I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 472: Resolutely...for nothing?

The next day, Zhou Jiang was awake from starvation...

After looking at the shops around, Zhou Nan and the others were already up.

Lying in the bed, thinking about what happened yesterday...

Ten minutes later, he got dressed and went out to wash. After washing, he went to the living room. Over there, Zhou Nan and the others had finished their breakfast and were playing animal chess...

"Here? Your breakfast is on the table, sandwiches and yogurt. Just eat some."

Zhou Jiang glanced at the table, then nodded.

Sit down on the sofa, picked up the sandwiches and looked at them: "I should be able to challenge the gym today, are you going?"

"Go, why not!" Chen Yongan raised his head and said, and the others nodded.

Zhou Jiang nodded and expressed his understanding: "Let's go in the afternoon. People may not be there in the morning."

"Okay." They responded and continued to play chess. Zhou Jiang took the sandwich and milk and walked over to watch them play.

After eating and washing his hands and feeding the elves food, Zhou Jiang also joined their chess team and played until lunch.

For lunch, the previous housekeeper came to call them, Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan went to bring the food, and Zhou Jiang called the elves who were training.

After eating lunch for more than half an hour, after eating, after a 20-minute rest, everyone got up and went to the gym.

"Be sure to get the badge today!"

In order to save time, several people no longer take the boat, but drive there. Of course, saving time is one aspect, and the other is that several people have already passed by the waterway once by boat, even if they want to go by boat. Somewhere else?

When they walked in, the young lady behind the counter was bowing her head and sorting things on the table, so she didn't see a few people.

Zhou Jiang knocked on the counter: "Hello, I'm here to challenge the gym. Your master is here today?"

"I'm sorry, our museum owner is not here, you...eh?" The young lady replied and raised her head: "You are Mr. Zhou Jiang, we..."

"Wait, wait, the curator isn't there yet?!" Zhou Jiang was stunned. Didn't things get done yesterday? The Rockets are done. Are you a museum owner yet? You really think you are a prosecutor!

The responsibility of the museum owner is only to accept the challenge of the trainer, protect the city, and support the prosecutor when necessary.

The result is not finished yet? !

"Um... Although our museum owner is not there, she asked me to pass the badge to you." As she said, Miss Sister took out a box from the drawer. After opening it, a commemorative badge of the water system hall appeared in front of everyone.



Zhou Jiang was a little confused, Zhou Nan and the others behind him were also confused. Look at me and I will see you.

"Um... I want to ask, does she have anything else to explain besides asking you to give me the badge?"

"Well... there seems to be there, I think about it..."

"Ah, yes!" Miss sister gave a sudden stop: "The curator said that you should not care about it, she recognized you..."




Zhou Jiang was a little speechless, but he wasn't a hypocritical person. He had to say that he would only get the badge if he defeated the opponent himself.

For him, the meaning of the battle is to make the elves stronger and gain points and other rewards.

Although it was a pity that the original fragments could not be obtained, Zhou Jiang said that it didn't matter.

The elimination of these Rockets activities brought Zhou Jiang a lot of money.

The number of points gained by defeating the Rockets is quite a bit, and the rewards obtained after the event is over, even the number of original fragments has changed to more than two hundred, and the number of modified cards has been increased a lot, but they are all elementary.

Zhou Jiang stretched out his hand, took the badge that Miss Sister handed over, put it in the badge box, and then thanked Miss Sister.


"Ahhhhhhh! As a result, the competition is still nothing compared." Walking out of the aquarium, Zhou Nan sighed.

"No way, after all, the owner of the museum is not there, but forget it, just get the badge. If you play here for a few days or leave tomorrow? Next city."

"We can go anytime. It's up to you to decide. After all, you challenged the gymnasium. I just want to know, Master Lu Ran, do you want to continue traveling with us?" Xu Feng looked at Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie.

They had already gone back to practice, but now they are worried about the safety of a few people and arrived here. Now they have to go to the next city. Should they go back?

Xu Feng asked the idea at once, and a few people stopped there to watch Lu Ran.



"I think... Shall we be traveling for a while?" Chen Yongan said.

"Uh... Nei..." Seeing everyone looking at him, Chen Yongan suddenly became a little nervous: "Nei, don't we have to learn strange powers from Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee, we haven't learned yet. By the side of Big Needle Bee, can't it be learned faster with Big Needle Bee teaching? Right, right?"

"That's right... My little fire monkey hasn't learned how to weird power yet!" Lu Ran nodded~www.ltnovel.com~ Her little fire monkey was taken at home before. The quality is good, but because she was just born. For more than a month, so the level and so on are not very high, although I have learned the strange power from the big needle bee before, but I have not learned much.

After all, even the normal version of the strange power is not easy to learn, let alone this "evolutionary version".

Well, the strange power of Naruto can be regarded as an evolutionary version of the strange power of the elves.

Although Naruto's strange power can't last, the damage can be high, while the wizard's is the opposite.

If the damage is high, it can be controlled slowly, and the damage will be reduced to achieve the effect of the monster power in the wizard world, but the monster power in the wizard world is somewhat difficult to become the monster power in the Naruto world.

After all, although they all increase strength, one increases more, one increases less, and more can be used slowly, and then achieves the effect of extending the time, but less can not, or it is difficult to achieve the effect of increasing damage by reducing the time. ,.

Give a chestnut.

Spend money, there are ten dollars.

One way is to give you ten dollars on the first day and spend ten days. Then you can decide whether to spend ten yuan at a time or one a day.

And the other one? Give you one dollar a day, you have no choice but to spend one dollar a day, or do you save the next day?

If you want to achieve the first effect of spending ten yuan at a time, it will take up to ten days...

I was starving to death...

Switch to the real elf battle.

The Big Needle Bee can achieve the direct transformation of the monster power between the wizard world and the Naruto world through training.

Although the Elf World can also spend time "saving money" to achieve the effect of Naruto World's strange power, but on the battlefield, you are "saving money" and others will not attack you?

A long attack comes and beats you directly...

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