On the other side of the temporary station, the elves were training. Among Zhou Jiang, Jiang Shui was cooking while the others were sitting and resting.

Jiang Shui replaced Xu Feng's cooking position a long time ago. After all, she really made up her mind to be a breeder, so let's not talk about elves' food, people's food must be done well, right?

After asking Xu Feng and Lu Ran, who know how to cook, her cooking was not bad, and then it was her own efforts.

As long as you practice more and think more, your skill proficiency will always go up.

After eating, Zhou Nan and the others were not idle either, and after a short rest, they started the elves duel.

In order to make the game a little more interesting, they didn't use their own elves, but together put some elves of similar level into the goals, put them in the box and everyone went in to catch them.

What do you catch?

In this way, the game is also fun, and the elves and their commanders are also trained.

The six of Zhou Jiang and the others participated in the competition, just because the river did not play.

And for more fun, they are still playing 3V3 group battle...

Everyone participating in the competition has to produce an elf, but if the strength gap is too large, other people can help out. Fortunately, there is an Ibrahimovic among the many elves in Zhoujiang, which is suitable. It has not been modified yet. It was only level nineteen, which was similar to Xu Feng's non-main elves.

Six elves, including Zhou Jiang’s Ibrahimovic, Zhou Nan’s Bibi Bird, Xu Feng’s Hair Ball, Wang Qingyan’s Mini Ice, Chen Yong’an’s Mosquito Incense Tadpoles, and Li Linghui’s Mushrooms.

In terms of team formation, Zhou Jiang, Chen Yongan and Li Linghui will be in a team of three, and the other three will be in another team.

Finding an open place, the two sides stood up, and then the river as the referee walked to the middle.

"Both sides are in place... the game begins!"

After Jiang Shui quickly retreated, the six people threw the poke ball at the same time.

Since they didn't know what elves they caught, everyone had to rely on their performance on the spot.

Zhou Jiang got Xu Feng’s hair ball, Zhou Nan was Zhou Jiang’s Ibrahimovic, Xu Feng was Li Linghui’s mushroom, Wang Qingyan was Cheng Yong’an’s mosquito coil tadpole, Chen Yong’an was Zhou Nan’s Bibi Bird, and Li Linghui was Wang Qingyan's mini ice.

"Maoqiu, sleeping fan!" After seeing that it was Maoqiu, Zhou Jiang called out the order directly.

The elves had long known that this was training, so Mao Qiu didn't resist Zhou Jiang's order and turned directly, and then emitted a lot of shining powder.

Although the hair ball is a bug type wizard, it is indeed quite strong.

First of all, a three fans, as long as there is no flying or big elves on the opposite side, the trouble will be very high.

Unfortunately, there are no large-sized elves in it, and the only flying elves were also obtained by teammate Chen Yongan.

Moreover, the characteristic of this hair ball is compound eyes, which can be observed more clearly and carefully, the hit rate is higher, the enemy's attack can also be seen clearly, and it is easy to dodge.

Moreover, the hair ball is small and its jumping ability is not weak, so it is more difficult for the opponent to hit it, and it only needs to sprinkle sleep powder on the opponent...

"Bibi Bird, blow the powder over!"

After Zhou Jiang asked Mao Qiu to sprinkle the sleeping powder, Chen Yongan also immediately gave instructions to make Bibi Niao blow the powder toward the opposite side.

The spread of sleep powder in normal conditions is naturally extremely slow, but if it is driven by wind, it will be different.

"Ibrahimovic, shake the sand!"

Ibrahimovic is now much more lively than before, and they are familiar with Zhou Nan, and will not resist their orders.

The moment Zhou Nan gave the order, Ibrahimovic turned around and kicked his hind limbs toward the opposite side, and immediately countless grains of sand were lifted by it.

In order to ensure that the sleeping powder will not be blown too loosely, the Bibi bird’s wings are not swung very fast, so the sand particles raised by Ibrahimovic are not too blown out of shape.

After the sand barrier was raised, the mushrooms and mosquito-repellent tadpoles hid behind Ibrahimovic, while the sleeping powder was mixed with the sand and blown away by the wind, even if it fell on them, it would be fine.

"Good job! Ibrahimovic!" Zhou Nan was quite excited when he blocked the opponent's attack. After all, in his eyes, Zhou Jiang was a very strong presence, and it was amazing to be able to block his attack...

"Mini ice, freezing wind!"

Li Linghui seized the opportunity and ordered directly.

Now Mao Qiu's sleeping fan is still flying towards the opposite side, and the opposite side has been hiding behind the sand wall and it is difficult to counterattack, so that the court can freely attack her mini ice without pressure!

Although the freezing wind will destroy a little sleep powder, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if the sleep powder goes on like this. It’s estimated that the hair ball will have to face the face to be able to eat the powder. After all, the powder thing is abnormal, but the hit rate Still not good.

This is not a game. There are many ways to avoid in the real world. Special attacks such as flame jets can be eliminated as long as they have a larger range~www.ltnovel.com~ Now it is only a few people with a low level of elves, none What wide range of skills to learn.

Not to mention the mushrooms, just a flying blade sharp knife can barely resist, while the mosquito coil tadpoles have no other skills to resist except the water gun.

However, just looking at the size of the mosquito-repellent-repellent-repellent tadpole can tell that the water gun is 80% useless even with the water gun.

Do you use that small water gun to resist a large piece of sleeping powder?

I was thinking of fart.

"Mosquito coil tadpoles, run!" Wang Qingyan ordered and shouted.

To be honest, this lineup is very unfavorable for them.

Mushroom vs. Bibi Bird, except for a hit and a super draw, other skills are restrained by the blood mother.

And this thing moves very slowly...

In the melee, it is almost equivalent to a living target, and only after it has evolved into a mushroom, this thing becomes stronger.

On their side, Ibrahimovic has the fastest moving speed, but Ibrahimovic has to block the attack of the sleeping fans on the opposite side, otherwise the mushrooms will fall, and a fairy will fall down two to three. This is definitely **** difficulty. So Ibrahimovic can only abandon maneuvering and take the lead in protecting the mushrooms.

Fortunately, the other side also wants two elves to start the sleep fan, otherwise they still have to give it for nothing.

Although the mosquito-repellent tadpoles are not moving fast, at this time they can only rely on it to break the deadlock.

But fortunately, what Wang Qingyan needs to face is Mini Ice, and that Mini Ice is her spirit. She knows some of the habits of Mini Ice very well. As long as she seizes the opportunity, defeating the opponent is not impossible.

Wang Qingyan vs. Li Linghui, the two sides can be said to be fighting again after a long absence.

When Zhou Jiang met them, they were fighting against each other. Sure enough, it was fate's arrangement?

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