I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 460: Carry on life (Happy National Day, everyone!)

"Are you all right?" Lin Hai walked over and asked Zhou Jiang.

"We are all fine. Fortunately, Uncle Lin, you came early, otherwise it would be hard to say." Zhou Jiang smiled bitterly.

This is not humility, it's really just that.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang himself was not sure if he could pick so many elves after using his hole cards.

After all, this is not a small number...Even if the Big Needle Bee, Flying Mantis, and Zhou Jiang's other elves are strong, there are only five elves in total, and it is pretty good to be able to bring down more than 30 elves.

Now there are more than one hundred and fifty left...

If the big needle bee is allowed to dry up, it may be really choking, maybe only if all the points are used up to have a chance, right?

It's all right now, the support is here, and finally there is no need to worry about anything.

Although the number of elves is still seriously insufficient compared with the opposite, it is much better than before.

At least there is no need to fight alone, right?

Moreover, this batch of reinforcements still exists unexpectedly. If it is delayed until the real reinforcements come, then there is really nothing to be afraid of in this situation.

Now they counted it down. There were more than a hundred elves brought back. With the "real" reinforcements, then the number of elves in one fell swoop would surpass that of the Rockets.

Regardless of other things, when it comes down, they can crush each other just by the number of elves.

On Zhou Jiang's side, the other prosecutors shouted and rushed out, leaving him, Zhang Kaijunsha, and the hostess alone.

The two Miss Junsha talked together, while Zhang Kai was standing next to Zhou Jiang.

"By the way, Uncle Lin, let me introduce it to you." Zhou Jiang suddenly reacted, Zhang Kai was still next to him, and quickly said to him.

After a minute of giving them a brief introduction, the two shook hands and met.

He looked at Lin Hai solemnly when he heard that Lin Hai was a retired prosecutor.

After retiring, he can come back to help when the league has something to do. It is worth his friendship.

"By the way, Zhang, you..."

"What the old Zhang and Zhang, call me Big Brother Zhang!"

"..." Zhou Jiang looked at Zhang Kai speechlessly, ah, it was you who forced me to call, and now I regret it?

"Then Brother Zhang...what about your elves? How do I see that there are no high-level heavenly kings in those elves?" Zhou Jiang questioned.

He glanced hurriedly, and found that among the fighting elves, there were no elves that could sweep a whole area like the flying mantis and his big needle bee before, so he asked him.

"High-ranking Heavenly King? Isn't that..." Zhang Kai raised his hand. In his hand was the Elf Ball that had taken the Flying Mantis back...

"Huh? I'm talking about other things! What's the use of Flying Mantis that has lost its fighting ability..." Zhou Jiang looked at him speechlessly.

Even if there is a wound medicine, but this is that the spirit's physical strength is gone, and nothing else. The wound medicine can only speed up the recovery of physical strength, and the bonus is small and pitiful. Basically, after "dead" once, then the spirit No need to think about it.

After all, after being injured, he hasn't fully recovered and then went to fight. There is no fighting strength itself, and it may cause the foundation of the elves to be unstable. It is not impossible that the strength of the future will be difficult to improve.

"Do you think the high-ranking heavenly kings are Chinese cabbage? You think everyone is like you, and you can find a ruin if you are lucky? If you follow normal development, you will not be able to reach the high-ranking heavenly kings at least until you are in your thirties. You still have a lot of resources and your talents are good. I trained this flying mantis to a high rank, do you know how much I spent on it..."

"..." Zhou Jiang said nothing, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Then, besides this flying mantis, how many other heavenly elves do you have?"


"...Nothing?!" Zhou Jiang stared at him: "Are you just an elf in the Heavenly King stage?!"

"To be precise, I brought an elf here..."

"...Or let's run... we can't beat it."



Lin Hai and Zhang Kai looked at Zhou Jiang speechlessly.

"Run? Luckily what you said, don't talk nonsense, take the medicine out and give the elves a little bit. When necessary, even if it may damage the foundation of the elves, you must top it. This place must not be destroyed by the Rockets! "

"Those super-power elves are still looking for hostages in it. If we collapse here and the Rockets get in, then it will be bad. Although the Rockets don’t want to go in and do damage, are you sure? "


Zhou Jiang sighed and didn't refute him, and he couldn't refute it.

He took out a pile of potions from the backpack and threw them to them.

Those prosecutors are still in front, let Zhang Kai divide it by himself.

Zhou Jiang didn't know if the system had any potential to repair things, anyway, he would not mess around.

In the end, the big deal is to let Kirulian pretend to use prayers and then cooperate with the system to restore his elves' physical strength~www.ltnovel.com~ As for his elves to touch them with wound medicine and continue to fight?

Forget it.

Zhou Jiang released all the elves who had taken back the Elf Ball, and sprayed the wounding medicine on them carefully.

Seeing them with bruises all over, Zhou Jiang felt a little uncomfortable.

The elves and the trainer are one body, the trainers help the elves train and improve themselves, and the elves also fight for the trainers.


Think about the various competitions. The elves fought to death. As a result, the trainers didn’t pay much, and they got honor and fame... What the elves got and what the trainers got, there was too much difference. ?

And now...their elves can be said to take their lives to fight with so many elves on the other side, for what?

For themselves? No, for them humans!

They are to protect the face of their prosecutors, so they fight with each other. Do they really have enemies with each other?

For humans, they left their lives and forgot to die. As a result, Zhang Kai said that even if the foundation of the elves was damaged, they would stop the Rockets on the opposite side?


Is this really good?

Suddenly Zhou Jiang began to doubt his life.

People and elves in this world have lived in this world for a long time, so I didn’t realize that there was anything wrong. After all, just ask a person or elves, they will say that the elves should obey the trainer and fight for him. But is this really good?

Elves and humans are together because humans can help them and help them improve their strength, but now for humans, the foundation of elves may be destroyed...

Why do elves have to pay so much for humans?

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