Little Lori raised her head again and looked at Zhou Jiang with big teardrop eyes: "I want to see my big brother, can my big brother... take me in..."


Zhou Jiang looked back at Lu Ran and the others subconsciously, but they didn't say anything, so they looked at Zhou Jiang quietly and motioned for him to make up his mind, and they all followed him.

"..." Zhou Jiang turned to look at Little Lolita, was silent for a moment, and then nodded.

"Okay! Then I'll take you in!"



Zhou Jiang took her hand, and then looked at Zhou Nan and the others: "Are you waiting for me here?"

"OK, go and come back!"


Zhou Jiang took Xiao Lolita by the hand and walked to the guard standing guard: "Can I take her in?"

"..." The guard was silent for a while, looked at the expectant little girl, and then nodded: "Yeah!"

"Thank you."

Zhou Jiang thanked him, and then dragged Lolita to drill under the cordon raised by the guards.

Feeling the sweat from the palm of the little hand that was pulled in, Zhou Jiang smiled slightly: "Don't worry, you will be here soon, your brother must be safe."

"Um... Brother... Brother's voice!"

"Huh?" Before Zhou Jiang asked anything, Little Lori broke away from Zhou Jiang's hand and ran inside.

Zhou Jiang also hurried to catch up, and after turning a corner with her, he saw the prosecutors and a young man over there.

At this time, the young man was talking to the prosecutors constantly, and the prosecutors seemed to be very distressed.

"Brother!" Little Lori screamed, and then ran up.

"Xiao Cui!" The young man who was arguing with the prosecutors also shouted and ran over. The two met halfway and hugged each other.

Hearing Xiao Lori's cry, Zhou Jiang shook his head helplessly.

Without parents, the only thing to rely on, my brother was also kidnapped by the Rockets, too. Which kid would be the same?

And in comparison, she was already considered strong, at least able to wait outside calmly, and after seeing Zhou Jiang and others, she would act cute and "pretend" to be pitiful.

"What happened just now?" Zhou Jiang quietly walked to the side of Zhang Kai not far away and asked.

"We need to take him back for psychological counseling and investigations, but he has been clamoring to go back, and he refuses to say why he wants to see his sister?"

"Well... I heard her say that she has no parents, just this one brother. They should depend on each other."

"...That's it." Zhang Kai nodded.

"Must take it back?"

"Well, this is a rule, don't worry, you won't do anything to them when you take it back, so please bring her with you, anyway, it's just a routine inquiry."

Zhou Jiang nodded: "Then they'll leave it to you, I'm going back, I'm sleepy...ha~" Zhou Jiang yawned, waved his hand and walked away.

Little Lolita’s matter just went smoothly, since it has been resolved now, then he doesn't need to stay here anymore.

"Big brother, thank you!"

Zhou Jiang was taken aback, turned his head and waved to her, and then left from the corner.

Zhang Kai stepped forward and patted the young man on the shoulder. When the young man turned his head and wanted to say something, Zhang Kai said: "You can't walk now, but you can rest assured that we don't need you to do anything. Just make a transcript. That's it, you can also bring your sister on, and it will be done soon."

"Yes! Thank you officer!"

"Nothing, the little girl is very cute, take good care of her." Zhang Kai looked at the little Lolita, slightly lost.

The young man was taken aback, then glanced at Little Lolita and smiled: "Don't worry, police officer, she is a more important existence than my life!"

"That's fine... By the way, there are two more chocolates here, let's give it to you." Then, Zhang Kai took out from his pocket the snack Zhou Jiang had given him before leaving and handed it to Little Lolita.

Little Lori looked at Xiang Youth, and after the youth nodded, she stretched out her hand to Zhang Kai's big open hand somewhat timidly.

"Thanks... thank you uncle~"

"Uncle...uncle..." Zhang Kai was taken aback, and then smiled bitterly: "Yes, it's been so many years, I'm old too..."

"You go there and sit for a while, there may be a delay here."

"Yes, thank you, police officer!" The young man bent over to thank Zhang Kai.

"It's nothing, you guys go to rest first, I'm going to be busy too..."

Zhang Kai waved his hand, and then asked a staff member here before getting into the building.


"Sent it?" Zhou Nan asked when Zhou Jiang came out.

"Nonsense!" Before Zhou Jiang said anything, Xu Feng, who was standing next to Zhou Nan, couldn't help but vomit: "Isn't it sold if it wasn't delivered?"

"..." Zhou Nan was speechless and autistic.

"Okay, they are sent over, there is nothing wrong with Lao Zhang covering them." Zhou Jiang nodded to them: "Let's It's all over at last, go back and go back~" Zhou Jiang Shaking his shoulders and talking.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the reporters next to him. They all stood there obediently, and didn't rush to take pictures anymore... Zhou Jiang was a little confused. What happened when I left?

Lu Ran and the others came here in two cars. After all, they were from a wealthy family, and there were still quite a few cars.

Eleven people can still get in with a squeeze.

Zhou Jiang and the others squeezed one each. After some tossing, they still sat down. After returning home, Zhou Jiang and the other boys went to take a bath.

Zhou Jiang now feels exhausted as soon as he relaxes, especially soaking in that huge bathhouse...

The feeling of soaking the body with warm water...

Zhou Jiang almost didn't hold it, and was finally soaked in a daze. Finally, Zhou Nan and the others helped him back to the room. After arriving in the room, he fell asleep on the bed.

Zhou Nan and Xu Feng shrugged helplessly when seeing Zhou Jiang seconds lying down, and after changing the quilt, they went out.

"Are you leaving? Don't take a rest here?"

The two of them heard what Lu Ran said in the living room as soon as they got there. When she walked in, Mrs. Lin held Coco, who was already asleep, standing beside Lin Hai.

"No, we won't bother you. We drove over and will be home soon. I also want to thank you for taking care of Cocoa. I will come to visit when I have time."

After being polite, Lin Hai and the others still had to leave. Lu Ran had no choice but to send them off and left.

After sending away the three members of Lin Hai's family, they all sat on the sofa and watched TV. What they watched is nothing but the live broadcast of other TV stations!

TV stations from neighboring cities came to live broadcast overnight. The professionalism is really amazing...

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