‘Master, come to support! ’

'Ok? ! Reinforcements? How many? ! ’

Zhou Jiang straightened up in excitement, and Zhang Kai, who was next to him, saw him like this, and became nervous.

"What's wrong? What did you find?"

"Uh... it's nothing, it's just that Kirulian told me that we're here for reinforcement."

"Hmm...hmm? Reinforcement? And you, Kirulian, is not far away, is it telepathy?!"

"Well, my Kirulian will be telepathic." Zhou Jiang nodded, and then ignored Zhang Kai. The most important thing now is reinforcements!

‘There are only four people here, one is Mr. Lin, the other is Miss Junsha who I met when the prisoner was handed over, the other two should be prosecutors. ’

"Miss Junsha?!" Zhou Jiang exclaimed excitedly. What does it mean for Miss Junsha to come here? Zhang Kai and their elves have been found!

"Huh? What's the matter?" Miss Junsha over here heard Zhou Jiang calling her to ask him.

"Um...it's nothing, it's just a bit of an accident, are you busy~" Zhou Jiang felt that he was a real dog licking... Even if it was to check their favorability, it seemed a bit humble, right?

"Do you like Junsha?" Zhang Kai moved his **** and sat down beside Zhou Jiang and asked: "I think your attitude towards Junsha is very unusual~"

"...You think too much." Zhou Jiang looked at Junsha and the others. They were looking at the distance with binoculars. He tilted his head and said to him: "Do you know how to get a Katie dog? I really want one Only!"

"...You kid, wouldn't you just want a Katie dog to please her?" Zhang Kai asked silently.

"Otherwise? You don't really think I like her, do you? Although Miss Junsha is really beautiful, she is not the type I like..."

"...You idiot! Can't you ask the league to apply? And you can exchange points for tasks!"

"I have changed, but I still want a different **** catty dog..."



"Are you going to play breeding? Are you crazy or am I crazy? I thought you wanted a Katie dog to be a fast dog, but you told me you want to play breeding?" Zhang Kai shook Zhou Jiang's shoulder desperately With.

"Wait...wait, the reinforcements are here, here it is!"

Zhou Jiang was also a little embarrassed and didn't want to talk any more, but at this time, Lin Hai and the others were also here, and they could just change the subject.

Sure enough, when he heard that it had arrived, Zhang Kai let go of his hand: "How many reinforcements are there?"


Seeing Zhang Kai's mouth twitching, Zhou Jiang hurriedly continued: "However, Miss Junsha, who took Chen Yajie away before, is also here, and she also carries a big bag in her hand. It is probably your Elf Ball!"

"Oh~ then let's go! It's time to fight back!"

Zhang Kai and Zhou Jiang stood up and walked over there.

"Wait, counterattack? Are our reinforcements coming?" Zhou Jiang and Zhang Kai are sitting quite far away from the other prosecutors, so as long as they don’t speak loudly, they can’t hear them, so Zhou Jiang and Zhang Kai said before Yes, they don't even know.

Although there are telescopes to observe the movement of the Rockets on the opposite side, due to the fog, there is not much to see, and Lin Hai and the four reinforcements have not yet played against the Rockets...

Now the Rockets are still fighting Big Sting Bee and Ghost Stone.

After the strong reinforcements came, Zhou Jiang did not need to let the Big Needle Bee Mega evolve. Now he only needs to hold the Rockets for a short while, then it will be stable.

So Zhou Jiang let Big Needle Bee and Ghost Stone stall here.

Big Needle Bee does not need to do other things now, just use paper painting, see cutting and other skills to avoid attacks, while Ghost Stone uses shadow restraint technique to assist Big Needle Bee, after all, Big Needle Bee does not have much physical strength. It can't delay much time alone.

With the help of Ghost Stone, the time it can hold can be guaranteed. Anyway, it doesn’t need to be long. It only takes a short while. After all, the distance between the reinforcements is not far, maybe one minute. Not enough is enough, even if they don't hold back, then Kirulian can still help.

"Yes, here, everyone prepare. When they come, they will go out and take back all the elves that have not yet been retrieved. If there are any wounds, please take them out and contribute~" Zhang Kai glanced at the crowd, and then shouted .

Well, the last sentence was addressed to Zhou Jiang...

Zhou Jiang shrugged and said "OK".

As for the wound medicine, he still provided it.

The premise is useful...

"Captain, how many reinforcements have we come? Captain Water has done it over there?" Prosecutor Zhang of the Super Elf who brought the Alliance reinforcements before asked Zhang Kai.

"Don't worry, the reinforcements this time are very strong, although there are only four people..."



The fiery atmosphere instantly stiffened.

Zhou Jiang softly kicked him helplessly.

You can just say strong reinforcements, why don't you tell the number...

Although the number of people does not represent the number of elves~www.ltnovel.com~, everyone’s first reaction at this time must be that the number of elves is linked to the number of people!

This is not a morale blow...

"Uh...cough cough, what? This reinforcement brings back the elves we previously lent, so you don't need to worry too much, the victory will definitely belong to us!"

"Really! I got it back?!"

"Great, I finally got it back. I thought I was going to bid farewell to mine..."


"They are here, go!"

Zhou Jiang pulled Zhang Kai, and then ran directly there.


Before he ran out of the black fog created by the ghost stone, Zhou Jiang heard the explosions and the calls of many elves coming from ahead.

"Hey! Uncle Lin, this way!"

After rushing out of the black fog, Zhou Jiang saw the elves and Lin Hai who were fighting together.

"Fuck! Support is finally here! Damn, we must kill the Rockets this time!"

After Zhou Jiang came out, the prosecutors behind him all followed, and they all became excited as they watched the fierce fighting elves.

Before being pressed and beaten by the Rockets, and the opponent kept yelling and couldn't return their mouths, they were already upset, but they couldn't do the opponent, and they could only endure being scolded...

Well now, support is finally here!

Turn over the farm name and sing!

"Ah! It's my Bi Diao and King Nido! They really got it back!"

"Very well, big guy, come on, it's time for revenge!"


The prosecutors one by one, in high spirits, rushed directly to command their own elves. Although it is not a command, the blood can still infect their elves, and then increase their combat effectiveness. Mentioning.

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