"It's alright, you two." Jiang Shui stood up to stop the two of them from arguing, and then looked not far away: "There are also Yusanjia bento over there. Would you like to buy some to eat?"


When Zhou Nan and Zhou Jiang heard the Yusanjia Bento, they immediately turned their heads.

The Yusanjia bento was bought when they were traveling. The taste is really memorable. Even Zhou Jiang, who is a bit picky, is very concerned about the bento.

I was busy with a lot of things before, and I forgot that there was this thing. Now that Jiang Shui said that, his saliva almost flowed out.

"Walk around! Go and buy!" Zhou Jiang grabbed Zhou Nan's hand and ran towards that way.

This time, he wants to purchase in large quantities!

Anyway, there is a space ring that can be stored unlimitedly, and he is not afraid that the lunch box will be broken.

"what happened to him?"

Looking at Zhou Jiang who was excited, Jiang Shui was still a little confused.

She just wanted to divert Zhou Nan’s attention, but Zhou Jiang...

"Sa~ who knows." Xu Feng shrugged and followed, and the other people walked over there as well.

"Boss, a little fire dragon bento!"

After paying the money, Zhou Jiang couldn't wait to tore off Little Fire Dragon's head and took out a steaming sandwich from it.

Smelling the long-lost familiar taste, Zhou Jiang's mouth directly secreted a bunch of saliva...

After Zhou Jiang took out a sandwich, Zhou Nan also reached in and took out a sandwich. After smelling the smell, Zhou Nan swallowed the sandwich in two or three mouthfuls.

Zhou Jiang took a slight bite, his eyes lit up!

I thought it would be better with the one in J City, but it turned out to be even better than the Yusanjia Bento I ate in J City!

"Is it really so delicious?" Chen Yongan who came from behind asked puzzledly.

Zhou Jiang didn't answer, but passed the body of the little fire dragon with his head in his hand.

They hadn’t eaten it, so naturally they didn’t know the deliciousness, but after smelling the scent in the air and the expressions of the two of them, he could not help but reach out for a sandwich, let alone Xu Feng and Lu Ran, how did they May be missed?


"How is it?" Seeing Chen Yongan's shocked look, Jiang Shui asked several people.

Although they all departed from City J, they have never been to the train station there, let alone eat Yusanjia Bento.

"It's delicious!" Chen Yongan gave a thumbs up, and then put the sandwich into his mouth three or two times.

"It's really so delicious..." Seeing Chen Yongan's appearance, Jiang Shui murmured.

"Hahaha, little girl, I ate my old man's Yusanjia bento, but no one said it was unpalatable~" Seeing their doubts, the stall owner laughed.

Jiang Shui and the others nodded and took a sandwich...

Within five minutes, a "little fire dragon" was eaten by them.

"Boss, I want all the Yusanjia Bentos here!"


The boss's smile froze directly, and then he looked at Zhou Jiang in shock.

He thought he would buy a few more, but it turned out all of a sudden? !

"Yes, all! I want as much as I want!" Zhou Jiang nodded affirmatively.

Don't be a pity for such a delicious Yusanjia Bento.

There are three flavors of Yusanjia Bento, each with its own flavor, plus the large space ring space, you can splurge whatever you want.

"If this Yusanjia bento is cold, it will not be as delicious as what you are eating now, and we have a lot of them here, at least more than 300, are you sure you want them?" The old man was still kind, and reminded Zhou Jiang. a bit.

"Yes, as much as you want!"

"Okay! Wait a minute!"

The old man was overjoyed, then he took out his cell phone to call someone.

At most, the old man can put more than fifty bento boxes in this stall. With so many, naturally he can only call people.

After the phone call, Zhou Jiang first put away the lunch from the old man's stall, and put it in the space backpack and put it in the ring.

Of course, in order to make the old man feel at ease, Zhou Jiang had already transferred more than half of the money to him first, and the subsequent money would wait until the later goods arrived.

"Buy so much?" Wang Qingyan asked softly.

"Well, don't worry, there is a ring, it will not deteriorate, and this thing is so delicious, only Zhou Nan and I can fix them."

Wang Qingyan nodded and said nothing.

It didn't take long for a young man to drive over in a small pickup truck. There were several incubators behind the pickup truck.


The young man yelled to the old man, and then looked at several people in Zhou Jiang: "Hello, are you the guests of Sanjia Bento?"

"Yes, it's us, first count the goods so I can pay?"

The young man nodded, and then threw the poke ball, and a wrist appeared beside him.

"Wrist strength, let's unload the goods, I will trouble you."


Wrist nodded, jumped to the pickup with a light leap, and moved the incubator down one by one.

A total of sixteen large boxes ~www.ltnovel.com~ each box contains 20 Yusanjia bento.

After Zhou Jiang gave the remaining money, he packed the lunch box into his backpack, exchanged the box for them, and said goodbye to them.

After bidding farewell to the old men and them, Zhou Jiang and the others found a quiet place to spread a blanket and sit down to eat.

As for what to eat, it is naturally the Yusanjia bento I just bought.

The ice-cold milk tea is paired with a warm sandwich. It really feels like an indescribable one.

After eating and feeding the elves, they took a small rest for a while and then everyone went on the road. The rest of the way to City I was full of forests, and there were a lot of insect-type elves and ordinary insects, but everyone Well prepared, it's worth it.

As long as there are no accidents, a few people will be able to arrive at City I at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

One afternoon, Zhou Jiang and the others walked a lot, and finally stopped somewhere in the forest that was flat and open.

They will be stationed here in the evening.

Before on the train, due to the limited space, the elves were not able to let them move. At noon, they could only move their muscles and bones, but now they can move freely.

Zhou Jiang now has two elves teaching.

One is a big needle bee, and the other is a vine snake.

The Big Needle Bee still teaches the skill of Weird Power, while the Qingvine Snake teaches them a sunny day!

Weather skills are difficult to learn, but the improvement of their strength after learning will be significant.

Like Lu Ran's fire elves, they are very suitable for studying on a sunny day!

Not to mention the fact that it can dispel rain, and it can also increase the damage of the fire element. It is very suitable for them, and the fire element can still learn the sun and flames. With the help of a sunny day, they can learn and use with half the effort!

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