" Chen Yongan asked.

"Sa~ who knows..." No one answered him, because although there is no battle scene, it is still wonderful!

The camera was directly pulled to the side of Zhang Kai's Flying Mantis. At this time, there was a big needle bee beside the Flying Mantis!

"The bean sprouts are here. With his strength, he should be able to save the game, right?" Seeing the big needle bee, several people instantly confirmed who did what happened before.

"It's hard to say, it depends on whether there are elves or other support on the opposite side. If there are elves, it is estimated that the elves in Zhou Jiang's hands will not be able to beat. After all, those Rockets basically have one to come out. Two elves..."

Big Needle Bee and Flying Mantis started unparalleled, and the refreshing mowing-like experience made several people exhale with joy.

Seeing that the elves on the Rockets are about to be solved, the voice of the hostess finally came out on the TV, but it was her exclamation...

When the camera turned to a few people, they saw a bunch of elves appearing in that huge square...


Looking at so many elves, even Lu Ran and the others couldn't help their expressions change.

As for Zhou Nan and the others, they were dumbfounded.

There are so many elves, there are at least more than two hundred, but Zhou Jiang and the others have only twenty...

How to fight this?

When they were stunned, the Big Needle Bee and Flying Mantis rushed to meet the elves running towards them, and it didn’t take long for them to find the elves emerging from the corner...

"Uh... Zhou Jiang is really..." Chen Yongan almost didn't laugh when he found Zhou Jiang who had retracted his head.

Others are nothing, the most important thing is that it is really...

Like a Pikachu who stole chestnuts?




Before the others could say anything, they saw a large beam of energy flying in that direction from outside the screen.

Hundreds of elves attack together ~www.ltnovel.com~ that power is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

In an instant, the place where Zhou Jiang had stayed before was directly flattened. Not only that, there was also a pit more than ten meters in size on the ground...

Because this was too surprising, Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan sitting on the sofa stood up directly, and the three girls Wang Qingyan also covered their mouths in fright...

Before a few people had time to say something or sigh with emotion, the camera moved quickly and captured Zhou Jiang, who was dragging Bibi Bird's feet in the sky.

"My day! It really scared me to death. I thought something happened to this guy..." Zhou Nan let out a sigh of relief, and sat back on the sofa, almost not bounced Xu Feng up...

Chen Yongan is the same, he was really scared before...

"I almost forgot. That fellow Zhou Jiang is the least minded at this time. Why should we worry about it..."

Several people in the mansion were relieved, but Zhou Jiang, who was on the scene in the distance, was almost frightened to death.

If he had been slower before, he would really have to go directly to see Arceus...

But... it seems that Arceus is not dead...

This is not the point, the point is that Zhou Jiang is angry...

This Rockets is not a thing!

If you come here like this, you almost lost your life!

He hypnotized them and didn't kill them. They did it to death!

After making Bibi Niao landed, Zhou Jiang didn't dare to stay here any longer and retreated straight back.

He was a little afraid to go to Zhang Kai and the others, afraid that he would have another big one.

Although I don't know why the other party didn't directly attack Zhang Kai and the others, this is not what he cares about. He wants revenge now!

‘System, exchange [Shadow Binding Art] for Ghost Stone! ’

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